i cant understand how someone that has accomplished hundreds of songs, millions of albuns sold WORLDWIDE and everything that was already said here(like lyrics, subjects, awards, delivery, leadership, his work method) in only +-6 years cant be the Greatest, while these cats that youre saying here are in the game for decades and are fighting to see who is the next Pac, or wich one is the biggest biter, recyclin his lyrics or song themes...
and during this 15 years in the game they dont have 5+ Albuns, less than that if you count a classic one NEAR T7D, AEOM, Strictly, SIR, MATW ...... and others
i mean, the guy was a teenager when he started and died so fucking young, and he MADE IT ....
Today I like a lot of new rappers and sometimes I get a little tired of this repetitive shit, but Pac i can bump everyday
to me his is the Goat
i hope you understand that...im fuckin high