The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
Just got back home from watching the And1 LIVE Tour (Kenya).

The And1 team taking on our rather humble Kenyan all-stars. One sequence got the crowd so fired up. The Kenyan PG (Bruce) was up against 'Hot sauce'. Bruce is doing all these crazy moves and tries to pull down Hot sauce's shorts about three times. No luck in that move. Bruce then drives forward, fakes a pass but throws the ball straight up in the air. While the ball was in the air, Hot sauce had already turned around looking left, looking right.....Ball was no where to be seen.

Bruce takes the ball and lobs it in for an easy reverse dunk. The crowd goes nuts!!! People went so nuts, they start throwing empty plastic bottles (which was pretty lame) on to the court. People storm the court and the game is stopped with the usual announcement. Time out is called and Hot Sauce walks back to the bench smiling, nodding his head. You could just tell he's thinking, "He got me." Game was stopped for about 3 mins coz people really went berserk after that. It was nothing but noise.

Right after the time out, Hot Sauce comes back and signals for Bruce to come over and guard him. Usual dribble moves and whoosh....just like that Hot Sauce has pulled Bruce's jersey right over his head. Bruce was left struggling to take off his jersey. Really, I don't know what happened beyond there coz I went crazy making noise. Next thing I saw was Hot Sauce also had his jersey off. Either way, it was probably the coolest sequence I've seen in streetball.

Best sporting event of my life so far :)


New York's Ambassador
I used to watch the And 1 DVDs every day in high school. Hot Sauce was my favorite. He has one of the sickest handles I've ever seen. But he's gotta be like 40.


Staff member
Loose balls, rebounds, free throws. These things win you and lose you a game. Heat lost in classic fashion. Did all the wrong things. Congrats to the Mavs, they did all the right things. When you have so much talent on a team, Dirk in a shooting slump means nothing.

Interesting note: Both Stojakovic and Bibby (former Kings' players who'd usually choke in the playoffs) taken out of the rotation...cause they choked in the series.


Well-Known Member
Dirk asked LeBron if he could break a dollar. LeBron only gave him 75 cents. When asked why he only gave 75 cents, Lebron responds, “I don’t have the 4th quarter”
I hate to say this but. "Well done Mavs!!" They've put a lot of demons to sleep.

How the hell is Lebron James gonna come back from this one?


New York's Ambassador
Q: Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

"Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point." -Lebron James, after game six

What a dick. Yeah, we failed, but all the people hating on me are going back to the steel mill next week, and I'll be living my superstar life! What the hell kind of famous person says that shit out loud? Is he trying to be the most hated athlete ever? He needs to stop talking when there are microphones around.

Also, this:



Well-Known Member
Yay. I do feel really happy for Kidd and Dirk, those guys deserve their rings. And I'm so happy they won by 10, that's the biggest winning margin in the series yeah? It was good that even with Dirk struggling in the first half the rest of the team stepped up, especially Terry. Then as usual Dirk fires up in the 4th. And as usual LeBron goes ghost. lol. I always find it really weird celebrations when teams win on away games. And what was with Dirk heading straight to the lockers? Couldn't cry in public I guess haha.. Was that Bosh who looked like he collapsed while walking back to the locker room? He was pretty upset. Really good game though, went back and forth quite a bit.

Q: Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

"Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point." -Lebron James, after game six
Oh. My. God. lol

He's assuming all his haters have shitty lives.. haha.. Guess what LeBron, you still need to wake up tomorrow and realise you choked in the Finals. Again. And now you get to wonder for another year whether you'll do that again. LOL.

Oh and watch the Miami Heat fans blame the loss on the negativity surrounding the team, and how the demonisation of them from the media etc etc.. Just wait for it haha..

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lebron's comments were disgraceful, but they came out of frustration (hopefully), win or lose he would have been hated on but that comes with being a superstar player, if you don't play at your best people will get on your back, whether that's right or wrong is debatable.

Also, did the Miami Heat send fans an E-mail before the game to be louder and to stick around til the end?

Chris Bosh crying like a baby was hilarious seeing as his team mates just walked past him.


Well-Known Member
Frustration is understandable. But I get the feeling it was just a continuation of his arrogance that we all should get used to now because it ain't goin anywhere.

Every major athlete at some point gets criticised, LeBron is not special. He may be getting alot of that attention right now but that was brought on by himself. Speak big, people are gonna hold you to that. Wade needs to teach LeBron how to hold press conferences, lol.

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