The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
I just turned the game off.

Fuck this.

I'm mad.
A straight up unexpected result that, especially at home. Shannon did a pretty good job coming off the bench. I guess if Bynum had a 20pt+ game it *might* have been a little different. Poor shooting & turnovers seemed to be the order of the night.

I wanna see how 24's scoring affects the Lakers win rate this season. This time round 20pts = loss.


Well-Known Member
Lakers will be alright, just the 2nd game. once Artest learns the triangle and we get Gasol back we'll be in good shape. got the Hawks tommorrow cant afford to drop 2 home games in a row though. Hawks will be a challenge.. no cake walk game for us.
Yea, art wherever the fuck you're at son... Happy first win.
Damn, and it came against the Blazers. How did that happen?

Here's how... Ariza 33pts, 3reb, 3ast. WOW! Makes me want to ship Artest out to Houston and bring back Ariza.
Like almost everyone who has ever appeared in or watched an NBA game, Dennis Rodman has an opinion in the Kobe Bryant- LeBron James "who's better?" debate.

He just picked an unusual forum to voice it: the "Judge Jeanine Pirro" syndicated courtroom television show.

During Monday's upcoming show, Rodman sues a friend/assistant for allegedly gambling away $4,000 of Rodman's money in an Atlantic City, N.J., casino. And he was asked the obvious question: Kobe or LeBron?

"That's an easy question," Rodman says. "LeBron, he's more of a power forward. Kobe . . . has basically grown into his skills. I think Kobe has [become] a Michael Jordan of this era because he's very smart, and he knows how to score.

"LeBron is more like. 'Here I come, watch out!' I think LeBron right now is more like a kid, like a freight train. Kobe is better."

For the record, Judge Pirro found Rodman to be a "very deep, very sensitive human being" who is trying "to be a bad boy, but there's a good boy in there."
Dennis Rodman rules on Kobe Bryant-LeBron James debate --

Who the fuck cares what rodman thinks right? Haha, he's a freak.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
na, hes a nice role player to have on any team but i think his coach will bring out the best in him. if anything the rockets will overachieve like they did last year (theyre all hard workers). we'll see how consistent his game will be.
True True.

Well, i heard Ariza is trying to be the Go-To guy now. Since he asked Kobe for some advice (Role change could suit Ariza just fine - NBA - Yahoo! Sports). I don't know, Ariza is young and he's got talent. If he keeps playing hard, scoring, playing smart... i think he can do some damage to other teams. He's got some good role players around him. Hard working role players that gave the Lakers a hard time in the playoffs.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
i personally think ariza would fit the 2nd scoring option than first. he got a lot of work to do. he better keep talking to kobe lol its funny how he doesnt ask his teammate, tmac for advice.

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