"Hip Hop is a black thing, we just let yall in"

HiGhTillDeaTH said:
I am a young white man (whatever u wanna call it i'm 19) and i believe that rap music was created by black people but not only for black people. I dont care how it got to me or how they got a record deal or who is what color or any of that shit... i feel that music is a representation of ones personality. For me the number one quality in a person and musician is someone that is genuine. If you are a genuine person and create good music that represents yourself, then that is all that is required of you. No matter what color a person might be if you are genuine, not everyone will like you but u will be respected.

Most rappers are black and i do deal with my parents and older white people from my family sayin that how can you listen to that crap? I personally feel insulted when someone says that about the music i choose to listen to. I feel this way because if you dont like it cool, but dont bash what, picks me up when im down, what makes me shed a tear, what makes me think, what takes me away from life and the daily bullshit EVERYONE is going through.

Different types of music appeal to different people depending on what you been through in your life experiences and what your personality is like.

If someone says that im a white man listening to rap music that is made for black people is absolutly the definition of ignorance. There are a uncountable other things that people should be worried about out there in the world than who the fuck came up with rap music and who deserves to listen.

Music comes from the soul, and souls are color blind.

Listen to what you feel like and throw up the finger to people that bash you for liking what you want!

Dogg, you hit the nail on the head.

Y'all need to pay attetion, this guy is speaking the real. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
you go back to the early 70's, before Sugar Hill Gang dropped "Rappers Delight", Blondie, a while female "rockstar" was rapping in songs.
Kool Herc invented hip-hop = 1973
"Rapper's Delight" = 1979
Blondie's "Rapture" = November 1980

(And LMAO at prefabricated-ass Sugar Hill Gang being used as a marker in this fashion. Fuck those motherfuckers, they killed original hip-hop.)

Try again.

You go back to the early 80's, and the Beasties were one of the most respected and famous rap groups in the game.
Famous, yes. Respected, no. They failed as a punk band and decided to try rapping since it was the new shit in New York. They made a couple of hits that frat boys love. After they left Def Jam (and Rick Rubin's production, and Run-D.M.C.'s ghostwriting), they made another hip-hop record that flopped, and then they picked up the rock guitars again.

Not to mention when Run DMC hooked up with Aerosmith and re-created "Walk This Way" into a rap song.
Which they only did under label pressure. A lot of heads at the time considered them sellouts for doing so. And nevermind that that's just a black group remaking a rock song, not a white band making hip-hop.

To say rap music "belongs to blacks and they just let us in" is fucking bullshit.

What's bullshit is that if a white person had said about baseball "this is our game, we just let the blacks play with us", the guy would have probably been fined, MAYBE even suspended, would have been called a racist and would have been made to apologize to blacks through the media.
This Benetton stuff is cute, but it's not realistic. First off: whites enslaved blacks, brought them to America, and persecuted them for 400+ years, not the other way around. Second, Whites took Black folk music and the blues to bastardize country music and then persecute Blacks who tried to participate, not the other way around. White people took Black jazz and stole it, not the other way around. Whites stole rock music, not the other way around. Whites stole electronic music, not the other way around. (God damn - why the fuck do white people always have to make themselves infiltrate and destroy everything other people do?)

Black people created hip-hop. Latinos played a prominent role. Period. There were/always have been a few White people in the mix - so the fuck what? Those individual Whites played a role - big ups to Paul C, Rick Rubin, El-P, and such - but Whites as a group didn't affect hip-hop. White people have never been the target audience of hip-hop. Whenever an individual hip-hop act has decided to start catering to its white audience (which they never begin their careers doing), the result has always been bad music (see: most of Anticon, Atmosphere's last couple of records, Black Eyed Peas, Eminem's later career).

The people who define what's dope and not in hip-hop: Blacks
The people who largely make hip-hop: Blacks
The people who hip-hop is targeted to: Blacks

It doesn't matter if all of the VPs and A&Rs are White and you see a bunch of White motherfuckers blasting rap music out of their cars, G-Unit's music, look mang, is a hood thang not a White thang. 50 Cent shouts out Floyd Flake and TD Jakes and responds to pleas from Farrakhan, not Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson or Billy Graham, Jr.

UGK and 3-6 Mafia go gold. Atmosphere and Sage Francis don't (Well, Atmosphere is pretty fucking successful... but I attribute that to Slug only being part-white, lol). Little Brother blew up, no one gives a fuck about Ugly Duckling. That shows you the power of the black hip-hop audience versus the white one, if you're still confused.

* Would anyone give a fuck about Paul Wall if he wasn't Chamillionaire's sidekick and he hadn't appeared on a single with Slim Thug and Mike Jones?
* Would anyone give a fuck about Lil Wyte if Three-6 wasn't cosigning him?
* Would anyone give a fuck about Eminem if Dr. Dre hadn't scooped him up?
* Would Alchemist be what he is today if it wasn't for the Infamous Mobb?
* Would DJ Muggs be what he is today if it wasn't for Cypress Hill and Ice Cube?
* Would House of Pain/Everlast have existed if it weren't for Ice-T?
* Would Bubba Sparxxx go anywhere without Timbaland or DF?

White people in hip-hop who made it without being accepted first by Black peers:
* Vanilla Ice
* Anticon

I don't know what else to say. There's a million ways to retireate the point. Hip-hop is not a White thing. And if you think it should be, fuck you, because Whites have already done enough to fuck over Blacks as people and as creators of American music to last forever. When you're invited to someone's house, you don't start hanging your posters up on the guest room walls and hog the bathroom, you fucking behave yourself. This isn't racist, this is just reality.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Papa Graz said:
To say Em ONLY blew up because of Dre is ludicrous. You don't know that he wouldn't have eventually blown up without Dre. I mean, granted, having the best and most legendary producer in the game as your producer definately helps 100 fold. But you don't know that he wouldn't have blown up without Dre. That's just speculation.
If Eminem didnt have Dre or someone of his stature behind him, he would have never blown up. I mean, if Premo took Em in, he may have blown up, but that would have been the same situation. Em needed a stamp of approval for the mainstream to take him serious and not just think of Vanilla Ice.

Had Eminem not gotten this stamp of approval the best he could have hoped for is Cage like, Aesop Rock like, Necro like fame.

Also, Dre didn't decide for us that it was hot and we just all followed along. Matter of fact, when Em first dropped, I despised the guy and I had been a Dre fan at that point since 87/88. When he dropped Em on us, Dre was my favorite producer and in my top 5 list of favorite rappers. But, just because he said Em was hot, I didn't just follow along because he said so.
By putting the above stated stamp of approval on Em, Dre did decide he was hot. What you think Dre thought Em was wack? Nah. And if the legendary Dr. Dre thought this white kid was hot, people took notice and paid attention.

Also, I think it was Pittsey brought up a good point too. In the 80's, Rick Rubin, a white man, was the one that "decided" Run DMC was hot and "told us" that they were.
That is different. The majority of label exec's a white. People already knew hip-hop was cool, they didnt need white approval for it, Rubin just signed black acts. The difference with Eminem is everyone at the time thought white MCs were WACK, and Eminem needed Dre's stamp of approval to blow. Run DMC didnt need Rubin's approval to blow, he just signed them.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
roaches is right. I dont see why white kids are affraid to accept this.

I mean I look at it like this, a black kid threw a party and invited white kids to join in. Sure we can all party together but at the end of the day this is the black guys house and we need to accept and respect his house rules.

So party on, but please take your shoes off at the door.
Roaches the people that decide what is hot and what is not is black people. Considering over half of the people that buy rap cds are white.

Lets say i was a black man and i made a rap video called "the hottest song ever made" and i just screamed and shouted out that this is the hottest song in the world and all that other shit, would u buy into that?

The customers determine what is hot, is has nothin to do with color of skin. and n e way what is normally hot is fuckin unoriginal and already been beatin into the ground

Roaches ur last paragraph is PURE IGNORANCE, and u know what fuck you, that paragraph shows how much of a coward u are. what do the white people that were slave holders on plantation have to do with white people today? nothing, not a fucking. u cant say that white people in general take everything from blacks because that is false. the white people nowadays werent around back in those days. im not saying that what they did do wasnt absolutly horrible, but me and every whie rap fan out there wasnt around when all that shit was going on.

why cant we all just share and get along? why does it matter who it was made for and who did this and who got this person a job and who his manager is and what color he is and hes black, and hes white and he got that from his white friend and all that shit.

Music knows is color blind. when are we gonna come to our sense and just enjoy life and music and anything else u enjoy without caring what color someone is>????????????????????????????????? when is this gonna happen????

There is no defintion of whether hip hop is a white or black thing. It was created by a person, if you like it bump it the fuck out every possible chance u have and put up that middle finger to anyone who disagrees. im not changing what i like because someone says rap music is a black thing....


Well-Known Member
And while I'm on a roll:
* How far would Cage and Necro have gotten without Bobbito Garcia?
* How far would Aesop Rock have made it without Percee P?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
roaches said:
And while I'm on a roll:
* How far would Cage and Necro have gotten without Bobbito Garcia?
* How far would Aesop Rock have made it without Percee P?
Well at least I know you read my post ;)
Rukas said:
roaches is right. I dont see why white kids are affraid to accept this.

I mean I look at it like this, a black kid threw a party and invited white kids to join in. Sure we can all party together but at the end of the day this is the black guys house and we need to accept and respect his house rules.

So party on, but please take your shoes off at the door.

so since a white man invented basketball only whites can play?? and since a white man created this and that a black man cant participate? he all of a sudden has to bow down to another race just for inventing something????? are fucking kidding me????

just because someone black invented rap music then suddenly every white man owes him some type of special respect for creating a different style of music. and this style of music has nothin to do with skin color its fuckin music. who ever created it did it because they wanted to not because they felt obligated to come up with a new style of music, not because of the color of his skin..

it shouldnt matter who the fuck invented what and all that bullshit if u like the shit enjoy the shit cause life is short
roaches said:
And while I'm on a roll:
* How far would Cage and Necro have gotten without Bobbito Garcia?
* How far would Aesop Rock have made it without Percee P?

yeah im sure when they thank them for getting them into the rap game the say thank you black man because im white and i couldnt make it on my own. i needed the help of a black man
thank you so much i dont know what i would of done without u, cause ur black and im not.

he would thank him as a FUCKING HUMAN BEING not a fuckin color!!!!!!

dont u think that the black man would be offended if a white rapper he turned onto the rap scence said that to him.


Well-Known Member
Roaches the people that decide what is hot and what is not is black people. Considering over half of the people that buy rap cds are white.
Prove it. There is no fucking way to reliably demonstrate that most of the people that buy hip-hop are White or not. When I go to Best Buy or Wal-Mart to buy a CD, they don't record my race when they scan the barcode. Oh, and does that number include the millions of independent releases and mixtapes that people have been selling?

And, wait. Did you just imply Blacks aren't part of The People?

Lets say i was a black man and i made a rap video called "the hottest song ever made" and i just screamed and shouted out that this is the hottest song in the world and all that other shit, would u buy into that?
No, you fucking biter. Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz released that as a single three years ago.

what do the white people that were slave holders on plantation have to do with white people today? nothing, not a fucking.
Why don't you leave Ohio, come down to the South, and ask a Nascar fan how meaningless his antebellum ancestors are?

why cant we all just share and get along? why does it matter who it was made for and who did this and who got this person a job and who his manager is and what color he is and hes black, and hes white and he got that from his white friend and all that shit.
It's easy for you to say that, you're not part of an oppressed minority. It's also natural for you to say that, you've inherited your community's feelings of being threatened by darkies asserting themselves and fighting for their rights after centuries of complacency.

Music knows is color blind.
Yeah, "Nature of the Threat" is completely race neutral.

m not changing what i like because someone says rap music is a black thing....
You don't have to change what you like. I'm not changing what I like. Stretch Armstrong isn't changing what he likes. El-P isn't. MC Serch isn't. Paul Wall isn't. Jin isn't. Lil Wyte isn't. Eminem isn't. MC Paul Barman isn't. Edan isn't.

Like I said, this isn't about exclusion. This is about recognizing what the state of affairs is.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
so since a white man invented basketball only whites can play?? and since a white man created this and that a black man cant participate? he all of a sudden has to bow down to another race just for inventing something????? are fucking kidding me????

just because someone black invented rap music then suddenly every white man owes him some type of special respect for creating a different style of music. and this style of music has nothin to do with skin color its fuckin music. who ever created it did it because they wanted to not because they felt obligated to come up with a new style of music, not because of the color of his skin..

it shouldnt matter who the fuck invented what and all that bullshit if u like the shit enjoy the shit cause life is short
You're an idiot and here is why:

Rukas said:
Theres truth to the statement but so what. Thats like saying basketball is a white thing and we let blacks in, its just silly. If someone stood up and said that they would be labelled a racist and everyone would be up in arms. But for a black man to say it, its all cool.

At the end of the day it doesnt really matter, "they" need us and we need them. All good.
Trying to argue with me by making a point I already made is just stupid.-

Blacks invented hip-hop, they let us in, we are all equal humans I believe, but we still owe them a level of respect for allowng us to participate in their CULTURE. No this does not mean we should kiss their ass, this means we should respect them and not use hip-hop in a way that puts them down or does harm to african-americans.

Look at it this way, if an artist came out, was white, and blew the fuck up and all the white kids loved him, but he didnt show respect to african american's and they all said he was WACK and didnt do beats for him or collabos and all dissed him, his career would be OVER.

If a black artist came out and was disrespectful to whites, he'd be a revolutionary rapper. Look at Dead Prez.

Its not fair (in terms of reverse racism) but thats the way it is, we are guests in their homes and we owe the African American hip-hop culture respect, and they deserve it.

Bottom line, if it wasnt for African Americans, there would be no hip-hop.


New Member
Look at it this way guys, we're all fuckin pathetic humans on a tiny planet in a huuuuuuge ass universe and we shouldn't be trying to be prove shit to anyone.

Case closed!


New Member
ApacalypseNow said:
Its not a black thing. its a universal thing. If you've got the talent, then you've got it, simple as that. I don't care what anyone says.
Coming from a nigger himself! :):thumb:

(Inside joke, Diaz is not a racist)
Kool Herc invented hip-hop = 1973
"Rapper's Delight" = 1979
Blondie's "Rapture" = November 1980
Uh..I never said Sugar Hill Gang did. However, "Rapper's Delight" was what took rap music mainstream. To be completely honest with you, I'm not even basing this off my own views, because I wasn't even born until 1977. I didn't start listening to rap music until about 1982. I'm going off of what other people who are older than me told me about rap in the 70's. And they have all said that "Rapper's Delight" is what REALLY took rap mainstream and got it attention.

Also, people who were born long before me tell me that Blondie was rapping in songs long before "Rapture". But again, this is information I can only go off of by other people, because I wasn't born yet.

(And LMAO at prefabricated-ass Sugar Hill Gang being used as a marker in this fashion. Fuck those motherfuckers, they killed original hip-hop.)
LOL, so you're calling one of the most legendary rap groups and rap songs "bullshit" and you're saying it "killed original hip hop"?

Isn't that like trying to say that Run DMC watered down rap by bringing Aerosmith into it?

Try again.
They're called opinions.

Famous, yes. Respected, no.
Bullshit they weren't respected. Read the article that Darryl "DMC" McDaniels wrote about the Beasties in the Rolling Stone edition where they name the bottom 50 of the greatest musicians of all time. He was talking about the first time he met the Beasties was in Rick Rubins college dorm. He said that he saw these three white guys who appeared to be what he basically called posers. He said he started talking to them about rap and he said the three of them knew so much about the game that they knew shit even he didn't know. He said himself that they were "the only white boys in rap who got a pass, and they got it because they weren't trying to be something they were not. They were rappers, but they rapped about the things they knew such as skateboard, white castle and stuff like that." He even goes on to say that during the 1986 "Raising Hell Tour", that the Beasties were opening for them. He said the first night, the audience was just 99% black people. He said that backstage everyone's biggest fear was that "as soon as they (the Beasties) took the stage, everyone was going to leave thinking 'who the hell are these guys'". However, he goes on to say "the crowd absolutely loved them and ate them up because they weren't white guys trying to be black rappers and real recognizes real".

Now, when those statements come from Darryl fucking McDaniels, I think that speaks a ton, coming from one of the most legendary emcees ever in the game, and when he's talking about how respected they were...YOU are not going to convince me otherwise.

They failed as a punk band and decided to try rapping since it was the new shit in New York.
Who cares what they "failed at"? That is irrelevant.

They made a couple of hits that frat boys love. After they left Def Jam (and Rick Rubin's production, and Run-D.M.C.'s ghostwriting), they made another hip-hop record that flopped, and then they picked up the rock guitars again
You can come up with your sad excuses all day long, but the bottom line is that the Beastie Boys (who, BTW, I don't even listen to) are one of the most respected crews hip hop has ever had and they're white. They are the reason that someone like Eminem was even given a chance after the Vanilla Ice fiasco. So..next time you're going to argue against me that someone wasn't as respected as I say they were, you might want to do some research and find out if other legends of the game are giving those guys props.

Which they only did under label pressure.
Not according to Joe Simmons. He claims it was their idea and they approached Aerosmith about it. But, even if you were right, who cares? What's done is done, and what's classic is classic, why it was done changes nothing.

A lot of heads at the time considered them sellouts for doing so. And nevermind that that's just a black group remaking a rock song, not a white band making hip-hop.
You know what, man? You're never going to make everyone happy. Who cares who did or didn't like it? Today it's considered by many as the collaboration that took rap into a cross over position and is DEFINATELY considered one of the most legendary collabos in ALL OF MUSIC period. People who don't even like rap like that remake.

This Benetton stuff is cute, but it's not realistic.
"This Benetton stuff"? Mind speaking in English?

First off: whites enslaved blacks, brought them to America, and persecuted them for 400+ years, not the other way around.
:rolleyes: What's real sad is that you're even trying to make that rationalization.

Dogg...something that happened decades ago has nothing to do with society today. So don't give me that shit.

Second, Whites took Black folk music and the blues to bastardize country music and then persecute Blacks who tried to participate, not the other way around. White people took Black jazz and stole it, not the other way around. Whites stole rock music, not the other way around. Whites stole electronic music, not the other way around. (God damn - why the fuck do white people always have to make themselves infiltrate and destroy everything other people do?)
You're excuses for someone making racist comments about white in rap music are even more pathetic than the quote we're all commenting about.

My question...are you black?

Black people created hip-hop. Latinos played a prominent role. Period. There were/always have been a few White people in the mix - so the fuck what? Those individual Whites played a role - big ups to Paul C, Rick Rubin, El-P, and such - but Whites as a group didn't affect hip-hop.
Who cares about "whites as a group"? What does this have to do with a group effort? Bottom line is, no matter what industry you are in, it's NOT ABOUT RACE, it's about your ability to do what you do well. You either have talent in that field or you don't.

White people have never been the target audience of hip-hop.
My question is...why does race always have to be brought into rap music? When a black guy happens to be good at hockey, a predominntly white sport, the white people don't laugh at him and say "a black guy who thinks he can play hockey? Yeah right". But...dare a white person try to rap, and that's EXACTLY what they hear.

So...a person's ability to rhyme words and craft excellent lyrics is all dependent on your color? That's funny, because I always thought it was dependent on your grasp of the English language and your ability to rhyme words well.

The people who define what's dope and not in hip-hop: Blacks
Bullshit. A lot of blacks are telling us that Lil Jon and the Ying Yang Twins are the new big things in rap music. I can't fucking stand them. If I let black people tell me what is dope and what is not in hip hop...I'd be bumping 50 Cent, Lil Jon and his people, Mike Jones, Ludacris, Ja Rule, etc...I listen to NONE of those people.

On the other hand, a lot of people are trying to say that Obie Trice and D12 are garbage, but I happen to like both acts.

So, in the end, my opinion is that the sheep let whoever they think is "cool" tell them what's hot. People who have their own mind (such as myself) determine themselves what's hot.

The people who largely make hip-hop: Blacks
I didn't argue that.

The people who hip-hop is targeted to: Blacks
This is partially wrong too because as Quincy Jones says himself on Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel, and I quote, "rap music wouldn't have a chance in hell to be as popular as it is without targeting a white audience". And he's completely right.

It doesn't matter if all of the VPs and A&Rs are White and you see a bunch of White motherfuckers blasting rap music out of their cars
I'm not discussing VPs and A&R's. Those are the LAST people I'd listen to.

G-Unit's music, look mang, is a hood thang not a White thang.
Why can't it be a "music thing"? As in "it's for whoever feels it". What? White people can't or don't live in the ghetto? Please.

50 Cent shouts out Floyd Flake and TD Jakes and responds to pleas from Farrakhan, not Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson or Billy Graham, Jr.
This is a bullshit example because the white rappers in the game don't mention Falwell, Robertson or Graham. Who someone mentions in their raps has nothing to do with their target audience. It has to do with the message they're sending out, what they're talking about etc...

UGK and 3-6 Mafia go gold. Atmosphere and Sage Francis don't (Well, Atmosphere is pretty fucking successful... but I attribute that to Slug only being part-white, lol). Little Brother blew up, no one gives a fuck about Ugly Duckling. That shows you the power of the black hip-hop audience versus the white one, if you're still confused.
I don't know ANY of the acts other than 3-6 Mafia you mentioned above, so I can't comment.

Also, you keep changing your argument it seems. I never said blacks don't have power in hip hop. Black control the fucking game, that is obvious. My argument is that rap music IS NOT A BLACK THING. It's for whoever it appeals to...whoever "gets it".

I'm so fucking sick of this race card shit anymore in rap. It's played out and lame anymore and it needs to fucking stop.

* Would anyone give a fuck about Paul Wall if he wasn't Chamillionaire's sidekick and he hadn't appeared on a single with Slim Thug and Mike Jones?
Well, speaking for myself, I am not interested in Paul Wall because of any of those people. Matter of fact, I can't stand Mike Jones, I know nothing about Slim Thug, and I've never heard a Chamillionaire verse. I'm interested in Wall because I was impressed by his interview in this month's Source, and because he's a white emcee, and as a white emcee myself, I'm looking for other white emcee's to peep out other than Eminem.

So...basically, I guess I care about Wall for none of those reasons you listed. YOu need to stop making broad generalizations just because you feel that way.

* Would anyone give a fuck about Lil Wyte if Three-6 wasn't cosigning him?
LOL, wel, considering I can't stand 3-6...I'd say I couldn't care less who they co-sign. The ONLY time I take a look at someone just because someone else co-signed them is in regards to Dr. Dre or Eminem and that's pretty much it. I used to be the same way towards Pac when he was alive and Snoop before he fell off. Oh, yeah, I'll also peep a guy out if Nas co-signs him too, like with Quan.

* Would anyone give a fuck about Eminem if Dr. Dre hadn't scooped him up?
A lot of people already were on the underground scene. No doubt Dre was a HUGE part of Eminem's success. Nobody will deny you that. But, Eminem is a talented motherfucker, so it's my opinion that he would have blown up regardless, eventually. However, how big he would or could have gotten without Dre is anyone's guess.

Remember one thing though, before he was revealed to be a fraud, Vanilla Ice was the biggest star in the rap game for a while with NO MAJOR CO-SIGNING.

* Would Alchemist be what he is today if it wasn't for the Infamous Mobb?
Don't listen to Alchemist and don't even know who Infamous Mobb is, so it doesn't matter to me. Sounds to me though by these questions you're asking that you need to get a mind of your own and stop listening to people just because someone else big co-signs them.

* Would Bubba Sparxxx go anywhere without Timbaland or DF?
PFFT..yeah, cuz Bubba is so fucking big today. That dude was a one hit wonder and it's laughable you even brought him into this.

BTW...would Missy be as big without Timbaland? The same question can be asked for Aaliyah. Would Biggie have been that big without Puffy? 2pac was certainly huge prior to DR. Would Snoop have been huge without Dre? Hell, would anyone on DR have been huge without Dre?

You're asking questions that can't be answered because they're all hypothetical and there is no real sure way of knowing the answers.

I don't know what else to say. There's a million ways to retireate the point. Hip-hop is not a White thing.
No...it's a music thing.

And if you think it should be, fuck you, because Whites have already done enough to fuck over Blacks as people and as creators of American music to last forever.
LOL..dogg...this isn't about race man. But I can tell you're a racist fuck though. You're coming off as so racist in this post that it's unbelievable. You know what dogg? Get over slavery. It happened DECADES ago. GEt the fuck over it. Rap IS NOT ABOUT COLOR, it's about your message and your talent.

Anyone who says otherwise is racist and that's all there is to it.

When you're invited to someone's house, you don't start hanging your posters up on the guest room walls and hog the bathroom, you fucking behave yourself. This isn't racist, this is just reality.
LOL @ you're lame comparisons. You're just a racist yourself, and that's reality.


Well-Known Member
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
so since a white man invented basketball only whites can play?? and since a white man created this and that a black man cant participate? he all of a sudden has to bow down to another race just for inventing something????? are fucking kidding me????

just because someone black invented rap music then suddenly every white man owes him some type of special respect for creating a different style of music. and this style of music has nothin to do with skin color its fuckin music. who ever created it did it because they wanted to not because they felt obligated to come up with a new style of music, not because of the color of his skin..

it shouldnt matter who the fuck invented what and all that bullshit if u like the shit enjoy the shit cause life is short
Since a white man created basketball black players show respect to who created it and show respect to the pioneers of it. They dont say stupid things to the creators of basketball like "you only created basketball because you wanted too not because you felt obligated to come up with a new sport... :rolleyes:." Your too hard headed.
We dont live in a utopia, color exists deal with it. Life is short so respect your roots, respect where hip-hop came from, respect why it started and who started it. Party music, the music most so called "heads" love to hate nowadays. Don't sit there and act like it doesn't matter that a black man created this, don't sit there and act like you shouldn't show respect to the creator of this. Dont sit there and act like you can't appreciate the voice of a culture, a black mans culture. Also it should matter "who the fuck invented what and all that bullshit". Because if you aren't showing respect to the pioneers of this rap shit then you are dead wrong.
roaches said:
Prove it. There is no fucking way to reliably demonstrate that most of the people that buy hip-hop are White or not. When I go to Best Buy or Wal-Mart to buy a CD, they don't record my race when they scan the barcode. Oh, and does that number include the millions of independent releases and mixtapes that people have been selling?

And, wait. Did you just imply Blacks aren't part of The People?

No, you fucking biter. Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz released that as a single three years ago.

Why don't you leave Ohio, come down to the South, and ask a Nascar fan how meaningless his antebellum ancestors are?

It's easy for you to say that, you're not part of an oppressed minority. It's also natural for you to say that, you've inherited your community's feelings of being threatened by darkies asserting themselves and fighting for their rights after centuries of complacency.

Yeah, "Nature of the Threat" is completely race neutral.

You don't have to change what you like. I'm not changing what I like. Stretch Armstrong isn't changing what he likes. El-P isn't. MC Serch isn't. Paul Wall isn't. Jin isn't. Lil Wyte isn't. Eminem isn't. MC Paul Barman isn't. Edan isn't.

Like I said, this isn't about exclusion. This is about recognizing what the state of affairs is.

i dont see how u can get that i said black werent a part of the people? that is the exact opposite of what i was saying...

just because live in fucking boring ass ohio doesnt mean i dont know what is out there in the world. i know there are people still stuck in the past, and ur one of em. ur stuck in the mindstate, that time period is over with.

ive made my point and its obvious that i am liberal and respect ANYONE with a fucking goal in life... once again i dont give a fuck who came up with what and what color they are. color has nothing to do with the way u express urself and ur feelings as a human.

race will always be an issue in this world and its fuckin depressing, so quit fuckin worring about the fuckin past and who came up with it and try to change the fuckin future.
Aristotle said:
Since a white man created basketball black players show respect to who created it and show respect to the pioneers of it. They dont say stupid things to the creators of basketball like "you only created basketball because you wanted too not because you felt obligated to come up with a new sport... :rolleyes:." Your too hard headed.
We dont live in a utopia, color exists deal with it. Life is short so respect your roots, respect where hip-hop came from, respect why it started and who started it. Party music, the music most so called "heads" love to hate nowadays. Don't sit there and act like it doesn't matter that a black man created this, don't sit there and act like you shouldn't show respect to the creator of this. Dont sit there and act like you can't appreciate the voice of a culture, a black mans culture. Also it should matter "who the fuck invented what and all that bullshit". Because if you aren't showing respect to the pioneers of this rap shit then you are dead wrong.
i respect what they did because what they did.... not because they are black and created it. I respect them as a human being and i dont care what color they are.

they created an art the represents themselves and their lives. not just b/c they were black

im done trying to prove my point so dont direct anything else at me cause i already said how i feel. fuck u if u dont like it i dont give a fuck


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Latinos are an important part of Hip Hop culture. We get left out when discussing Hip hop history. Remember who it was that began b-boy and tagging crews in the 80s? It was Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. So we in this bitch.

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