The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
i mainly hate the celtics because of their fans. before KG and Allen they wouldnt support team and now theyre there, all they do is talk shit. imo theyre done as a championship contenders but they may still pose a threat when 100% (which i doubt will happen)


Well-Known Member
It would be a trip if the Lakers beat the spurs without kobe after beating portland without kobe. hahaha.
Indeed it happened. It puts a lot of discussion about how they are working without Bynum as well. Two teams games is a small amount to look at but, I'm impressed.

Dwight Howard and Lebron James superbowl ad.
And someone else too... at the end... i wont give it away.
I liked that ad. They pay a homage to the original with Michael Jordan and the man himself at the end. Yeah, like all ads it strains the suspension of disbelief but, so did Vince Carter in the Olympic games when he jumped over that French guy :D

kobe might miss the all star game according to espn
I read about that as well.

There was one all star game in Golden State when Reebok had made a pair of yellow and blue shoes for Iverson to wear. While in the locker room, lots of players clowned A.I about the color of his shoes. The thing is, back in the day unconventional shoe colors just wasn't the in thing, compared to now. A.I didn't take it too well and blamed his creative marketing guy about the whole thing, said he wouldn't wear the shoes. So, there was a panic at Reebok as they had shipped off hundreds of pairs of those shoes to stores. Who was gonna buy those shoes if A.I wasn't seeing wearing them? Nobody. They even called in A.I's mum to try and talk to him. Right before tip off, AI takes his regular shoes and plays in them during the warm up. The Reebok guy has his heart in his mouth, knowing he's going to the dogs for this. He was sitting watching the game when it tipped off and all he got was calls from store managers asking "Why the hell isn't A.I wearing the shoes you sent to our store?" A.I never wore those shoes but, if you get a pair of them today somehow...........

Nike just might 'ask' Kobe to consider playing a few minutes, just for the sake of the shoes. I'm not saying its definite but, this stuff happens. Kobe already said he was helping out Shannon Brown in the dunk contest. When that happens, take a look at the shoes both of them will be wearing and, you'll see whats up.

Kobe's not going to miss the all star game, he should at least go out there and run or something. for a few mins.
Spoken like a true Nike rep......j/k :)

The Houston Rockets are in the discussion stages of a complicated, three-team trade that would send Tracy McGrady(notes) to the New York Knicks, sources told Yahoo! Sports.

The centerpieces of the trade would include the Washington Wizards shipping forward Caron Butler(notes) and center Brendan Haywood(notes) to the Rockets. The Knicks would send Al Harrington(notes) to the Wizards. For the Wizards’ part, they would still need another player, as well as a draft pick and cash to make this a workable scenario, sources said.

Other players and contracts would still need to be agreed upon for a deal to come together, but there is a framework to the discussions.

The Rockets have been peddling McGrady’s expiring contract of $23 million since exiling him in late December.
i wonder how the knicks will use tmac. they freaked marbury because they said hes not in the team futures but neither is tmac.

rockets got so many fowards. Ariza, batties, buddinger, and now butler in the mix thats 4 foward that deserve mins.

anyone catch the shaq/lebron/verajao fast break lol


Well-Known Member
^^That is one complex trade. The type that determines if the people posting on here are just NBA fans, or 'NBA analysts in the making'.

anyone catch the shaq/lebron/verajao fast break lol

Shaq pulled off a monster block :amazed: If you ask the coach, he'd probably say Lebron was the one meant to finish the play, with Varejao making the assist.
^i assume youre talking buddinger. i know hes a rookie but from what i recall during summer league he was tearin it up. he needs rock time to develop. battier should be traded.

lol lakers team looks liberated without KB


Well-Known Member
^i assume youre talking buddinger. i know hes a rookie but from what i recall during summer league he was tearin it up. he needs rock time to develop. battier should be traded.
Naw, I dig Chase Budinger... ever since he and Kevin Durant tore shit up at the All-American Game back in the day, lol.

I mostly meant Ariza, he's got to be one of the worst starters in the NBA this year and definitely the worst at his position. Caron's been pissing me off all year, too, but I understand that he no longer gives a fuck so it's w/e.

KG needs to hang it up after this season or severely change his role. I haven't seen anyone age this quickly since Walt on Lost. It's gotta start getting awkward for his teammates, too, being around someone who's so intense but also on the verge of decrepitude.
yea, ariza as a first option is a no no.

KG is only 33 but hes played like 14 seasons. he got a lot of miles on his body. you'd think he would still be effective with being next 2 other all stars but na.

i hate to admit it but i think rondo is the best player on the team. ray fell off, kg stays getting injured and pierce is overrated.

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