Houston Attempt's Suicide

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
I called him a faggot,but i call alot of people faggots.I doesnt mean der gay.I dont think he is gay i just think he is an insensitive asshole who keeps posting bullshit.But ur reply makes no sense.Yes making fun of som1 in Houston's state of mind is a bad thing,but usin the word faggot in the context i used it aint.I guess u snobby,rich little kids would never have experienced Depression.Wake up to the real world.

Those "Eye" jokes aint funny either.The kinda stuff a 12 year old would come up wit.
Tupac Tha Great said:
Just cos he famous dont mean he cant b depressed.Mayb der is somthin goin on in his life dat drove him to dis.

To all the retarded kids like Hurts/Why the fuckin jokes sad bastard.U r not one bit funny.Makin jokes about som1 in dis state no matter who it is,is pretty low imo.A normal human being would feel sad for him.Depression nd suicide r awful things.Grow up faggot.

you call other people retards yet it looks like you type with your feet :rolleyes:

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