so i take it Caesar is the "teacher" and i'm telling him what he can/can't do right? isn't that a bit of a stretched comparison my friend, seeing as i just made the observation, and never questioned what Caesar can or can't do.
and my advice was/is, find a real cause.
and maybe I'm wrong to suggest that's what you're doing. In the end, maybe I've had a long day at school and find yours and carmi's complaints really minuscule.
edit; at the end of the day i dont really give a fuck because i dont use the word. i just thought it was slightly funny that we've banned the word which is in like every second line of a rap song.
The word used in rap songs is different than the word banned on this board. In the rap songs you hear....just...why am I explaining this to you, don't you see the difference between black people using it and non-blacks? I don't like either of the words and I don't approve their use even by Black people. But, I pick my battles wisely. I'm not going to go around telling Black people they shouldn't use it.