Hip Hop vs. Rap

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CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I, worryingly enough, do understand your stupidity but that doesn't take away from the fact that you're wrong.

Fuck it. Buy the fucking book.

Put your money to good use, otherwise you might end up purchasing country music or some shit thinking that it's some other genre of music.....
Seriously you're clearly a fucking comedian I suggest you go out on the circuit and expose the world to your talents.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
The sad thing is, I wasn't kidding, I as genuinely trying to help you out.

In nicer terms then, will you please buy the book that Pittsey recommended?
Read back closely over our posts again, was I really wrong?
I completely agree that both hip-hop & rap have distinguishing features.

But by agreeing with Jason's original post, you've led me to believe that you do not see hip-hop & rap as they are;

Hip-hop is the culture, rap is a part of that culture.

That is the difference. Plain & simple.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I completely agree that both hip-hop & rap have distinguishing features.

But by agreeing with Jason's original post, you've led me to believe that you do not see hip-hop & rap as they are;

Hip-hop is the culture, rap is a part of that culture.

That is the difference. Plain & simple.
Okay now I feel we are embarking on a constructive dialogue. I agree that Hip-Hop is the "culture" however Rap and Hip-Hop do have particular features particular to themselves. That is my point and I believe that's what Jason was trying to say aswell.
Pittsey said:
As you lot still don't seem to get it. They are not 2 genres of music!!! Hip-hop isn't music. Here's a book.


If this isn't any good just go on any retail site and search for a history of hip-hop, or try google.
I never said myself that hip hop and rap are two different genres.

To me, "hip hop" describes the lighter songs and "rap" describes the harder songs.

Which is why I said Changes is "hip hop" and "Street Fame" I'd label as rap.

Thing is, I'm in several rap forums all over the net and I've noticed that EVERYONE has a different opinion as to what "rap" means and what "hip hop" means, which is why I haven't really cared what a lot of people in here calling me an idiot have to say. It's obvious to me that rap fans in general have differing opinions as to the definition of each term.
Well if you agree hip-hop is the culture, & I'm assuming you recognize rap as one of it's elements, then that's all there is to it.

Sure, there are people who believe rap is a song about gangsters & shit while a hip-hop song is one of the struggles of black people, but not only are these people usually uneducated when it comes to hip-hop, they are also inherently wrong
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Well if you agree hip-hop is the culture, & I'm assuming you recognize rap as one of it's elements, then that's all there is to it.

Sure, there are people who believe rap is a song about gangsters & shit while a hip-hop song is one of the struggles of black people, but not only are these people usually uneducated when it comes to hip-hop, they are also inherently wrong
Well, I've been on various message boards for the past 8 years and one thing I've learned about message boards is...anyone that doesn't agree with someone else's opinion is "wrong".

Everyone has their own beliefs and definitions and sadly on the net, more often than not, if you don't agree, you're labeled "wrong".


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
jason_g_718 said:
I never said myself that hip hop and rap are two different genres.

To me, "hip hop" describes the lighter songs and "rap" describes the harder songs.

Which is why I said Changes is "hip hop" and "Street Fame" I'd label as rap.

Thing is, I'm in several rap forums all over the net and I've noticed that EVERYONE has a different opinion as to what "rap" means and what "hip hop" means, which is why I haven't really cared what a lot of people in here calling me an idiot have to say. It's obvious to me that rap fans in general have differing opinions as to the definition of each term.

Everyone may have an opinion, but that doesn't mean that rap and hip-hop are opinions. Hip-hop is the culture, rap is speaking poetic words. That is the answer. It's not open to opinion.
I wouldn't call you an idiot because the media has blurred these lines and a lot of people are in the opinion that hip-hop is a form of music. But the truth is hip-hop is not a description of music.
Pittsey said:
Everyone may have an opinion, but that doesn't mean that rap and hip-hop are opinions. Hip-hop is the culture, rap is speaking poetic words. That is the answer. It's not open to opinion.
I wouldn't call you an idiot because the media has blurred these lines and a lot of people are in the opinion that hip-hop is a form of music. But the truth is hip-hop is not a description of music.
and when we speak of hip hop we are talking about those who represent the culture...and not the ones who are using one of the elements ( rap ) on pop records to make money
Jason, don't lump me in with those who just snap instantly & tell others they're wrong. I did agree with part of what was said & did give reasons for what I posted.

What Pittsey just said is right. Opinions can't come into something that is fact. You are entitled to an opinion, but if that opinion opposes facts then you are wrong, & I will tell you that whether you like it or not.
Pittsey said:
Everyone may have an opinion, but that doesn't mean that rap and hip-hop are opinions. Hip-hop is the culture, rap is speaking poetic words. That is the answer. It's not open to opinion.
I wouldn't call you an idiot because the media has blurred these lines and a lot of people are in the opinion that hip-hop is a form of music. But the truth is hip-hop is not a description of music.
I agree with you that hip hop is not a description of music, but it has be come one.

"This ain't what I'm in hip hop for/ it's not why I got in it".

Even rappers themselves refer to hip hop as "hip hop music". So, does that mean the artists are as "uninformed" as others?

Personally, I cringe when people say shit like "oh...dude...California Love is an awesome hip hop song".

I just want to yank that person by the neck and say "it's not 'hip hop', it's called rap".
jason_g_718 said:
I agree with you that hip hop is not a description of music, but it has be come one.

"This ain't what I'm in hip hop for/ it's not why I got in it".

Even rappers themselves refer to hip hop as "hip hop music". So, does that mean the artists are as "uninformed" as others?

Personally, I cringe when people say shit like "oh...dude...California Love is an awesome hip hop song".

I just want to yank that person by the neck and say "it's not 'hip hop', it's called rap".
no ur mistaken ask eminem write him a fuckin letter jason..he is talking about the culture...sadly enough...u dont seem to wanna believe what im tellin ya..when i asked you to check big pooh u told me to get da hell outta here...dude if u was a real hiphop fan u would have checked it out...

but no once again u have proven to be a eminem groupie

And people obviously mis use the word hiphop simply cuz others mis use t and thats how you ( still wonder how u cannot know this) got confused...


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Hurts said:
And people obviously mis use the word hiphop simply cuz others mis use it and thats how you ( still wonder how u cannot know this) got confused...

The media done it. When rap invaded the pop chart. Misrepresenting by TRL presenters and Teeny bop magazines.
And yeah I think Eminem was on about the culture, sorry.
yeah I think so too...the media has so much influence on us people...we dont even notice the power they have...sometimes they even abuse their powers to force on things ...but in this case i agree with pittsey
Hurts said:
no ur mistaken ask eminem write him a fuckin letter jason..he is talking about the culture...sadly enough...u dont seem to wanna believe what im tellin ya..when i asked you to check big pooh u told me to get da hell outta here...dude if u was a real hiphop fan u would have checked it out...

but no once again u have proven to be a eminem groupie

And people obviously mis use the word hiphop simply cuz others mis use t and thats how you ( still wonder how u cannot know this) got confused...
You spend post after post, literally stalking me on this board, I have noticed there is LITERALLY not a time of day where I make a post and you're repyling 30 seconds later.

You criticize me every chance you get then PM me with "listen to this" and say "I'm just playing with you in the forum", and you honestly can't understand why I want nothing to do you with you?

Get a fucking life, get off your computer and go do something.

Like I said, 2 months from now you'll be banned and I won't be replying to you anymore.
jason_g_718 said:
You spend post after post, literally stalking me on this board, I have noticed there is LITERALLY not a time of day where I make a post and you're repyling 30 seconds later.

You criticize me every chance you get then PM me with "listen to this" and say "I'm just playing with you in the forum", and you honestly can't understand why I want nothing to do you with you?

Get a fucking life, get off your computer and go do something.

Like I said, 2 months from now you'll be banned and I won't be replying to you anymore.
well if thats how u feel about it...thats cool...but do remember that i fuckin skooled u in this thread and that if u wanna see this as some sort of competition which i must say i hope u dont...i fuckin crushed you lol....dont take this too literal..

And yeah im speaking the truth most of the time im just playing with ya...and as a fan im still askin you to check big pooh and little brother out..cuz if there is ne thing u could learn from me..its opening ur ears...open ur fuckin ears to some other hiphop..its ok to say it like this right cuz u do now know what it means...rite?...lol

kinda feel sorry for you..i was right all the time...and im on fuckin probation i should shut my mouth for ppl like u so i wont get banned..lol...fuck that shit...

And obviously i tried to approach u on a mature way...cuz i didnt PM you to tell you how much i love you or hate you...was there ne hate in my PM to you?....

Man...and i admit i might wanna think twice about the words im usin and if it looks offensive or not..but ya know...trying to catch ur attention seems to be a bit hard as my posts in this and other threads have seemed to be ignored by you...for example that jean grae thread which was unfortunately a bit late..but cool...i first posted that 4 u in ur suge knight thread so we could talk about that as hiphop fans...cuz most underground rappers are being ignored..and you dont know shit yet..cuz ur not signed so how can u be ignored? you still need to get ur shit out...and again im proving how u dont know shit of what ur talking about...cmon man lets be real...u have been listenin to rap for 21 years...but u cant tell the difference between rap and hiphop?...am I wrong when i say that looks like sum bullshit ?...be honest man...im givin u the truth...wether u like it or not...
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