Hip Hop vs. Rap

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exactly man, you can't be a fan from the 80s and think NELLY is hip hop. HIP HOP is Grandmaster Flash. HIP HOP is Wu-Tang. HIP HOP is not POP. Get your shit str8 before you make another thread like this.
Well of couse Flash and th Wu are hip hop as well.

I never said Nelly was a "good" part of hip hop.

So..then what is Nelly? And if you're going to reply with something like "garbage", don't even bother, because I agree that he is garbage but I'm looking for real answers.
MC mufasa said:
Firstly you speak of mentioning Eminem all the time because, right now, "he is making music". Wow. So everyone isnt making music except for Eminem ,right? I hjavent seen a threead from you discussing ANYTHING 2 do at all with hip hop news - so why do you say you dont care about what's happening in hip hop? There is no "news" surrounding eminem yet you keep mentioning him.
man you dont know what you are talking about half the time. dont think that everyone is dissing you for no reason. look at the stupiditiy of this thread man. look at what you're saying; "hip hop is pop music but rap is the deep shit".. what the fuck? you claim to be a hip hop head, listening to hip hop sine the 80s yet ALL YOU EVER TALK ABOUT IS EMINEM. Even in this thread when speaking about rap and hip hop you bring up songs made in this decade, none whatsoever from the 80s and the roots of hip hop. you know nothing, so quit pretending with your fake bullshit.
Dude, I told you, I was listening to the Fat Boys before you were even a spermie swimming around in your daddy's testicle.
MC mufasa said:
how can you even compare Changes to business, in da club and holidae inn?
Jesus Christ. Would you fucking think and pay attention. I wasn't comparing ANY of those songs.

And Changes is as fucking "pop" as you can possibly get.
jason_g_718 said:
Dude, I told you, I was listening to the Fat Boys before you were even a spermie swimming around in your daddy's testicle.
wow man. fat boys! ok im sorry!! please forgive me omg the fat boys i cant believe it!! ur like my god now!! get a clue: i dont give a fuck.

secondly. youve been listening to hip hop since the 80s (apparently), yet you had no idea what hip hop was. lmao.. hahahahahah. ive been, what, listening to this genre for 2-3 years or so and i have a much better idea than you. lmao! but ohhh thats right u listen to the Fat Boys!! whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Well-Known Member
Hip-Hop is culture not a genre of music. Rap is an Element in Hip-Hop, along with b-boys, dj'n, emceein, and so on and so on. Some rap is pop music, but pop is just "popular", so i really dont consider it a genre of music. I mean yeah some rap does get popular but when a rapper makes a song that is aimed at the "pop' culture than that is pop, but again, hip-hop aint music, its a way of life.

Jason G, if you was listenin to Fattt BOyyyysss before most of these kids, then you know who the man KRS-ONE is. So we shoudn't be having this thread to begin with. Right?
Lol @ Rukas comments. But Jason that's what Rap is, it's the music that you listen whereas Hip Hop is the whole thing, such as the clothing, the style, the music, the whole culture like Rukas said. Basically rap is like a slice of the pie, whereas in this context the pie represents Hip Hop. So next time you ask someone what do you listen to and he tells you Hip Hop, they don't know that much about what they're talking about. If they tell you rap, well they know what they're saying.



Well-Known Member
LOL jason this time you really kicked your own ass dude.

but yea you got it confused Rap is a part of hip hop which is a culture.

What you differentiate was mainstream and underground or concsious rap but it's all rap music.
Do you actually sit there and think, 'I wonder how I can make myself look even more stupid'?

650 posts of complete nonsense, c'mon man do the right thing and just leave.

Rukas said:
Well if thats what you think, you have no idea what hip-hop is.

Hip-Hop is a culture, rap is part of that culture.

Case closed.
and thats all there is lol

theres books about hiphop my fellow board members...they describe how it started and how it was to be part of it...

They take you or take you back to the times with herc bambaata n flex...the battles the break battles and the graffiti on trains...tags..etc....

Try to read em instead of my corny jokes
yeah man...looks like i cant say shit I mean look i cant comment on all this ne more since ive been hating on him for such a long time...but uhh...he ran to rukas to make me look the like bad guy..which is cool...i mean OUTLAWZ THUG LIFE BIATCH lol nah j/k...This guy..ive said this so many times...how can u brag about how long you have been into rap music and not know...hiphop is a culture and rap is part of it...thats the only answer..every HEAD knows that...matta fact i think its only the ppl that just got introdoced to hiphop that dont know rap is a part of a great culture...

So I dunno...if this opens other members eyes lol..said this b4 man its so fuckin sad no 1 noticed....

hm....just watch how my ass is gonna quoted for hating...
jason_g_718 said:
Am I the only one who thinks there's a difference between hip hop and rap? I know, or at least I think that most people just see the two as being synonyms of each other, but I don't see it that way. For example, from my perspective, here's the difference between rap and hip hop:

Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn

Rap music is songs such as:
Blasphemy, Soldier, Black Gloves, What's My Name?

To me hip hop is representative of songs that have more of a lighter attitude about them, or songs that have a pop-like sound. For example, Business is a hip hop song, but I don't see it being pop. However, Changes is also a hip hop song to me, but it is DEFINATELY pop.

And obviously by the things I typed above, a rapper can make both hip hop AND rap songs.

Am I the only one that views this from this perspective?
Check what Rukas said.

Actually, read that shit over a few times.

Matter of fact, write that shit out a hundred times.

'Hip hop is the culture, rap is a part of that culture'

Penance motherfucker!

Reap your dumbness.
jason_g_718 said:
For example, from my perspective, here's the difference between rap and hip hop:

Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn

Rap music is songs such as:
Blasphemy, Soldier, Black Gloves, What's My Name?
thanks for cheering me up !

when are we due the next lesson ?
jason_g_718 said:
Well, yeah, I understand that, I guess I just didn't correctly phrase my question, and I'm not sure how else to phrase it, so...

And quite frankly, I never said that they aren't part of the same thing. Not to mention, I've been hearing this music referred to as "rap music" since I was able to even know what rap music was around 1980 or so. I never started hearing the word hip hop used until somewhere around 93-95. From like '80 until NWA popped on the scene I heard people call it "rap music", NEVER ONCE did anyone call it "hip hop". Then, NWA came in and all of a sudden the media made up a new term, "gangsta rap". LOL, which to me is funny shit. I mean, rap music is rap music, it's just that people rap about different things. So if rapping about ho's, guns and drugs is called "gangsta rap", then are songs where people talk about having a good life, a loyal wife and kids called "family man rap?" lol.

So, either way, I guess I just didn't phrase my questions correctly but I'm not sure how to explain it over the computer. But, then again, I'm known for not knowing how to phrase stuff, lol, so...

But, I do know what hip hop is, I grew up with it and it has always been my favorite kind of music.
*My First Roll eyez ever* So in the 80's they didnt scream hip hop? and you started listening to hip hop when?! LMAO.
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