Hip-Hop heads opinion on ICP?

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I assumed by 'round here' you meant your neighbourhood where you were 'literally' the only kid listening to rap. If you meant further afield then I am in the wrong - in which case, I apologise for the distress I appear to have caused you.
Nah...you didn't cause me any "distress". Sorry if it seemed that I jumped on you but I've been dealing with Hurts for the past hour or so, who for some reason seems to have grown a penchant for wanting to make fun of every thing I say and knock everything I like. I ain't got no problem with you. Can't take internet life seriously dude, you know what I'm saying?

Anyway, yeah, I mean people in general. And I'm not bullshit at all when I say I was LITERALLY the only kid in my neighborhood who listened to rap music. That's why I only had like 2 or 3 friends as a kid, because most of my interests were the complete opposite of what everyone else's was. The only time I REALLY got to hang out with other kids listening to rap was about 3 days a week when my parents would take me to my grandma's house in Detroit. I remember when I was like 10, the summer of '87 and I was in the D and some guy 2 houses over put the barrel of a shotgun in his mouth and killed himself.

LOL, sorry 'bout that little family history there, lol, the oxycontin just kicked in.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I agree that quite a lot of the time ethnicity can be heard in someone's voice but there is still a chance that Eminem's ability immediately wrote off, in Dre's eyes, the chance of the rapper he was listening to being white
OK, do you really buy what Dre says then? Do you believe that Dre could not tell that Eminem was a white guy by his voice?

I mean, as I said, previously, I know there's exceptions to every rule, but part of the reason I hated Eminem back then was because I couldn't stand his voice. I mean he sounded like he was as white as milk.
jason_g_718 said:
OK, do you really buy what Dre says then? Do you believe that Dre could not tell that Eminem was a white guy by his voice?

I mean, as I said, previously, I know there's exceptions to every rule, but part of the reason I hated Eminem back then was because I couldn't stand his voice. I mean he sounded like he was as white as milk.
I'm not claiming to know if Dre is telling the truth or not, just that there are certain assumptions people make.

I mean if I said picture a police officer, most would picture a man (no homo).

So Dre has been in the industry for years and the extremely vast majority of rappers he'll have come across will've been black. It is only natural that he would assume Eminem was black.

Either that or he's lying.
MC mufasa said:
You don't have to believe it, but it's true. Before i knew Eminem was white i thought he was black. I was suprised he was white too. The thing is, that whole "95% of the time.." bullshit is just, well, bullshit.

Stop twisting shit around jason. The fact remains that Dre didnt know. Dont try to discredit that by pulling some bullshit statistic out of your ass to show why you dont believe it. It doesnt make sense anyway.
Why doesnt it make sense? Ill show you:

1) Hip hop is dominated by black artists - not white. So it's inevitable that Dre is going to assume Em was black and not white. When hearing Em at the rap olympics he's not going to think "oh he must be white!"
2) The whole 'voices' statistic you brought up is complete and utter bullshit. Are you telling me Eazy-E could've been mistaken for a white person? Eazy-E and Em both have that whiney kind of voice dont they? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
LOL, you know, everyday I come on this board and everyday someone in here types something that I find to be the stupidest think I've ever heard and I wonder if people can get any more stupid than they are now. Everyday I think I've heard the stupidest comment ever, then the next day comes...

OK, if you thought Em was black when you first heard him, that's fine, why would I not believe you? I don't understand how you couldn't tell, I mean he sounded like the whitest cracker ever back then.

I'm not twisting anything around. I actually laughed out loud when I read this post you wrote and I NEVER laugh out loud at internet stuff. How am I trying to "discredit" Dre? Are you fucking retarded? I just named him as one of my favorite artists in a thread and you're going to say I'm trying to "discredit him"? Please. Are you serious? I really truly hope you were joking.

Now, you can tell me all you want that it's "bullshit" that one can distinguish anothers ethnicity just by hearing their voice on the phone, but I believe it's true and I think the majority would agree with that. There's alread a post in here where someone agreed with me about that. True it's not a fact that you can distinguish that way, but it is a theory and an accurate theory at that.

How do you know what Dre is "going to think"? All I'm saying is that MY BELIEF is that MOST OF THE TIME you can correctly guess a persons race over the phone just by hearing their voice.

As for your comment about Eazy, it is not obvious to me that you don't actually read anything I say at all. All you seem to see is what YOU want to see, and YOU twist things around. I said in my initial post if you go back and read (since you didn't the first time) that THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERY RULE. The saddest part is that you even quoted me saying "95% of the time you can tell". Last time I checked, 95 was not equal or a synonym of 100. Of course there are exceptions, there are for everything. But the majority of the time that is the case.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I'm not claiming to know if Dre is telling the truth or not, just that there are certain assumptions people make.

I mean if I said picture a police officer, most would picture a man (no homo).

So Dre has been in the industry for years and the extremely vast majority of rappers he'll have come across will've been black. It is only natural that he would assume Eminem was black.

Either that or he's lying.
OK, I understand what you're saying about most rappers being black. But that doesn't work as an excuse because first of all, as soon as you hear a persons voice, if you haven't seen them visually yet, you're going to label that person BY THEIR VOICE as black, white, mexican, etc... Like, when I first heard of Eminem, I hadn't heard any of his music yet. My girlfriend at the time asked me if I had heard of Eminem and I told her no and asked who he was. She said some rapper, but didn't know anything else about him, hadn't even seen what he looked like. So, yeah, when she said that, I automatically assumed he was black. Then I saw his video for My Name Is and not only was I shocked, I fucking hated him and was disgusted by him.

However, had someone given me a CD or tape and told me to listen to it, I'd have immediately thought that he was white by his voice.
jason_g_718 said:
OK, I understand what you're saying about most rappers being black. But that doesn't work as an excuse because first of all, as soon as you hear a persons voice, if you haven't seen them visually yet, you're going to label that person BY THEIR VOICE as black, white, mexican, etc... Like, when I first heard of Eminem, I hadn't heard any of his music yet. My girlfriend at the time asked me if I had heard of Eminem and I told her no and asked who he was. She said some rapper, but didn't know anything else about him, hadn't even seen what he looked like. So, yeah, when she said that, I automatically assumed he was black. Then I saw his video for My Name Is and not only was I shocked, I fucking hated him and was disgusted by him.

However, had someone given me a CD or tape and told me to listen to it, I'd have immediately thought that he was white by his voice.
Okay. So you can tell someone's ethnicity by their voice a lot of the time, I don't have any problem with that.

BTW, regarding the actual thread topic, I don't really listen to ICP but from what I've heard the only song I thought was okay was Eminem's Mom - kinda corny but still funny
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Okay. So you can tell someone's ethnicity by their voice a lot of the time, I don't have any problem with that.

BTW, regarding the actual thread topic, I don't really listen to ICP but from what I've heard the only song I thought was okay was Eminem's Mom - kinda corny but still funny
I fuckin' hate ICP, despise them probably more than Puffy, but they did a song with Kid Rock in the early 90's that I actually liked.
Makaveli2917 said:
Jason slap urself dont say anything just slap urself dont even try to post up more comparisons or feminem inspirational lyrics just slap urself. fuckin idiot dont make me say reasons why eminem was no were near pac.
I havn't Read every single comment that was made in this thread but I skimed a few and came to the conclusion that Jason was saying Eminem does the numbers he does in selling because of his skills. I agree that Eminem has fantastic abilites, I have listened to all of his cd's including that Encore thingy but honestly you can't say that Eminem can't contribute alot of his sales due striclty to the fact that he's white- this alone makes him MUCH more mainstream and much more available to the mass's-Of course I'm not saying Minourities can't sell but Admit it or not we don't live in a colourless world so there is favortism to who is your "own"( More white people then black so more sales for people who are light). He said it himself "Let's Due the math, If i was Black i would have sold half"-White America, this is VERY true and I think he even would have sold less than half the current sales he can make if he was black.
SSLP = Would barley reached Platinum
MMLP= Would have Gone a Little Over 3X
ES= Would have stoped at about 3X
Encore= Would have been lucky to go 1X
I'm Not a physic but i Do think those are reasonalbe predictions that even Em would agree with.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
More than Puffy? That's venom
Hell yeah it is. Man...I just fucking despise those two. Ever since I heard them for the first time in like '93 or '94. Just fuckin' terrible. And their fans are the biggest pieces of white trash ever, and I'm white, so I can say that, because I'm white trash.

In my opinion, ICP are making a mockery of hip hop.
jason_g_718 said:
LOL, you know, everyday I come on this board and everyday someone in here types something that I find to be the stupidest think I've ever heard and I wonder if people can get any more stupid than they are now. Everyday I think I've heard the stupidest comment ever, then the next day comes...

OK, if you thought Em was black when you first heard him, that's fine, why would I not believe you? I don't understand how you couldn't tell, I mean he sounded like the whitest cracker ever back then.

I'm not twisting anything around. I actually laughed out loud when I read this post you wrote and I NEVER laugh out loud at internet stuff. How am I trying to "discredit" Dre? Are you fucking retarded? I just named him as one of my favorite artists in a thread and you're going to say I'm trying to "discredit him"? Please. Are you serious? I really truly hope you were joking.

Now, you can tell me all you want that it's "bullshit" that one can distinguish anothers ethnicity just by hearing their voice on the phone, but I believe it's true and I think the majority would agree with that. There's alread a post in here where someone agreed with me about that. True it's not a fact that you can distinguish that way, but it is a theory and an accurate theory at that.

How do you know what Dre is "going to think"? All I'm saying is that MY BELIEF is that MOST OF THE TIME you can correctly guess a persons race over the phone just by hearing their voice.

As for your comment about Eazy, it is not obvious to me that you don't actually read anything I say at all. All you seem to see is what YOU want to see, and YOU twist things around. I said in my initial post if you go back and read (since you didn't the first time) that THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERY RULE. The saddest part is that you even quoted me saying "95% of the time you can tell". Last time I checked, 95 was not equal or a synonym of 100. Of course there are exceptions, there are for everything. But the majority of the time that is the case.

Stop with the insults.

Well seeing as hip hop is dominated by blacks i think me automatically assuming Eminem being black is justified. And im not very familiar with what the "whitest cracker" sounds like anyway, reason being, as ive already mentioned, hip hop was dominated by blacks - so how am i to know what the "whitest cracker" sounds like?

Regarding my comment on you "discrediting" Dre, i doubt that you fully understood what i had implied. What Dre said about not knowing Eminem was white is a fact. You were trying to discredit this fact by creating a preposterous statistic and personal assumption that it is very easy to distinguish between a black mans voice and a white mans voice. Obviously, considering what Dre had stated, this is not the case, and that completely disproves your theory, or half assed belief. Maybe i hadnt made myself clear, but to my understanding, discrediting Dre's comment, is in itself discrediting Dre. However, i do agree with the statement that it is not difficult to distinguish the voices of different ethnicities, but considering the circumstances which i have already mentioned, this was not the case.
MC mufasa said:
Stop with the insults.

Well seeing as hip hop is dominated by blacks i think me automatically assuming Eminem being black is justified. And im not very familiar with what the "whitest cracker" sounds like anyway, reason being, as ive already mentioned, hip hop was dominated by blacks - so how am i to know what the "whitest cracker" sounds like?

Regarding my comment on you "discrediting" Dre, i doubt that you fully understood what i had implied. What Dre said about not knowing Eminem was white is a fact. You were trying to discredit this fact by creating a preposterous statistic and personal assumption that it is very easy to distinguish between a black mans voice and a white mans voice. Obviously, considering what Dre had stated, this is not the case, and that completely disproves your theory, or half assed belief. Maybe i hadnt made myself clear, but to my understanding, discrediting Dre's comment, is in itself discrediting Dre. However, i do agree with the statement that it is not difficult to distinguish the voices of different ethnicities, but considering the circumstances which i have already mentioned, this was not the case.
I didn't insult you, and what I did type is nothing compared to half the people on this board, so if you can't handle it...

You just don't get it, do you? It comes down to the voice. As soon as Dre heard Em's voice, he should have known it was a white guy. That's just MY OPINION. It doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just my belief. This has nothing to do with skin color or what the race is of the majority of rappers. It has to do with the sound of a person's voice.

I find you to be a very weird person. Again, now you're saying you don't know what the "whitest cracker sounds like" because rap is dominated by blacks? What does that have to do with what white people sound like? So...you've never had an experience with a white person because rap is dominated by blacks? Are you on medication? Haven't you ever seen Eddie Murphy's RAW?

Dude, I seriously don't think you comprehend anything. Where did I say it wasn't fact that Dre said that? I know Dre said that...are you stupid? That's what this is all about. I don't believe what he said. I never said he didn't say it. Christ, do you know how to read? And I'm still laughing at you saying I tried to discredit him. You seriously have a mental problem and if you think I'm joking when I say that, then...whatever.
jason_g_718 said:
And knowing how Em's voice sounded back then, I have NEVER bought Dre's claim that he couldn't tell Em was white.
This is called discrediting Dre's statement. You claim you have "NEVER bought Dre's claim", as you so fervently put it. Frankly, to me, this is implying that you do not believe Dre, thus you mean to say that Dre is not speaking the truth - lying. This is not why I say you have discredited Dre's statement. No. The reason you give for not believing Dre's claim is "Eminem sounded like the whitest cracker back then, so how could he not know he was white". You're using mere, pathetic, unproven assumption as a reason to not believe Dre's claim, which is complete fact. In a court of law, in any case where it is assumption VS fact, fact always provails. And in this instance it does aswell. By your pathetic assumptions you are trying to discredit fact, or play down the legitimacy of that fact, hence you are attempting to discredit Dre's statement. I do not know how to make this more clearer to you.

jason_g_718 said:
You just don't get it, do you? It comes down to the voice. As soon as Dre heard Em's voice, he should have known it was a white guy. That's just MY OPINION. It doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just my belief. This has nothing to do with skin color or what the race is of the majority of rappers. It has to do with the sound of a person's voice.
He shoul have known Eminem was white? I don't understand this. Again, for your benefit, i will bring up my comments on Eazy-E. With Eminem's previous style of voice, one could describe it as being somewhat whiney, much like a pubescent teenage boy. Eazy-E's voice had much of the same characteristic, yet Eazy-E was black. Again, although they're voices are quite similar for the reason i just mentioned, no one "thought" or "assumed" Eazy was white. Why, according to you, should Dre have "known" Eminem was white when Eazy had a similar voice but was black? I suggested this point previously but you chose to conviently ignore it and insult me some more by calling me stupid. Again ill mention the issue of race in hip hop. There are, what, 5 or so well known white hip hop artists that have ever existed, compared to hundreds that are black. This suggests black artists dominate the hip hop genre, not the white. And let me mention right now that the 5 or so well known white acts are not necessarily well known for their talents and skills on the mic. It is the case of precedent. Never before has there been a white MC such as Eminem, therefore how could Dre speculate that the man behind the ferocious battle skills was a white person, when for decades only a black person has shown such skill and a white hadnt ever been close? Though now, logically speaking, we all know NOW that there are white MC's that are capable of spitting heat with their battle rhymes, so NOW we can speculate whether a person is black or white depending on their skills. Therefore, to summarise, how was Dre supposed to assume Eminem was white when:
a) His voice is similar to Eazy's, yet Eazy was a black man and not a white man
b) Hip hop is dominated by black people. Naturally, Dre would have thought only a black person would have had that kind of talent and battle skills as Eminem had because there have never been any white MC's as good as Eminem. Now however, Eminem acts as a precedent.

jason_g_718 said:
I didn't insult you, and what I did type is nothing compared to half the people on this board, so if you can't handle it...
You have insulted me repeatedly, please re-read what you have just posted. You say im retarded stupid etc. That is an insult. And frankly i dont give a flying 747 fuck if its not compared to half the people on this board, because i dont appreciate being insulted for no apparent reason.

jason_g_718 said:
I find you to be a very weird person. Again, now you're saying you don't know what the "whitest cracker sounds like" because rap is dominated by blacks? What does that have to do with what white people sound like? So...you've never had an experience with a white person because rap is dominated by blacks? Are you on medication? Haven't you ever seen Eddie Murphy's RAW?
Eminem was the first white rapper I'd ever heard, so please oh wise one, enlighten me on how the fuck i was supposed to know what a white rapper sounds like before listening to Eminem? Hip hop was dominated by blacks, id never heard what a "white cracker" sounds like, so naturally i assumed Eminem was black.

Jason, i would think first if i were you. You insult me for no particular reason, or maybe perhaps because my opinion differs from yours. Even so, i dont see that as a justification for your nasty words. For someone that has a Christina Aguilera fan page, you shouldnt be saying shit to me


On Probation: Please report break in guidelines to
ICP is gay , I dont see how someone can listen to that shit...I mean look at them, literally they are CLOWNS
MC mufasa said:
This is called discrediting Dre's statement. You claim you have "NEVER bought Dre's claim", as you so fervently put it. Frankly, to me, this is implying that you do not believe Dre, thus you mean to say that Dre is not speaking the truth - lying. This is not why I say you have discredited Dre's statement. No. The reason you give for not believing Dre's claim is "Eminem sounded like the whitest cracker back then, so how could he not know he was white". You're using mere, pathetic, unproven assumption as a reason to not believe Dre's claim, which is complete fact. In a court of law, in any case where it is assumption VS fact, fact always provails. And in this instance it does aswell. By your pathetic assumptions you are trying to discredit fact, or play down the legitimacy of that fact, hence you are attempting to discredit Dre's statement. I do not know how to make this more clearer to you.

He shoul have known Eminem was white? I don't understand this. Again, for your benefit, i will bring up my comments on Eazy-E. With Eminem's previous style of voice, one could describe it as being somewhat whiney, much like a pubescent teenage boy. Eazy-E's voice had much of the same characteristic, yet Eazy-E was black. Again, although they're voices are quite similar for the reason i just mentioned, no one "thought" or "assumed" Eazy was white. Why, according to you, should Dre have "known" Eminem was white when Eazy had a similar voice but was black? I suggested this point previously but you chose to conviently ignore it and insult me some more by calling me stupid. Again ill mention the issue of race in hip hop. There are, what, 5 or so well known white hip hop artists that have ever existed, compared to hundreds that are black. This suggests black artists dominate the hip hop genre, not the white. And let me mention right now that the 5 or so well known white acts are not necessarily well known for their talents and skills on the mic. It is the case of precedent. Never before has there been a white MC such as Eminem, therefore how could Dre speculate that the man behind the ferocious battle skills was a white person, when for decades only a black person has shown such skill and a white hadnt ever been close? Though now, logically speaking, we all know NOW that there are white MC's that are capable of spitting heat with their battle rhymes, so NOW we can speculate whether a person is black or white depending on their skills. Therefore, to summarise, how was Dre supposed to assume Eminem was white when:
a) His voice is similar to Eazy's, yet Eazy was a black man and not a white man
b) Hip hop is dominated by black people. Naturally, Dre would have thought only a black person would have had that kind of talent and battle skills as Eminem had because there have never been any white MC's as good as Eminem. Now however, Eminem acts as a precedent.

You have insulted me repeatedly, please re-read what you have just posted. You say im retarded stupid etc. That is an insult. And frankly i dont give a flying 747 fuck if its not compared to half the people on this board, because i dont appreciate being insulted for no apparent reason.

Eminem was the first white rapper I'd ever heard, so please oh wise one, enlighten me on how the fuck i was supposed to know what a white rapper sounds like before listening to Eminem? Hip hop was dominated by blacks, id never heard what a "white cracker" sounds like, so naturally i assumed Eminem was black.

Jason, i would think first if i were you. You insult me for no particular reason, or maybe perhaps because my opinion differs from yours. Even so, i dont see that as a justification for your nasty words. For someone that has a Christina Aguilera fan page, you shouldnt be saying shit to me
You're funny man. Grow up, seriously. You're 16. Get a clue.

Since you know so much about the law, then you know that the last sentence of your post is a false accusation becuase it is not true. Please, do not make shit up about me. Or I'll just start saying shit like you have a Gay Men Nude website.
KosimO said:
ICP is gay , I dont see how someone can listen to that shit...I mean look at them, literally they are CLOWNS
LOL, I've always said that the reason they wear make-up is because if people knew what they really looked like without the make-up they'd get their asses kicked.
LOL i finallyg ot aroudn to hearing a couple ICP tracks...lol these dudes are a fucking joke..nowonder they used to get chased off stage and bashed. Pure Garbage
tupac777 said:
LOL i finallyg ot aroudn to hearing a couple ICP tracks...lol these dudes are a fucking joke..nowonder they used to get chased off stage and bashed. Pure Garbage
LOL, we told you that.

Look at it this way, at least you didn't have to actually spend money for the crap.
jason_g_718 said:
You're funny man. Grow up, seriously. You're 16. Get a clue.

Since you know so much about the law, then you know that the last sentence of your post is a false accusation becuase it is not true. Please, do not make shit up about me. Or I'll just start saying shit like you have a Gay Men Nude website.

lol what did i expect from you. you know nothing jason. you have no substance in your argument to refute my points. instead you continuosly result to childish insults, which may i add is very fucking strange seeing as YOU ARE 27 YEARS OLD. And you tell me to grow up? You're 11 years older than me and ive already lost count of how many times you have called me retarded, stupid etc..
And how the fuck am i funny? I provided decent points for a hip hop DISCUSSION, which you said you came to this forum for.
Why do you keep weaseling out of things? You havent replied to anything. You type up whole essays refuting the points of people who are like "FUCK SHADY OUTLAWZ AND TUPAC FO LIFE WESSIDE", yet when i construct a coherent argument you say that i need to "grow up".

You're pathetic man. This proves to me that you have no idea about what you post in this forum. Check yourself, you're 27 yet you use childish insults. Im 16 and i havent said shit to you - so tell me who needs to grow up now? Fucking lame kunt

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