The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
Agent 0. So glad he's not injured anymore, love watching him play.

I don't know why but does Gilbert remind anyone else of Kanye?

Lakers got a W, Kobe got his first 40+ of the season tonight. yeahhh man
hahahaha, expect more of that this year Yak. Kobe had the offseason off. Last season he went straight to Olympic basketball after the Finals, and then NBA season for a championship run. That's a lot of work. So i expect him to come back strong with big games now that he's rejuvenated.
The Boston Celtics and Rajon Rondo(notes) have reached an agreement in principle on a contract extension, Rondo’s agent, Bill Duffy, said early Monday.

League sources said the extension is for five years and guarantees Rondo at least $55 million. With the two sides facing a Monday deadline to get a deal done, Duffy said he called Celtics president Danny Ainge on Sunday to inform him Rondo was prepared to play out his contract and become a restricted free agent next summer because they weren’t satisfied with the team’s previous offers. Ainge, however, surprised Duffy by responding that Rondo’s contract hopes would be met.
He makes as much as Tony Parker does a season (11mill).
Parker >>>> Rondo.


Well-Known Member
Only Five broadcast it now :(

NFL has taken over on sky sports so they dont show any NBA games on that sports package - which just leaves Five (a free, ordinary, lifestyle/entertainment channel) to televise the games at 1am/2am when im clearly not able to watch it. Five US televise it too, same story though.

Sky sports at least used to show some games on weekends (mornings and evenings) so i could get a chance to see it. not anymore tho :(

you're from Nairobi?

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
Memphis teammates O.J. Mayo and Rudy Gay got into a shouting match near the end of the team's loss to Denver on Sunday night.

Mayo scored a career-high 40 points, but the Grizzlies lost 133-123.

The incident took place during a timeout late in the fourth quarter. Gay took exception when Mayo made a strong comment about his teammates not getting back on defense, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins and a number of players stepped in to separate the two players.

"I told them to shut up so we can get on with the rest of the game," Hollins said. "It's not about you. It's about us trying to win a game. We can't stand here with you guys going back and forth. It was a heat-of-the-moment incident. They get along. They're just competitors. They both want to succeed."

After the game both Mayo and Gay said that the incident was "nothing."
i saw this coming last season when it looked rudy didnt wanna be out there. mayo steadily took over the number 1 option.

damn i wonder how iverson gonna fit in all this lol i feel bad for gasol.

oo and iversons playing tonite
This dude must be outta his mind. hahahaha

Now I've never been one to spread gossip but this particular item deserved a little attention.

Sam Smith of wrote an article today speculating that LeBron James could be headed to the Lakers next summer.

Smith acknowledges that the Lakers, owners of the NBA's highest payroll, do not have the sufficient cap space to sign LeBron outright. His rationale is that if LeBron has his heart set on going to the Lakers then the Cavs would have no choice but to accommodate his majesty or risk getting nothing for him in return.

To make matters even more complicated, Smith writes "I’ve heard this scenario from some NBA people, though I’ve heard every other one as well..."

Well, that last part I agree with. If James did plan on leaving town the Cavs would be much better off at least getting one building block for him.

Here's what Smith writes about the particulars of the deal:

"If they (the Cavs) don’t accommodate him, he’s going to New York or Miami and they get nothing. But if they do in a sign and trade to save the franchise, they get a young, potential All-Star center in Andrew Bynum. Maybe Lamar Odom as well or Ron Artest. Draft picks, some pieces like Jordan Farmar."

Now I don't know if Smith knows this but Farmar is going to be a free agent next summer. And while I don't think the Lakers would hesitate to pull the trigger on either a Bynum and Odom or a Bynum and Artest for LeBron trade, Lakers first-round draft picks are useless when you consider that for at least the next four years they are not going to be that much better than second-round picks.

So here's the question, if you're a Cavs fan and you know LeBron is leaving, is Bynum the type of centerpiece you'd be looking to get back in a trade for James?

Odom has two more guaranteed years left after this one on his current deal (with a team option for a fourth year) and Artest is signed for four more years.

Bynum is under contract for two more years after this one with a team option for a third.

If you're a Lakers fan, do you make either trade and give up on the promising Bynum while he's still healthy and you've got the chance?

I should let you all know that Smith is a bit of rumor-monger who has been throwing out hypothetical trades long before ESPN's Trade Machine and RealGM's TradeChecker™ came into existence.

I don't take anything he says that serious so I suggest neither should you.

If you asked me today where I thought James would go next summer I would tell you that I think he's going to re-sign with the Cavs for three years. James turns 25 in December and will still be 28 if he does as I suspect.

I just don't think that the teams that will have cap space next summer have enough, even with James, to be any better than the squad James is currently on. Not the Knicks, the Nets, or even the Heat with Dwyane Wade.

The lone exception would be the Bulls.

But if Smith, who lives in Chicago, doesn't seem to think the Bulls are an option, then why should I?

Smith kind of contradicts himself a little when he first writes "The general consensus seems to be LeBron stays in Cleveland given you can be a star from anywhere...," yet he follows that later saying "James has often talked about expanding his empire, and lately has been involved with books and movies. So where else but in L.A. would you want to be to be involved in the entertainment industry?"

So let me get this straight: You can be a star from anywhere, but you can only write books and make movies in L.A.?

I'd give the Lakers less than a five-percent chance of landing LeBron next summer? I'd give him a 50/50 shot in 2013 if he only signs with the Cavs for three more years.

Until then, get used to these types of articles from guys like Smith because there's going to be another just like it popping up every week until July 1, 2009
Could LeBron James Be a Laker Next Year? | Bleacher Report

Og article: BULLS: Sam Smith: Will LeBron join Kobe in L.A.?

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