Houston Attempt's Suicide

no I never was manically depressed, all im saying is maybe the only way ud understand why he got to that point is if u were in his shoes. MANICALLY DEPRESSED and ON DRUGS.

Im not saying what he did was not stupid he probably didnt know what was right or wrong at the moment.

i.e ---- drinking and driving, unprotected sex and then getting aids, etc
hmm making fun of his eye is like being as ignorant as making fun of "retards" maybe the only way to understand them if your god made u have one for a kid.


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ThaTruth said:
Obviously u guys dont understand what hes going through....maybe u guys should get manically depressed aswell in order to understand
Scarface suffers from manic depression. I don't see him gauging his eye out.

The PCP made the dude claw his eye out. Theres a history with pcp and self abuse.


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ThaTruth said:
hmm making fun of his eye is like being as ignorant as making fun of "retards" maybe the only way to understand them if your god made u have one for a kid.
eye see;)
how unexpected, thats fucking sad man,he shouldnt be doing drugs but man.........thats seriously messed up, i hope he gets better, he should leave the singing and concentrate on getting better, after hearing that he shot himself,i feel even more sorry for him, just goes to show u how heartless people are, the guy is having problems and instead of trying to help him, they bombard him with tours and shit..

i aint a fan of his music, but im sorry for him cuz hes a person and no one should go through that.

damn,im in shock, i just can belive he would do that, he always looked like a happy guy, i would have never thought he would so something like that,guess u cant judge a book by its cover :(
ThaTruth said:
Obviously u guys dont understand what hes going through....maybe u guys should get manically depressed aswell in order to understand

Yes we studied this in a class b4 .. These people can't control it , they are just depressed 1 min then normal the next. They must take certain pills and therapy to control it and if you mix any other types of meds. it could mess the person up ( not sayin he took anythin I D K).

But the eye part is kind of weird but if he said things likes hes jesus , then something is wrong he might not be coming out wit any music 4 a while ....

N 4 tha ppl crackin jokes .... What goes round comes round :D

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