Hip Hop vs. Rap

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unfortunately it is...man...i wish some mods would come back without having to ban me ^..but just closing the thread man...its ridiculous...the answer was already givin in the 1st reply by rukas...8 pages later this dude still doesnt seem to understand what we are talking about...
Hurts said:
well if thats how u feel about it...thats cool...but do remember that i fuckin skooled u in this thread and that if u wanna see this as some sort of competition which i must say i hope u dont...i fuckin crushed you lol....dont take this too literal..

And yeah im speaking the truth most of the time im just playing with ya...and as a fan im still askin you to check big pooh and little brother out..cuz if there is ne thing u could learn from me..its opening ur ears...open ur fuckin ears to some other hiphop..its ok to say it like this right cuz u do now know what it means...rite?...lol

kinda feel sorry for you..i was right all the time...and im on fuckin probation i should shut my mouth for ppl like u so i wont get banned..lol...fuck that shit...

And obviously i tried to approach u on a mature way...cuz i didnt PM you to tell you how much i love you or hate you...was there ne hate in my PM to you?....

Man...and i admit i might wanna think twice about the words im usin and if it looks offensive or not..but ya know...trying to catch ur attention seems to be a bit hard as my posts in this and other threads have seemed to be ignored by you...for example that jean grae thread which was unfortunately a bit late..but cool...i first posted that 4 u in ur suge knight thread so we could talk about that as hiphop fans...cuz most underground rappers are being ignored..and you dont know shit yet..cuz ur not signed so how can u be ignored? you still need to get ur shit out...and again im proving how u dont know shit of what ur talking about...cmon man lets be real...u have been listenin to rap for 21 years...but u cant tell the difference between rap and hiphop?...am I wrong when i say that looks like sum bullshit ?...be honest man...im givin u the truth...wether u like it or not...
Man...I keep saying I ain't replying anymore to posts from you and then you fuckin' pull me back in.

First of all, I don't know what you think you "schooled" me on, but whatever. If you thinking whatever it is you think helps you live life easier, fine with me. I don't know you and you don't impact my life, think what you want.

As for what I do and don't respond to, I respond to what I have a comment for. My not taking you seriously has nothing to do with "not wanting to expand" the base of rap music I listen to. It has to do with the fact that I see you to be a fucking clown. You want the real? I'm giving it to you. Why would I take anything you post for me seriously? You can't even put a proper sentence together with correct punctuation or spelling or even word things properly

There are several people on this forum I have observed and would jump to listen to a link they provide for me. You are not one of those people. I don't talk about Jean Grae because I couldn't care less. What don't you understand about that? You think because people won't just listen to anything, or because they may not take your advice on something or like something the same as you, they just must not know what they're talking about.

Either way, I'm done here.
someone tell jason to give up..

give up mate. like someone else said . your finished, no one respects your opinions, stop posting them. you'v clowned yourslef in the majority of your post's
Frank Grimes said:
someone tell jason to give up..

give up mate. like someone else said . your finished, no one respects your opinions, stop posting them. you'v clowned yourslef in the majority of your post's
Actually, you obviously didn't scroll back too far. I'm pretty sure we have all come to understand each other. Thanks to Zero Cool, what I originally wanted to say was worded perfectly by him.

As for respect..*busts out laughing* Respect isn't even an issue in regards to people I don't know. Especially someone I don't know on the internet. Who the fuck you think you are?

LMAO @ "you're finished", that was the funniest one.
Jason, I don't want to get into an argument but you're forever replying to posts mentioning how you don't care about respect, but surely you have some pride.

I mean, I'm not saying that you have to give a fuck about everything that's said but I know I demand a basic level of respect from people in life, even those I don't know, & although harder to attain on the internet, I would like to think that when people see a post from me they don't automatically think 'clown'.

It's like not only do you get no respect, but posters on this board don't actually take you seriously & think you're opinions are a joke.

Doesn't your pride tell you that you should, through well-though out comments, attempt to be the 'bigger man' & earn respect rather than being clowned.

I don't know how much sense this shit will make to you, & as I've not hated in this post don't come back at me with some 'lol respect? wtf?' comments because I agree respect on here isn't much, but it's better than being mocked at every twist & turn.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Jason, I don't want to get into an argument but you're forever replying to posts mentioning how you don't care about respect, but surely you have some pride.
I do have pride. Tons of it. Matter of fact, I definately break that type of deadly sin often. But I'm definately not concerned about respect from people I don't know and never will know that I met in cyberspace on the computer. Why should I? Why should you?

And what are we arguing about? I thought we had come to agree to disagree. *shrugs*

I mean, I'm not saying that you have to give a fuck about everything that's said but I know I demand a basic level of respect from people in life, even those I don't know, & although harder to attain on the internet, I would like to think that when people see a post from me they don't automatically think 'clown'.
Well, if you need to have respect from people you don't know on the internet, that's fine. I don't. You say you "demand a basic level of respect". Haven't you heard? You have to EARN respect, you don't demand it from people you don't know and whom don't know you.

Like you said, in REAL LIFE I definately look to gain respect from people and yes, in REAL LIFE I do want people to have a good impression of me and not think I'm a clown or what have you. But that's REAL LIFE...not cyberspace where the overwhelming majority never meet and probably never even see a picture of each other.

It's like not only do you get no respect, but posters on this board don't actually take you seriously & think you're opinions are a joke.
No matter what people have said before or what this person or that person thinks about John A. Poster, when someone makes a good post or thread, people can see that. I've had, several times, a person diss me and call me a clown in one post, then 2 days later, he's giving me props on a post. In the end, I'm not here to "impress" anyone, or get respect from anyone or make any "net buddies". I'm here to post my opinion, and when someone makes a post saying something I feel the urge to respond to, I do. Take it for what it's worth.

Doesn't your pride tell you that you should, through well-though out comments, attempt to be the 'bigger man' & earn respect rather than being clowned.
Again, why am I supposed to worried about "being clowned" in a fricking internet discussion forum with a bunch of people I don't know. I just don't get this and I don't understand why you take it so seriously. I have REAL THINGS to take care of and talk about in my real life, I just come here to post my opinions and read yours.

I don't know how much sense this shit will make to you, & as I've not hated in this post don't come back at me with some 'lol respect? wtf?' comments because I agree respect on here isn't much, but it's better than being mocked at every twist & turn
I don't even know where all this this you typed is coming from. I didn't think you had "beef" with me. But whatever though, it's no bother or worry to me.

And again with the mocking shit...mock all you want, like I give a fuck. I mean, if you don't like me as much as you say you dislike me, why not just stop responding to me? I've told you over and over I don't care. I think your persistence that I should care shows a little frustration on your end that I don't.
Simply, I get fed up of seeing arguments (which a lot of the time involve you) & wonder why you keep coming back for more (something which you addressed)

We aren't argueing, I was saying let's not just incase you took what I was saying the wrong way. Plus, I never said I had 'beef' with you, I disagree with quite a lot of your opinions but I never mentioned 'beef'.

Please don't patronise me pieces about impressing people & 'net buddies' for you & I know I mentioned none of that shit.

And you can demand respect, you don't need to earn it. You can take it also (which is usually the part which comes after you've demanded it & they've refused to give it to you).

The best euphenism I can think of for why I posted what I did was you're like a bully victim (I'm not trying to take the piss). And sometimes bully victims can help themselves by altering the way they phrase things & such.

Even though I said this before & you ignored it, don't come back at me with any patronising comments because I haven't hated here, I haven't even used sarcasm.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Simply, I get fed up of seeing arguments (which a lot of the time involve you) & wonder why you keep coming back for more (something which you addressed)
I don't consider any of the conversations I've had on here "arguments". It's all debating and conversation. That's partially what I'm here. But, as I've seen Bank Robber say himself, "the majority of the people on this forum are idiots". There are like 22,000 members here. I'm sure someone here might think you're an idiot. When you have that many people, who cares what John Smith thinks about you?

I just don't get concerned with people who type insults or "clown me". I seriously laugh when people type things like "OWNED!". It's really seriously funny to me. There are people on here I have respect for (i.e. Rukas, Jon, Bank Robber, Hostile Apostle), there are people I look at as clowns and pretty much put no weight into their comments (i.e. Hurts, aban, Militant) and then there are just a bunch of people (the majority) that I don't have an opinion on one way or the other. But at the end of the day, these are still all people that I don't know. There is actually one person on this forum that can affect my rapping career as my single will be up on StreetHop.com soon for sale. Sometime in the coming weeks.

We aren't argueing, I was saying let's not just incase you took what I was saying the wrong way. Plus, I never said I had 'beef' with you, I disagree with quite a lot of your opinions but I never mentioned 'beef'.
Well, if I ever take anything you say the wrong way, just let me know that I did so and explain to me the reality of the situation and all is good. I'm here to share opinions with you and thoughts, not argue about stupid bullshit. And I was using the word "beef" for lack of better words. It was seeming like you had some kind of grudge or something against me. Same as Hurts.

Please don't patronise me pieces about impressing people & 'net buddies' for you & I know I mentioned none of that shit.
See, you can dish it out, but you can't take it. You were the one talking about how you "demand a certain level of respect" even from people on the net. I mocked you a little. After some of the things you've said to me, you're going to reacty to my teasing like that? Pfff...

And you can demand respect, you don't need to earn it. You can take it also (which is usually the part which comes after you've demanded it & they've refused to give it to you).
You're right, you can demand respect...when your name is Michael Jordan or Andre Young or Gordie Howe or Conan O'Brien.

But when you're Joe Schmo...you don't demand respect. Especially when you're Anonymous Joe Blow on the net that nobody knows.

The best euphenism I can think of for why I posted what I did was you're like a bully victim (I'm not trying to take the piss). And sometimes bully victims can help themselves by altering the way they phrase things & such.
LMFAO...OH...my God....I think that is going to go into my signature. That is the funniest shit ever. Man...you really do take this net shit seriously, don't you?

LMAO! Wow! Someone needs to get out and experience real life. talking about people getting bullied on the internet. :D Damn, that shit was funny. Thanks for making me laugh.

Even though I said this before & you ignored it, don't come back at me with any patronising comments because I haven't hated here, I haven't even used sarcasm
Dude, I patronize when you're a dick. I thought we had been getting along fine together, apparently not. You and Hurts, man...I just don't get either one of ya.

I ain't here to "argue" or "beef" dude. But, uh, thanks again for the laugh on that bully comment.
Damn this was a Hip Hop vs Rap thread, but has now become a Jason vs Hurts thread. Can't you guys just pm yourselves instead of being too much off topic Jason? BTW nobody ever told you to stop rapping, you can do whatever you feel like.

jason_g_718 said:
Man...I keep saying I ain't replying anymore to posts from you and then you fuckin' pull me back in.

First of all, I don't know what you think you "schooled" me on, but whatever. If you thinking whatever it is you think helps you live life easier, fine with me. I don't know you and you don't impact my life, think what you want.

As for what I do and don't respond to, I respond to what I have a comment for. My not taking you seriously has nothing to do with "not wanting to expand" the base of rap music I listen to. It has to do with the fact that I see you to be a fucking clown. You want the real? I'm giving it to you. Why would I take anything you post for me seriously? You can't even put a proper sentence together with correct punctuation or spelling or even word things properly

There are several people on this forum I have observed and would jump to listen to a link they provide for me. You are not one of those people. I don't talk about Jean Grae because I couldn't care less. What don't you understand about that? You think because people won't just listen to anything, or because they may not take your advice on something or like something the same as you, they just must not know what they're talking about.

Either way, I'm done here.
First off ignorin jean grae is ok with me u can do that its ur right im just sayin ur missin out one some nice hiphop...see it as an opportunity jason...u fuckin idiot im not forcing you to listen to her music...im just saying ur missing out..now if that wasnt nice from me i dunno...same 4 big pooh..Oh and i thought u didnt take this net shit serious? But you do observe people? you obviously care about what i have to say...cuz u keep quoting me and replying to each and every fuckin post I make in street hop..Even when i didnt even mention ur name...now here is another fact ( i have so many facts now i could make a 2005 net up^) u reply to ne 1 who disagrees with you about eminem..eminem is the only thing u seem to be able to talk about oh and offcourse u can talk about other board members and urself...

Oh and scroll back some pages and read my posts...read a book jason..if u have the money to afford em..IF u actually read some books about hiphop u would have been able to tell the difference between rap and hiphop...This thread only proves that u do not belong here...It's really sad how you keep braggin about ur 21 years of listening experience...u fell flat on ur face in this thread...

So uhh you tell me am i so ''hip hop educated'' or are you just one terrible liar?

Oh dont you think u should check ur own posts of spelling errors b4 u start talking shit about mine?...unlike you i dont speak english all day..

I have my own way of making posts if ur not cool with that quote me and edit em....

Oh and b4 you judge me again...I do not only make bullshit posts the ones u only seem to care about are the bullshit posts...
How can you further your hip hop experience by keeping yourself ignorant from rappers? How do you know that an artist isn't interesting when you keep yourself ignorant from their material? Doesnt make sense.
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