Houston Attempt's Suicide


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Yep. Made his wife shoot him in the head so that his mother could get his life insurance money. Dude survived the shot. He was even able to go up to a mirror and see the hole in his face.

Apperently, on certain days the gun power from the bullet still in his head gives him delusions. Also the bullet blasted off the piece of the brain where controling anger and speach is.
FlipMo said:
Yep. Made his wife shoot him in the head so that his mother could get his life insurance money. Dude survived the shot. He was even able to go up to a mirror and see the hole in his face.

Apperently, on certain days the gun power from the bullet still in his head gives him delusions. Also the bullet blasted off the piece of the brain where controling anger and speach is.
I never knew the gun powder fucked with him, and what you mean blew off the part of his brain that controlls speech? he has been rapping forever after he got shot.


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My bad. I meant if they moved the bullet from his head it would remove his speech and his ability to understand or anger? Something like that.

From what I remember, when the gunpower dissolves in his head and when the weather is fucked up, his sight goes all messed up and he feels like his whole body is moving in 3D includin his head.
FlipMo said:
My bad. I meant if they moved the bullet from his head it would remove his speech and his ability to understand or anger? Something like that.

From what I remember, when the gunpower dissolves in his head and when the weather is fucked up, his sight goes all messed up and he feels like his whole body is moving in 3D includin his head.
oh ok I got ya on if they removed the bullet shit.

but uhh buddy his whole body and head dose move in 3D just as you and I!


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I know, that part didn't make much sense to me either when he says it, but imagining it, it must be hella fucked up.


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Back to the eyedea (huhuhuhu) of why Houston did it.

Dude must of been strung out on coke and thought he was immortal or something.
he's just plain fucking stupid.. this is the kind of person who really deserves to die. On the verge of a good career.. a hit song that fucking mcdonalds used in their commercials.. (that's gotta be some good royalties).. i mean wtf, why would you commit suicide, you already have more then 50% of the world... jesus.

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