temporary restraining order on suge from crooked i

PaulyPac said:
im not a dickrider

PaulyPunk, you're fucking killing me!!

As for you Sniper, in the introduction to Gangsta Rap, Crooked I says, 'yeah, it's that untouchable gangsta Crooked"

And he goes on to rap, 'ain't a nigga, dead or alive, fuckin' wit' me'

Yeah, you a gangsta Crooked.....lol
man stfu is that all you can come out with pauly punk ? look at ur stupid ass name wtf
go lick a dogs nuts u clown

all the article was false dude, there isnt a restraining order, nor did crooked i go the law, deathrow issued the law suit

hed still beat the shit out of u faggot
Pauly man, U need to get a grip and face facts man

We all know Crooked I is hot but he did act a lil bit homo by going through the courts.

I realize U are Crooked I's number 1 groupie and U feel the need to defend him on everything, however we are all getting a bit sick of listening to how much U love Crooked I and how he can do no wrong.
stfu if i was wrong id say so, crooked i did not start the court case thats what im saying
he didnt go through the courts, deathrow issued the court case, the gag was issued at the last court case with deathrow, crooked has yet to attend another court case in march all issued by dr, he didnt go to the law about anything suge has done it all
keep believing it kid

Cooked I could get caught on camera fucking a guy up the ass

Pauly would be up in here ----- ' nah man that shit was at a slant, the video was edited, Crooked I said so himself in an interview, it was allhiphop.com that set it, cause he dont give them interviews. it's a conspiracy '
no no, look man i aint going to act stupid, if what i was told wasnt true then id agree with you, but crooked i did not go to the courts, deathrow issued every law suit against crooked, not like hes my fuckin cousin or some shit
aight look I dont wanna get into a drawn out agrument like U had with that other cat.

I love Crooked I, he's sik ass fuck but it kinda looks to me like he acted a lil bit gay. just my opinion.

U have U'r own opinion which is fair enough, but a bit of advice --- U need to chill a bit with the Crooked I shit cause U'r making U'r self look like a rider.

I dont have anything else to say on the subject.

CalcuoCuchicheo said:

PaulyPunk, you're fucking killing me!!

As for you Sniper, in the introduction to Gangsta Rap, Crooked I says, 'yeah, it's that untouchable gangsta Crooked"

And he goes on to rap, 'ain't a nigga, dead or alive, fuckin' wit' me'

Yeah, you a gangsta Crooked.....lol
whats gangsta bout that 2nd quote ? :confused: thats wot u call a lyrical monster.

an he was actin like a gangsta when he was on deathrow cos that was his gimmick, check his recent non deatrhwo shit, hes jus a normal guy. :thumb: :thumb:
Like how you skipped over my first quote - where Crooked blatantly states that he is a gangsta - by saying it was a 'gimmick'. If it was a 'gimmick' then he don't live what he spits.

Which, once again, was my sole point.

Oh & the second quote was for the comic value because Suge is fucking with him. LOL

I do know he's a normal guy, but in PaulyPunk's eyes he runs around with a cape & underwear over his trousers......
oh there you go again with paulypunk, go fuck a zebra in the zoo punk

crooked i rolled with crips when he was younger so im sure he aint as much of a pussy u say he is
This also happened to me the other day. It said my post had been edited by FreeThinker & also had a 2003 date. I don't wtf happened.

Anyways, I'm not on drugs.

You said,

PaulyPac said:
he aint as much of a pussy u say he is
I'm asking you, where did I call him a pussy?
I would let it go, but even with the most obvious contradiction, you can't admit you were wrong.

All you have to say is that, 'you never called him a pussy, I made a mistake'. That's it.

But you can't do this & yet you expect us to believe that even if you are proved wrong about Crooked (which, as far as I'm concerned, you have been) going to the law you would admit it....I don't believe you.

You seem incapable of admitting you're wrong & that, is one of the defining marks of a pussy. Too scared to tell the truth....prove me wrong.

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