"Hip Hop is a black thing, we just let yall in"


Well-Known Member
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
they created an art the represents themselves and their lives.
Learn from the past that you forget and read what you just said. Their skin color has everything to do with what they represent, themselves, and their lives.
Why can't you accept that Rap Music is a Black thing? Is it bad to say that? What are you so against? Respect the Hip-Hop culture that was created. Why try to take away from it?


Staff member
I could give a fuck whether it's a black thing. Blacks say it is, Whites say it's universal, meanwhile, I'm bumpin rap music and enjoying myself.


Well-Known Member
"Get over slavery" is a 21st century racist catchphrase. I used to go to stormfront.org for a laugh, that sentiment comes up there on a daily basis. I always knew jasong_53454543 /freshprince/papa whatever wasn't kosher given his white rapper fetish, but I didn't think he had that kind of shit in him. I guess it's really easy for your true feelings to come out on the Internet, but some kind of subtlety/sensitivity/politeness/basic decency/3rd-grade education should stop you from saying some dumb shit like that.

I'm just disgusted at this point.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
roaches said:
"Get over slavery" is a 21st century racist catchphrase. I used to go to stormfront.org for a laugh, that sentiment comes up there on a daily basis. I always knew jasong_53454543 /freshprince/papa whatever wasn't kosher given his white rapper fetish, but I didn't think he had that kind of shit in him. I guess it's really easy for your true feelings to come out on the Internet, but some kind of subtlety/sensitivity/politeness/basic decency/3rd-grade education should stop you from saying some dumb shit like that.

I'm just disgusted at this point.
He's IP banned. He wont be back, proxies dont work here anymore. Unless he gets a new ISP he wont be back, and actually fuck I wouldnt put that past him.
Ok, I guess I was wrong. I wouldn't go as far as saying "Get over slavery" but I do have to say that a lot of black people talk about it as though it happened yesterday or some shit. It was over a century ago, and even though of course the wounds are still open, it's not every white person's fault. It seems that whenever the issue of race comes up today, a lot of black people throw that in our faces, like we were there cracking the whip along with our racist ancestors. It certainly shouldn't be used in an argument about Hip-hop. Anyways this is way off topic, I just had to get tha out of my system. I'm gonna stay out of this argument altogether, it's getting ugly in here
Bill G said:
This was posted on okayplayer quite a while ago but I still think the discussion created will interest us for a week or so. Do you remember this, roaches?

How would you respond to the man that wrote this? What would you say?

American White Men: Does this annoy you or do you agree with the point?

American Black Men: Do you feel this way? If not, why?

Non-American Citizens: ???

dude i couldnt' even justify leaving an answer to your questions.. because of the simple fact that YOU feel that there are Black americans, and white americans.. and everyone else is just clasified as a non-american citizen... how can you have a question about a racist comment and then include a racist comment of your own... like black or white folks dont exist outside america...you need to check yourself.


New Member
BizzleDizzle said:
dude i couldnt' even justify leaving an answer to your questions.. because of the simple fact that YOU feel that there are Black americans, and white americans.. and everyone else is just clasified as a non-american citizen... how can you have a question about a racist comment and then include a racist comment of your own... like black or white folks dont exist outside america...you need to check yourself.
LOL, your not gonna get any thumbs up for that one


Well-Known Member
dude i couldnt' even justify leaving an answer to your questions.. because of the simple fact that YOU feel that there are Black americans, and white americans.. and everyone else is just clasified as a non-american citizen... how can you have a question about a racist comment and then include a racist comment of your own... like black or white folks dont exist outside america...you need to check yourself.
Come on.

If you're talking about the role of various racial groups in hip-hop, what are the relevant groups?

Blacks - driving force in hip-hop
La Raza - smaller but critical role in hip-hop
Everyone else - really like hip-hop, haven't done anything major to affect it
* White Americans - the group excluded by the statement in the title of the post

I don't see how that's unreasonable.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Heres something to ponder on, why is the white/black thing only important to RAP music? Why not other parts of the culture. I mean, whites and non-blacks are a lot more accepted in graffiti, breaking and DJing than they are in rap.

Ive never come accross a statment saying white people shouldnt graffiti cause its hip-hop and thus black culture, but I see that all the time when it comes to MCs.


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Who cares if a black group created hip-hop? It was probably a white dude who created the english language? It doesn't really matter. Futhermore, black people didn't let white people in, they sold it to white people, hence, they didn't 'let them it'. We live in a capitalist society, nobody lets anybody 'in' unless they're gonna gain from it.
BizzleDizzle said:
dude i couldnt' even justify leaving an answer to your questions.. because of the simple fact that YOU feel that there are Black americans, and white americans.. and everyone else is just clasified as a non-american citizen... how can you have a question about a racist comment and then include a racist comment of your own... like black or white folks dont exist outside america...you need to check yourself.
You're a fool.

What do you want me to say? American black people were the creators of hip-hop. If you're a such an idiot not to understand that get out of here.

because of the simple fact that YOU feel that there are Black americans, and white americans.. and everyone else is just clasified as a non-american citizen
Black americans = creators of hip-hop
White Americans = In immediate contact with the culture
Non-Americans = Generally, we are equally as connected to the culture if hip-hop is a black American culture.

Like I've said before, crediting "blacks" for hip-hop is pathetic. It's like saying some black guy in Congo has more of a connection to the culture than a white person in Canada because of race.
how can you have a question about a racist comment and then include a racist comment of your own... like black or white folks dont exist outside america...you need to check yourself.
Where was my racist comment you ignorant child? I didn't even leave an opinion on the original statement so where did you gather my opinion was that the original statement was racist?

By the way, I am not American.

The End.
i slightly disagree and slightly agree, nowadays its all about the bling hiphop living lavish hence the reason "non-blacks" got into hiphop and its lifestyle, whereas earlier on it was about racist oppression and struggle hence the reason a black person may feel it is more thiers than everybodies. but i do not feel like it is a black thing anymore because there is no real Hitler based racism or slavery anymore.

This gets at me when i hear "The White Man Get Paid Offa All Of That" that pisses me off because the artist is getting money for being racist was'nt that what the non-blacks were doing in the times of slavery? there is no real big problem with racists and slavery and discrimination because we are beyond that HIPHOP IS GLOBAL.

These are my views and in no way am i a racist, stating facts and the way i feel u have a problem plz take the stand!


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Bill G said:
Black people is to wide a term. It gives credit to way too many people.

So what did you want me to say? To be specific?

Should I say American Black people? New Yorkers? Or a Jamaican DJ who moved to NY?

I'm not taking the piss, I just don't know which you were refering to.
Pittsey said:
So what did you want me to say? To be specific?

Should I say American Black people? New Yorkers? Or a Jamaican DJ who moved to NY?

I'm not taking the piss, I just don't know which you were refering to.
If you want to be smart why didn't you say names (in response to the Jamaican DJ comment)? To be honest his Jamaican roots had more to do with the hip-hop culture we know but that can be said about too many infleunces.

Should I say American Black people?
You should say black Americans, unless you want to be stupidly precise and single out several DJ's, several reggea mc's and etc.

My comment isn't really hard to comprehend.

"Like I've said before, crediting blacks in general for hip-hop is pathetic. It's like saying some black guy in Congo has more of a connection to the culture than a white person in Canada because of his race."

Although black is black and a hip-hop is a black culture (it's roots can be traced much further as we all know) the modern combination was created IN America under American conditions.

In my opinion if you're going to credit a group of people for the modern day hip-hop culture and its basic meaning you must credit the black Americans because that's were hip-hop came into its own.

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