Hip Hop vs. Rap

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arabic187 said:
You've been a hip hop "sorry rap fan" since 1980 as you claim "if am not mistaking" and you claim that rappers never mention hip hop untill the 90's?
*Roll Eyes*
roll your eyes all you want. Keep in mind that when I was a kid, until I was like 14 or 15, the only access I even had to rap news or anything like that, was whatever MTV did. My parents have always hated rap, I was lucky they even bought me shit like "On and On" by the Fat Boys or "He's the DJ, I'm The Rapper". Shit, they didn't even want to buy me any MC Hammer shit in the late 80's/early 90's.

And the only friends I had that listened to rap were the friends in my grandma's neighborhood in Detroit. We went out there about 3 or 4 times a week, but only for like 2 or 3 hours at a time. And, I grew up in the middleclass suburbs, NO kids around me where I lived listened to rap. That was the biggest reason I was picked on as a kid. Everyone else was listening to White Snake, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister and all that shit. I was going to school with Fat Boys tapes, Young MC, LL Cool J, Fresh Prince, MC Hammer, Beastie Boys and everyone made fun of me for it. Got my ass kicked a few times for listening to Young MC.

Bottom line is, anyone in here is free to say anything they want about me. But, no matter what you say, 3 things will never change:

1. None of you know me
2. I simply don't give a shit
3. I ain't gonna quit rapping
THA WILD said:
LMFAO The first words in Rapper's Delight were "Hip-Hop..."
Dude, I haven't listened to that song since I was like fucking 6. 21 years ago.

Maybe I did hear the term and I just never paid attention to it. Either way, don't matter anymore.

I asked a question that I worded completely wrong. Knowing that everyone in here jumps on anyone they can at the first chance they get, I'm not even going to try to re-ask my question cuz y'all have no clue what I was trying to even get at.

You're done. You have made a fool of yourself too many times. People have admitted to you sending them PM's claiming how great eminem is i.e being on his dick..

Youre a fag. You got no clue man. Mr "i think hip hop is nelly and chingy" lmao.. shut up loser before you embarrass yourself some more.
MC mufasa said:

You're done. You have made a fool of yourself too many times. People have admitted to you sending them PM's claiming how great eminem is i.e being on his dick..

Youre a fag. You got no clue man. Mr "i think hip hop is nelly and chingy" lmao.. shut up loser before you embarrass yourself some more.
*monotone voice* Oh...you have so showed me you internet thug you.

*eye roll* *yawn*
sugarhill gang opened alot of doors yo...Too bad they made like only 1 real good song LOL...APACHE= GAY AS FUCK .....rappers delight was the only real nice track...or so i think this is all b4 my time...but i check history once in a while...<<<this just proofz the years u been listening dont mean shit jason....

*monotone voice* Oh...you have so showed me you internet thug you.

*eye roll* *yawn*
LOL and what are you? the real internet hiphophead we are all supposed to show respect? Or the rapper who knows so much about rap but never checked illmatic out *ouch*
nah nah its really smaller than that if u feel like its an election thats ya problem..im just statin rite here im not goin to run around this board ne more to reply to every fuckin dumb comment he makes.......* MAKES LIKE TOYSOLDIERS SOUND LALALA* *HOPE JASON UNDERSTANDS WHAT IM SAYING*....

and CUT!

Shot 21

Active Member
I dont see your point of view at all. Especially the part about Changes sounding like a pop song. That song is deep as fuck. I dont think there is rap music. The music genre is hip hop. And rap is what they do. Its just like the music genre is R&B. And singing is what they do. There isnt a sing genre. Rap and sing as different from hip hop and R&B.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Shot 21 said:
I dont see your point of view at all. Especially the part about Changes sounding like a pop song. That song is deep as fuck.

Changes is a pop song.
Doesn't mean you can't like it. And I wouldn't say it was deep.
I like changes, or I did when it came out. But I'm not insecure enough to say it isn't pop, I can like pop songs if I want.
Question for MAKaveli 10;

Are you,

1. Kidding/Using sarcasm

2. Illiterate to the stage you couldn't read any of the previous posts

3. Dumb as FUCK!!

And no, you can't phone a friend.

Attempting to do so will make your answer 3. by default

Shot 21

Active Member
Pittsey said:
Changes is a pop song.
Doesn't mean you can't like it. And I wouldn't say it was deep.
I like changes, or I did when it came out. But I'm not insecure enough to say it isn't pop, I can like pop songs if I want.
How can Changes be a pop song when it actually has feeling and emotion. Pop is the fakest industry out copying other songs word 4 word. Changes is deep cuz its talkin bout poverty and racism. Real life struggles. Not no fucking song about Macdonalds, Pizza Hut and KFC!
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
What you should've said

Nah, me & Jason's situation is smaller than that....

Damn, you're right, my bad
oh oh oh lets pretend you said u felt like it was an election...and now i say...:

nah me & Jason situation is smaller than that...

LMAO@ ur point to that dude..bout him being illiterate


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Shot 21 said:
How can Changes be a pop song when it actually has feeling and emotion. Pop is the fakest industry out copying other songs word 4 word. Changes is deep cuz its talkin bout poverty and racism. Real life struggles. Not no fucking song about Macdonalds, Pizza Hut and KFC!

Read Exodus post below my last one.
Pop music = popular music.
Changes was a song aimed at the mass (pop) audience.
It sold millions of copies worldwide and is owned by girls and boys from 10 years old. Can't get any more pop than that.
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