temporary restraining order on suge from crooked i

PaulyPac said:
it doesnt say that dumbass, we know the lawsuit is against crooked i thats why i didnt put that, im saying suge filed it
So now you're even denying what the article clearly states :rolleyes: That's it I give up, if you won't even recognize what the links you provided to me are saying there's no hope for you. You must be the clearest example of a dickryder I have ever seen.
do you even pay attention ? that article was on a website and is fake

look man go read about the dr/crooked i lawsuit on the websites and then come back and post here

you make me laugh man :p
PaulyPac said:
do you even pay attention ? that article was on a website and is fake


The Crooked I ‘restraining order’ that is being reported against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight by many rap and hip-hop news sites does not exist.

Getting in contact with Crooked I’s PR person, it was noted that the reporting of the ‘restraining order’ was not accurate.

The fact is Marion ‘Suge’ Knight, hip-hop rap icon and CEO of Death Row Records; was served with a ‘GAG’ order.

The difference is that a ‘GAG’ order is a restrictive court order that prohibits all or some participants in a trial or civil action from speaking about a case. Or is an order by the court restricting comment on, or the release of information about the proceedings; a court order restricting information or comment by the participants involved in a lawsuit.

A ‘restraining order’ is an order which directs a defendant to stop doing something until a formal hearing is held to determine whether an injunction will be issued. A Restraining Order is a court order restraining one person(s) from doing certain things to other people. The restrictions are listed in the court order. Similar to an injunction, commanding the party to leave the other party alone,

In the suit against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight and Death Row Records, the rap artist Crooked I, whose real name is Dominic Wickliffe; claims Death Row Records lawyers made rival record companies afraid to deal with him when his contract with Marion ‘Suge’ Knight’s Death Row Records ended last year.

According to the news show Celebrity Justice, Crooked I is eager to settle the suit out of court and has offered to sign over the rights to all the material he recorded as a Death Row Records artist to Mr. Knight in return for total cancellation of any obligation to Death Row Records

According to Crooked I’s PR person all the other information is correct.

Crooked I is currently working on a documentary about his time at Death Row Records and his renovation from a rapper, to a rapper/CEO of his own record label.The ‘Life After Death Row’ DVD is being prepared now.
oh stfu , why you getting all hyped up over a fucking thread, which you dont know nothing about, do you even listen to crooked i ? and who the fuck calls ppl bafoons ? hahahaha

read the article properly that info is the untrue bit
thats the untrue bit of the article, about fucking owned u an idiot son

In the suit against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight and Death Row Records, the rap artist Crooked I, whose real name is Dominic Wickliffe; claims Death Row Records lawyers made rival record companies afraid to deal with him when his contract with Marion ‘Suge’ Knight’s Death Row Records ended last year.

this info is from the first article they are just clearing it up
PaulyPac said:
thats the untrue bit of the article, about fucking owned u an idiot son
OMFG :rolleyes:

"In the suit against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight and Death Row Records, the rap artist Crooked I, whose real name is Dominic Wickliffe; claims Death Row Records lawyers made rival record companies afraid to deal with him when his contract with Marion ‘Suge’ Knight’s Death Row Records ended last year.

According to the news show Celebrity Justice, Crooked I is eager to settle the suit out of court and has offered to sign over the rights to all the material he recorded as a Death Row Records artist to Mr. Knight in return for total cancellation of any obligation to Death Row Records
PaulyPac said:
Suge sued by former protegé

17/02/2005 - 08:33:01

In the suit, the rapper - real name Dominic Wickliffe - claims Tha Row lawyers scared off rival record companies when his contract with Knight's label ended last year.

According to American news show Celebrity Justice, Wickliffe is keen to settle the suit out of court and has offered to hand over the rights to all the material he recorded as a Tha Row artist to Knight in return for his freedom.
read this again from the first post, its fake
PaulyPac said:
all the other information not that, because it was on the original website news that posted the article
Can you read you retard? All the other info excluding the restraining order is correct. You have a serious case of dickryding, see a doctor as soon as possible :thumb:
no no ur wrong, dont worry there will be another article soon, dumbass, why you gotta start with the name calling anyways you wanna get us both on probation or something ?

calling me a retard what you like 16 or something ?
PaulyPac said:
no no ur wrong, dont worry there will be another article soon, dumbass, why you gotta start with the name calling anyways you wanna get us both on probation or something ?
Becuase you refuse to acknowedge even the most basic facts. It clearly states the restraining order rumour is false but all other info is correct, Crooked I filed the lawsuit. Get over it.
im not a dickrider, the fact is crooked i didnt file any lawsuit, against dr which he has mentioned a number of times in his interviews, deathrow filed the lawsuit
PaulyPac said:
im not a dickrider, the fact is crooked i didnt file any lawsuit, against dr which he has mentioned a number of times in his interviews, deathrow filed the lawsuit
Okay against all legal principles, Death Row have broken the mould and filed a lawsuit against themselves. If that's what you want to believe go ahead I can't stop you :rolleyes:
why are you still posting that when you know what i meant, you are wrong and you know it, heres the story....

crooked i had a 4 yr contract with dr that expired and he left, but deathrow claimed he was still signed, so dr files a lawsuit and they have been in and out of court ever since
PaulyPac said:
why are you still posting that when you know what i meant, you are wrong and you know it, heres the story....

crooked i had a 4 yr contract with dr that expired and he left, but deathrow claimed he was still signed, so dr files a lawsuit and they have been in and out of court ever since

The RNN article which clears everything up clearly states the rumour of a restraining order being taken out against Suge is false but all other information is correct. The lawsuit is being taken against Death Row Records by Crooked I. Now accept that fact and remove your lips from Crooked I's penis :thumb:
PaulyPac said:
stfu crooked i has not filed a lawsuit against tha row, anyone who knows anything about this will tell you
If you won't even debate the facts of the matter there's no point to this. I've no time to continue exposing your hero as a fake. Good day.
how the fuck is my hero ? you dont know anything about crooked i but you still call him a fake

you really are a clown, you havent exposed shit good day now sir

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