"Hip Hop is a black thing, we just let yall in"


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GhettoStar said:
whats your proof, cuz last time I checked dark skinned people have always been associated with music (as simple as it might have been) as the founders
I was kidding sir :):thumb:


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Bill G said:
Black people is to wide a term. It gives credit to way too many people.
That's what i'm saying. I don't really like referring to people as large groups or races, because it just doesn't really add up. Not everyone in that group is going to like hiphop music, so why really bother? It's like associating rock music with white people. I know shitloads of white people that don't like rock music. That's why the whole group thing as a whole doesn't work in my opinion. People can say whatever they want, but I love hiphop music and I listen to it cause I choose to, not cause anyone LETS me.

I don't need permission from fucking ANYONE. I love the music more than anyone i've ever met, whether it be black, white, asian, hispanic or anything else. So why should it matter? It has evolved and in my opinion, for the better. Of course it's history will not be forgotten, but to look back and bring up bullshit won't make things better. In my opinion, it's more about who really likes it and who doesn't. It's rare to find people who really love hiphop music, no matter what color. :thumb:
Like i've seen a couple of you all say it was invented by black people but it's appriciatted by a wide variety of people making it a universal thing.
white,non american

i for one acknowledge that hip hop is a black thing,and to be honest,i want it to stay that way..but 'letting us in' is not correct,firstly because u cant ban a whole race of people of doing one thing(ok i know white's oppressed blacks but thats another story),secondly because spome black people(a small number of them though) i met did not cater to the fact that i loved and love hip hop..

another thing is,like take for example pac's ''strictly for my n.i.g.g.a.z'',he commented that yeah this album is strictly for n****z,but surely out of all the sales of the album,there are white people who bought it,i cant prohibit them to buy im just saying that what im saying is for my people.

furthermore,it is not possible for everyone who enjoys hip hop to relate to the stuff thats being said,not everyone is pour or his father left him or anything like that,i for example am neither rich nor pour,but what it comes down to is feelings,cos the song might be talking about feeling pain,perhaps generated by different issues and situations,but its still pain,do you feel what i'm saying?
fuck the only a black thing, if some of yall really think like that then jus explain 2 me who buys all the cds that make these artists money and im not makin ne racist statements cause i dont see race as ne thing except an excuse that people give themselves to pull away from opposite races, different races claim different things but something like music like rap was created by the black society altho it has spread 2 the main stream for almost 10 years now so theres no reason 2 still hold onto the thought that its just black music...get out a lil more


New Member
They call us black and white to make us look like complete opposites, but really we're brown and peach! We're not that far away in hues you know! :):thumb:


New Member
i sorta agree. But not really. Black ppl show respect to white ppl bumping rap and shit. I always drive around bumping 2pac and whenever i hit a red light with a black guy, he always nods his head and shows love. But still...white/black...its good muzak man.


Well-Known Member
It was a black a thing. It originated in black communities and was carried on by a majority of black people to this day. The reason i say it was is because since it has become popular and internationally known it lost its "colour". It has become universal. Now it's not just a black thing anymore its a green thing. Money, thats what its mostly about and whatever appeals to the masses will be pushed to the forground. Coorperations control what direction hip hop will take. Maybe one day hip hop will be dominated by white people. We all know majority buyers are white and would identify themselves better with a white idol figure.


Well-Known Member
A question - are you going to post every interesting post you find in Okayplayer's archives? I associate those posts with that board's layout, I feel sick and nauseous when I try to process those words on this blueish background.
to me thats horseshit and im not american white male, im an iranian :D...

"white folk invented the cure for small pox so no late passes"....i know thats extreme but its making the point that because some creates something, having some sort of claim to it is ridiculous...

take a look at how much hiphop has borrowed from "white" music eg rock, country....or spanish guitar...or classical music...

hiphop in its original state is something blacks can claim, thats cool...but as it stands? its a mix of many cultures and musical forms...

and "rapping" has gone on in many forms far older than "rap"...

the clothes you could say are "black" or some aspects of the culture, but increasingly its becoming a mix, and becoming better for it...



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
xxx said:
im a white man and i agree that rap is a black thing, but i dont agree with him saying " we just let yall in". That doesnt make sense. So blacks "let" Eminem sell 100 billion records? If blacks have this authority, why did you let Eminem in?
Eminem only blew up because he had Dre behind him, otherwise no one else would have taken him serious. So yes, a black man, Dr. Dre, decided what was hot and everyone ran with it.

Theres truth to the statement but so what. Thats like saying basketball is a white thing and we let blacks in, its just silly. If someone stood up and said that they would be labelled a racist and everyone would be up in arms. But for a black man to say it, its all cool.

At the end of the day it doesnt really matter, "they" need us and we need them. All good.
Bill G said:
This was posted on okayplayer quite a while ago but I still think the discussion created will interest us for a week or so. Do you remember this, roaches?

How would you respond to the man that wrote this? What would you say?

American White Men: Does this annoy you or do you agree with the point?

American Black Men: Do you feel this way? If not, why?

Non-American Citizens: ???
The way I'd respond to that quote is to say whoever said it is an egotistical fuck that talks too much.

Granted rap music has been majority blacks for the past 30 years, buty white people have ALWAYS been a part of it. I mean, if you go back to the early 70's, before Sugar Hill Gang dropped "Rappers Delight", Blondie, a while female "rockstar" was rapping in songs.

You go back to the early 80's, and the Beasties were one of the most respected and famous rap groups in the game. Not to mention when Run DMC hooked up with Aerosmith and re-created "Walk This Way" into a rap song.

To say rap music "belongs to blacks and they just let us in" is fucking bullshit. I'm a white underground emcee and I think I said it best once in a song I wrote called "Our Genre". For the quote I'm talking about, peep out my signature below, my quote is there.

Rap music is not about color. It's about a persons (man or woman) ability to rhyme words in an educated manner. It's about who is best with their wordplay and all the other aspects that are involved in rap. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, mexican, puerto rican or whatever. If you got flow and talent, you got it.

What's bullshit is that if a white person had said about baseball "this is our game, we just let the blacks play with us", the guy would have probably been fined, MAYBE even suspended, would have been called a racist and would have been made to apologize to blacks through the media.
Pittsey said:
Rap is a black thing. It was started by black people for black people.
However it is liked universally by young, old, white or black. There should be no restrictions to who can listen. However sometimes the message may be lost on certain people.
Would the artist prefer that the only people who listen to the music be black people who are living in the ghetto. The majority of these people aren't gonna have a lot of spare money for music. Or would they prefer to sell a shit load of records and make money.

Black people started hip-hop. White people kept it going with their spending. For the better or the worse.
So, is baseball a "white thing" that we just let the blacks play with us?

This comment by whoever made it that we are all responding too as as racist as you can possibly get without using racist epithets.
if you think that "we just let yall in" makes any since then i will give you something to think about that actually makes more since to me and by the way im not white im arab.
we all know that rap existed in the 70's and 80's but people didnt listin to it until the 90's is that becouse the black man forced us to listin NO its becouse the WHITE man gave the black man a record deal and sold it to the WHITE kids and if you ask any black man that was in the rap besiness in the late 80's or early 90's thats what they will say. even today almost every black label is assosiated with a white one like aftermath and interscope and so on. so if your going to be stupid enough to beleive that they let us in then you should be stupid enough to beleive that the white people can take it away just like they gave it to us. (could you amagine MTV without hip hop that shit would SUCK)
Rukas said:
Eminem only blew up because he had Dre behind him, otherwise no one else would have taken him serious. So yes, a black man, Dr. Dre, decided what was hot and everyone ran with it.
To say Em ONLY blew up because of Dre is ludicrous. You don't know that he wouldn't have eventually blown up without Dre. I mean, granted, having the best and most legendary producer in the game as your producer definately helps 100 fold. But you don't know that he wouldn't have blown up without Dre. That's just speculation.

Also, Dre didn't decide for us that it was hot and we just all followed along. Matter of fact, when Em first dropped, I despised the guy and I had been a Dre fan at that point since 87/88. When he dropped Em on us, Dre was my favorite producer and in my top 5 list of favorite rappers. But, just because he said Em was hot, I didn't just follow along because he said so.

Also, I think it was Pittsey brought up a good point too. In the 80's, Rick Rubin, a white man, was the one that "decided" Run DMC was hot and "told us" that they were.
I am a young white man (whatever u wanna call it i'm 19) and i believe that rap music was created by black people but not only for black people. I dont care how it got to me or how they got a record deal or who is what color or any of that shit... i feel that music is a representation of ones personality. For me the number one quality in a person and musician is someone that is genuine. If you are a genuine person and create good music that represents yourself, then that is all that is required of you. No matter what color a person might be if you are genuine, not everyone will like you but u will be respected.

Most rappers are black and i do deal with my parents and older white people from my family sayin that how can you listen to that crap? I personally feel insulted when someone says that about the music i choose to listen to. I feel this way because if you dont like it cool, but dont bash what, picks me up when im down, what makes me shed a tear, what makes me think, what takes me away from life and the daily bullshit EVERYONE is going through.

Different types of music appeal to different people depending on what you been through in your life experiences and what your personality is like.

If someone says that im a white man listening to rap music that is made for black people is absolutly the definition of ignorance. There are a uncountable other things that people should be worried about out there in the world than who the fuck came up with rap music and who deserves to listen.

Music comes from the soul, and souls are color blind.

Listen to what you feel like and throw up the finger to people that bash you for liking what you want!


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