The Top 5 Most Overrated rappers in the industry

5 over rated rappers (no order)

1. Eminem - Some of his stuff is good. But it is blown way out of proportion.

2. 50 Cent - His lyrics are whack. But I can understand why he sells so many records, he basically makes pop music.

3. Jay Z - Lyrics aren't all that. But same as 50, I can understand why he sells so many records.

4. Cam'ron - People I speak to think that he is good, but from what I have heard from him I think he is whack.

5. Mase - Don't like him that much.


Well-Known Member
Saaphir said:
Nas has always been underrated in USA...He's one of american rappers the most respected in Europe,specially in France
He's the last real rapper alive,that's official

Biggie is overrated
Rakim is overrated
50 is overrated
Jay-Z is overrated
i think i just had a stroke

I know this is from awhile back in this thread, but I had to address it. How is someone who pioneered a whole new style of rap (the same one that Pac used) overrated? If anything he's underrated. Wow.

And don't give me comments about me saying that Pac bit Rakim. I didn't say that. Rakim was the first to sit down and actually craft his lyrics, utilizing internal rhymes and other poetic techniques... The same thing most of the great rappers from the 90s did.

Biggie I can understand because he does lack significant lyrical content, though his flow and word manipulation is nearly unmatched.

50 I can understand because he's really all hype. He's above average, but not as far above as people put him.

Jay-Z is also understandable. Some of his albums are great, some are horrible.
Eminem is definitely overrated by a lot of cats in the industry. The reason for that is probably because he was the first white boy to ever enter the rap game and later became known for his controversy more that his talent/lyrics even though he's good on the mic.

roaches said:
This thread is fucking bizarre.

Exactly. You had to know that this thread would end up being 10 pages of beefs and insults :thumb: That's why I hardly ever post here anymore. Why bother wasting my time arguing with a bunch of kids. Not to sound conceded or anything, but I have an MBA, what do I need to waste my time arguing with eeks like CalcuoCuchicheo for.
Fortune&Fame said:
Exactly. You had to know that this thread would end up being 10 pages of beefs and insults :thumb: Why bother wasting my time arguing with a bunch of kids. I have an MBA, what do I need to waste my time arguing with eeks
I cant speak for the rest of the population on this board but i wouldnt waste my time arguing either..
and notice the stupidest threads get the most posts.....

lucky you to have a mba what?

as for overratted rappers as far as this very moment.
(i know i'ma burn for this, just plz dont give me heat on it)Nas better album previously
(same statement in quotes up above)snoop, went downhill since doggystyle.
eminem seeing apperently most think he hasnt fell off but in my eyes isnt the same from LP and the eminem show.

cant think of 5 sry....
aban said:
I read up on those guys and to me MArtin luther aint that special (peace be upon him). The only reason he got off his ass was not cause of rosa parks you n00b but when shorty emimit till (peace be upon him) got killed over bullshit!, thats when everybody just snapped! when people seen shortys (peace be upon him) mama crying thats when everybody started going the streets and doing something about it
I know you like to joke around, so I hope you are kidding.

Just incase though....never once did I say that MLK started contributing to the Civil Rights movement because of Rosa Parks. A life amidst racial hatred is enough.

I use the BBB incident as it was a vital win for the Civil Rights movement & MLK was at the fore - this is when he burst onto the national scene.

aban said:
"Who, through his religious background & constant quoting of the Bible, made it hard for the racist white groups to demonize him & thus, other black people? MLK."
I'd love for you to provide something concrete that disputes any of these points.

aban said:
yeah thats why he still got set up and got killed by cointpro (sp)
Tell me where I said MLK made all white people love black people & everyone lived happily ever after.

Fact is, I never even implied that MLK stopped white America hating black people - he just got (some of) them thinking. In the quoted segment though, I just said it was harder for them to 'demonize' - look it up - black people like the media & governemnt had been doing.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I know you like to joke around, so I hope you are kidding.

Just incase though....never once did I say that MLK started contributing to the Civil Rights movement because of Rosa Parks. A life amidst racial hatred is enough.

I use the BBB incident as it was a vital win for the Civil Rights movement & MLK was at the fore - this is when he burst onto the national scene.

I'd love for you to provide something concrete that disputes any of these points.

Tell me where I said MLK made all white people love black people & everyone lived happily ever after.

Fact is, I never even implied that MLK stopped white America hating black people - he just got (some of) them thinking. In the quoted segment though, I just said it was harder for them to 'demonize' - look it up - black people like the media & governemnt had been doing.
Check the thread title please.
This is irrelevant.
It is in response to something which stemmed from Tupac being overrated. It, indirectly, has to do with Tupac being overrated as a rapper & consequently - seeing as none of us knew him personally - as a human being.

I do, however, understand that when 'debates' go off like this it is probably better to leave them or start another thread so I will stop here.
cm_millionaire said:
You havent heard any of the artists I've named; if you had you would give me a real reason why your wrong. Every album MF Doom has released has got 5 stars, his catalogue is far better than Nas' just like the rest of them I mentioned.
You don't know fuck all about hip hop if you really think NaS is better than any of the artists I mentioned.
Go listen to some Britney.
Just because you say so, doesnt make it so.

5 stars from who? From you?

You are entitled to your opinion, he is entitled to his. Stop being an ass an about it.

EDIT: Man oh man, Im not even going to read the rest of the posts. I understand I need to respect everyones opinions, but who claims Rakim and Luda are overrated?!

Slowly trying to remember why I had stopped going to any type of message board...
2pacnbiggie said:
I dont understand how u say nas is imitating 2pac?

It Was Written is a near classic album, I Am was dope its got alotta tight songs on there (Undying Love, Favor For a Favor, You Wont See Me Tonight, Nas Is Like, Life Is What You Make It...the whole cd is dope) easily a 4 or 4.5 mic album

Nastradamus was a average album at best easily 4 mics u still got dope songs on there like project windows

Who cares how many albums nas sales? U just said 50 isnt the best cuz hes sellin so much music then u say nas isnt sellin any records? :rolleyes: ...All his albums are plat except lost tapes and his new one. It Was Written went triple plat

I guess im one of the few who liked zone out..nas killed it and shitted on camron lol
Nas is a pac biter... Even pac said that lol
It's the clear truth.... :D :thumb:
Nas is really overrated...
Tezcatlipoca said:
Just because you say so, doesnt make it so.

5 stars from who? From you?

You are entitled to your opinion, he is entitled to his. Stop being an ass an about it.

EDIT: Man oh man, Im not even going to read the rest of the posts. I understand I need to respect everyones opinions, but who claims Rakim and Luda are overrated?!

Slowly trying to remember why I had stopped going to any type of message board...
I'm the one being an ass about it? Ok...let's put this in elementary terms since it's absolutely evident you haven't bothered to read through any of my other posts:

Example 1: No basis for opinion
- Someone who listens to an assorted group of about 15 mediocore rappers (one of which is NaS) on a regular basis occasionally being dynamic and sampling some different artists outside of their primary list.
a) The listener has no right to say NaS is the best rapper alive because they havent heard what everyone else is putting out beyond the mainstream.
b) Has no foundation to an opinion that NaS isn't overrated because if they listened to more hip hop they would realise that in the current climate NaS isn't the god they make him out to be compared to artists they currently haven't heard.

Example 2: basis for opinion
- Someone who listens to a very good amount of varied hip hop and can actually articulately debate why they think specific artists are superior to others.
a) The listener tries to hear as much hip hop as he can - mainstream and underground.
b) Has a foundation to an opinion that NaS is overrated because they listen to much more hip hop, they are informed about the underground and can percieve and appreciate the skills of each respective emcee.

I mean that's more complex than I wish it to sound but what it basically comes down to is...
misinformed mainstream heads vs. informed hip hop heads.

Before I get replies saying I'm generalising, I do understand you'll get a smallish amount of informed hip hop heads thinking NaS isn't overrated and those are the people with opinions that can be respected so much more than someone who just bumps 'Insert emcee of the moment here', Biggie and 2Pac.

Note: You can usually tell how inherently intelligent someone is and as a consequence how valued their opinion should be if they post something like:
"Shut up bitch, fucking NaS shits over every1, his lyriks r grate and I listen to hipp hopp loads so I kno mor than u shithead...thug for life...westsiiiiddddee!"
- those people just need to get off the crack before I'll entertain their opinions. ;) fan

1 - kanye west - another flavour of the month. garbage !

2 - 50 cent - the dude is riding the wave and fair play to him.

3 - nelly - if you can call him one , bubble gum pop rapper.

4 - jay z - good rapper but not great like he thinks he is , as suge
said on top cause pac and big have passed and there is
no-one else out there.

5 - andre 2000 - saw some guy say he had better flow than pac ??
but i am what some would call a
pac dickrider :p

only my opinion im sure many disagree . peace . fan said:
1 - kanye west - another flavour of the month. garbage !

2 - 50 cent - the dude is riding the wave and fair play to him.

3 - nelly - if you can call him one , bubble gum pop rapper.

4 - jay z - good rapper but not great like he thinks he is , as suge
said on top cause pac and big have passed and there is
no-one else out there.

5 - andre 2000 - saw some guy say he had better flow than pac ??
but i am what some would call a
pac dickrider :p

only my opinion im sure many disagree . peace .
yeah the kanye one is way of seeing as he produced alot of HITS, he cant be a flavour of the month since he was known way befor "through the wire"


Well-Known Member
ThaJackal said:
Nas is a pac biter... Even pac said that lol
It's the clear truth.... :D :thumb:
Nas is really overrated...
Lyrics to "Against All Odds":
"God don't like ugly, 'It Was Written'
Hey Nas, your whole damn style is bitten (You sound like Rakim, man)"

Pac said Nas bit Rakim's style, not his own. Wanting to live the same lifestyle as Pac (which Pac claimed in that song) and biting his style are two different things.

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