The Top 5 Most Overrated rappers in the industry

cm_millionaire said:
^^It was never intended to be released in such proximity as 'I Am'. The aforementioned album was supposed to be a double album and NaS himself has said he never planned to release 'Nastradamus' otherwise. It was made to do big numbers, everything NaS dropped after Illmatic up until Stillmatic was intended to do big numbers.
I Am.. was supposed to be a double album but the second disc was leaked on the Internet therefore the execs decided to only release it as a single disc. The Lost Tapes then constituted a large share of the leaked songs off I Am.. As you are a clued in guy I'm presuming you know the rest of the story so I shan't elaborate further. However the crux of my point is this, Nastradamus was a rushed project perhaps only 4 or 5 months in the making. To get a Platinum return on a project everyone agrees was not up to Nas' usual standards constitutes a success rather than a flop, does it not?
Devious187 said:
But why does it bother you? it's their opinion, they are entitled to it, so let them have it. And the fact that in your earlier posts you made it clear that you know more about hip-hop than most of this board shows that you are trying to hold it over our heads, otherwise you would've made your point without mentioning it at all. And I believe this is relevant to the topic, I'm just asking you why your opinion is right and others who don't agree with you don't know hip-hop and "should go listen to Britney" And you don't have to insult my writing for no reason, that's pretty childish for someone with an IQ over 160, isn't it?
From now on, unless you stay relevant to the topic I'm not wasting my time to reply to you. If you want to know why I consider my opinion to have more of a 'basis' than 'certain' others on this board look at each of my respective posts.
Zero Cool said:
I Am.. was supposed to be a double album but the second disc was leaked therefore it was only released as a single disc. The Lost Tapes then constituted a large share of the leaked songs off I Am.. As you are a clued in guy I'm presuming you know the rest of the story so I shan't elaborate further. However the crux of my point is this, Nastradamus was a rushed project perhaps only 4 or 5 months in the making. To get a Platinum return on a project everyone admits was not up to Nas' usual standards constitutes a success rather than a flop, does it not?
No. In the longterm it did more harm than good to NaS. I would be willing to bet he'd have that platinum plaque revoked if he was excused the amount of criticism he garnered from the release. That album has stained NaS' career with a terrible stigma which to his credit, he has managed to overcome.
cm_millionaire said:
No. In the longterm it did more harm than good to NaS. I would be willing to bet he'd have that platinum plaque revoked if he was excused the amount of criticism he garnered from the release. That album has stained NaS' career with a terrible stigma which to his credit, he has managed to overcome.
On the whole I agree. However strictly from a monetary/sales perspective Nastradamus cannot be described as a "flop".
I have read every post in this thread, and what I see is you putting other people's opinions down because they are uneducated. Look, I can feel what you're saying. I just think that you should word yourself more carefully, because you really come off sounding like a know-it-all just trying to make other people look bad. You may think you know more than others, and maybe you do, but saying it makes you look pompous. Hey, I agree with you, Nas is definitely overrated, and MF Doom is a dope rapper, but not everyone is going to see it that way.


Well-Known Member
He thinks he knows a lot cus he knows who MF Doom is, but can't dispute anything i said before, like, Doom only gets attetnion cus of his "werid", to say the least, production, other than that he is average, an average artist who gets his dick rode on because he is from the "underground". And he thinks Sagion is so amazing when the guy can't even see how much better of an artist Papoose is. He says Francis Sage when his name is Sage Francis. He cant spell "favour", favor. He thinks that he knows more than 90% of the people on this board, but the only underground he probably knows is MF Doom, Atmosphere, and other popular underground artist. He thinks he is using facts when it is only opinion that Nastradamus was a bad album, and also it is a "fact" that It was written isn't near/classic, right. So yes you do try to come off like you know a lot, but in reality, your very repetitive with opinion based arguements. But it is fact, becuase he is doig hip hop a "favour". I only bring that up because you were complaining about mispelled words and such.
Why do you try to make yourself look smarter by using complete sentences, etc. And then disregard someone who does not. Being that this is the internet, it really doesn't matter. I would think you could understand, since you do have 150+ IQ just like myself.

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