"Hip Hop is a black thing, we just let yall in"

what in the hell? if it wasnt 4 ya'll white people we wouldnt have platium rappers. buts thats like saying america is white peoples country and they just letting us in. so this is a white mans world. "kill my my cracka kids too!"
I do agree to a certain extent that rap is a black thing because it originated from black culture. However that doesnt mean its exclusivly for blacks or restricted to whites. When some of you say, "rap is a black thing," you say it in a very ignorant way. You're almost trying to close the doors to anyone other than blacks. You have to understand that times are changing and people are adopting different ideas, and different lifestyles. Freedom is no longer whites only; thought they let blacks in on it. Now its a universal thing. We all know how hard of a fight that was for black people. Same comparison could be draw up about anything exclusive to a certain majority of people.. Why should anything be restricted to anyone? Where is the equality in that?


Well-Known Member
I havent heard anyone in this thread say Hip Hop should be restricted to Blacks only. The discussion started by discussing whether other races were "let" in which gives me the feeling the person was accepting other races are part of Hip Hop now. But really Hip Hop aint no club, theres no bouncers knockin people back.
it is a black thang and black people should be proud that this type of music is overxploding.im mexican and i love hip hop and i know its black and i respect that but some people take it to the extent that they wanna be black.thats why black people get pissed off they feel like the other races r taking their culture. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Claimed it was thier land??? oh yea i forgot how much white rappers dominate the game! think not use ur fuckin brain b4 u open ur trap
He's talking about the colonization of America, not rap music. I understand that the safety helmet and goggles you're required to wear to protect your malformed skull and weak brain might've made the screen blurry, causing confusion, but still, after nineteen years of this sort of thing you should learn to re-read. If you start trying harder, maybe you'll even master your sphincter.
artisticgurl said:
I havent heard anyone in this thread say Hip Hop should be restricted to Blacks only. The discussion started by discussing whether other races were "let" in which gives me the feeling the person was accepting other races are part of Hip Hop now. But really Hip Hop aint no club, theres no bouncers knockin people back.
First of all; think before you reply.. Please, its not that hard. How can Hip Hop be restricted to blacks when they created it? I meerely stated that some of you take it so personally; to the point that you're trying to say that rap is restricted to whites and exclusivly for blacks. Not the other way around; the way you implied.

Now lets shake hands and move on.. :thumb:
you dont let anyone into a form of music, what would they have done? shot any nonblacks from rapping? the music would have reached where its reached regardless of blacks wanting to let people in or not...

lets say i creat a music form tomorrow and people like it...i may want to keep it all to myself but once its out there then theres nothing i can do about it...

Im a black man but i aint from america and i agree with rukas roaches and artisticgurl, its obvious blacks made made hip hop you's are jus takin it too far no one said you have to pay homage to black people or ya couldnt listen to the music but recognise blacks made that music thats all there is to it


Well-Known Member
Rukahs84 said:
First of all; think before you reply.. Please, its not that hard. How can Hip Hop be restricted to blacks when they created it? I meerely stated that some of you take it so personally; to the point that you're trying to say that rap is restricted to whites and exclusivly for blacks. Not the other way around; the way you implied.

Now lets shake hands and move on.. :thumb:
Oops I meant restricted as in only for Black people, we're actually agreeing on that ;)

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