Hip-Hop heads opinion on ICP?

MC mufasa said:
lol what did i expect from you. you know nothing jason. you have no substance in your argument to refute my points. instead you continuosly result to childish insults, which may i add is very fucking strange seeing as YOU ARE 27 YEARS OLD. And you tell me to grow up? You're 11 years older than me and ive already lost count of how many times you have called me retarded, stupid etc..
And how the fuck am i funny? I provided decent points for a hip hop DISCUSSION, which you said you came to this forum for.
Why do you keep weaseling out of things? You havent replied to anything. You type up whole essays refuting the points of people who are like "FUCK SHADY OUTLAWZ AND TUPAC FO LIFE WESSIDE", yet when i construct a coherent argument you say that i need to "grow up".

You're pathetic man. This proves to me that you have no idea about what you post in this forum. Check yourself, you're 27 yet you use childish insults. Im 16 and i havent said shit to you - so tell me who needs to grow up now? Fucking lame kunt
You sit there and you tell me I'm "trying to discredit Dre" because I say I don't believe something he said. So...are the fans who don't believe Suge that Pac beat up Snoop Dogg trying to "discredit" Suge?

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

And calling someone names doesn't at all have anything to do with age or maturity. Ever heard of a basketball coach named Bobby Knight? He was famous for losing his temper and calling referees various names.

Again, get it through your head, just because I don't give you the answers you want to hear, doesn't mean I'm "weasling out" of anything. And I came here to discuss things with INTELLIGENT PEOPLE and in my opinion, you do not fall under that description.

And then of all things, you end your post by doing the exact thing you just flamed me for doing and make yourself a hypocrite.

And you wonder why I laugh at you.
jason_g_718 said:
You sit there and you tell me I'm "trying to discredit Dre" because I say I don't believe something he said. So...are the fans who don't believe Suge that Pac beat up Snoop Dogg trying to "discredit" Suge?

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

And calling someone names doesn't at all have anything to do with age or maturity. Ever heard of a basketball coach named Bobby Knight? He was famous for losing his temper and calling referees various names.

Again, get it through your head, just because I don't give you the answers you want to hear, doesn't mean I'm "weasling out" of anything. And I came here to discuss things with INTELLIGENT PEOPLE and in my opinion, you do not fall under that description.

And then of all things, you end your post by doing the exact thing you just flamed me for doing and make yourself a hypocrite.

And you wonder why I laugh at you.

You certainly don't fall under the category of 'intelligent' either, jason.

Perhaps i didnt make this clear enough prior to your most recent reply. Suge's comments do not contain any form of legitimacy when looking at his comments in a logical perspective. For starters, considering the circumstances between Suge and Snoop Dogg (they loathe each other), it is quite simple to deduce the motives behind Suge's comments. He wished to make Snoop Dogg look foolish, stupid and weak, though unfortunately for Suge, his intentions did not succeed. Furthermore Suge is renowned for his bullshit testimonies and such, so his comments should not be deemed as plausible, thus it is inevitable no one is going to believe what he says seeing as he had beef with Snoop (as i already mentioned). It shows he has reason to lie, unlike Dre.
For what purpose would Dre need to lie? How does Dre benefit from saying that he didn't expect Eminem to be a white boy? The difference to Suge is he doesnt. He doesnt attain any money, fame, popularity, respect etc.. So it just doesnt make sense for Dre to lie like that, but it does in Suge's case.
The example you brought up is extremely weak Jason.
Perhaps i worded it wrong, but what i mean is that you are trying to discredit Dre's comments, which are complete fact. You've brought up a silly example to try refute my points - try harder next time.

jason_g_718 said:
And calling someone names doesn't at all have anything to do with age or maturity. Ever heard of a basketball coach named Bobby Knight? He was famous for losing his temper and calling referees various names.
So are you losing your temper Jason? It has a lot to do with immaturity in this circumstance jason, because, i dont see why you have to resort to childish insults when WE ARE HAVING A HIP HOP DISCUSSION. So, because my opinion differs from yours you think it warrants various insults being hurled my way? I dont think so. Grow up a little :thumb:

jason_g_718 said:
And then of all things, you end your post by doing the exact thing you just flamed me for doing and make yourself a hypocrite.
I admit i lost my nerve, because im not used to having demeaning insults being thrown at me for no apparent reason. it frustrates me that a person of your age, 27, has to resort to that kind of shit because you cant peice together a coherent and feasible argument to add to this discussion. it shows ur weak and lame.

jason_g_718 said:
Again, get it through your head, just because I don't give you the answers you want to hear, doesn't mean I'm "weasling out" of anything. And I came here to discuss things with INTELLIGENT PEOPLE and in my opinion, you do not fall under that description.
you seek intelligence? am i the one refuting someones points with pathetic insults? no. that would be you. in this case you should be the last person playing down someone elses intelligence when yours is not that up to scratch either. and considering the content of 99% of your threads, you should shut the fuck up right now.. lol.


jason_g_718 said:
And you wonder why I laugh at you.
I dont recall ever "wondering" why you are laughing at me, so uhh, i dont see why you decided to add that in...

In any case im laughing ten times harder than you at your pathetic attempts to try refute my points. It's obvious you have nothing to add to any form of hip hop discussion because as soon as somebody differs from your opinion you curl up and become overexcessively defensive, as if you were protecting your child. It's strange really. For someone who claims they are so fervent to have hip hop discussions, i think you are lying.

now until you learn how to respond more maturely, and coherently, please, shut the fuck up and dont waste my fucking time.
HellRazor05 said:
Yo there's no way Dre could've thought Eminem was black. I just watched some special on MTV where Jimmy Iovine explained how Eminem got signed. It was called like "Hip Hop Insiders" or some shit. Jimmy said he got Em's tape and gave it to Dre and said "I got this tape of this white guy from Detroit, a lot of the guys around the office really like it...etc. etc." So Dre knew before he even listened to the tape that this guy was white. So if he ever said he thought Em was black...that's a crock of shit.
aight that sounds ok...but uhh still stay with my opinion..u cannot tell wut race sum 1 is by listening to his/her voice...

Shot 21

Active Member
If the ICP you are talking about is Insane Clown Posse (I cant be bothered to read it all), then they are a fucking joke to hip hop just like Goldie Lookin Chain.

Shot 21 said:
If the ICP you are talking about is Insane Clown Posse (I cant be bothered to read it all), then they are a fucking joke to hip hop just like Goldie Lookin Chain.

What other ICP would we be talking about in a rap forum?
Man.. I love icp. Been listening to their music since 1995 --- I was like 8.... So maybe thats why im so fucked up now... ;).

Anyway, I'm a juggalo 4 life... oh and, say what u want people, Mr. Snoop Dog did a song with them.... so God bless snoop for bein a juggalo ;)

Oh and about this eminem shit, did you guys know he used to be a huge icp / twiztid fan? =)

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
morbidlifestyle said:
Man.. I love icp. Been listening to their music since 1995 --- I was like 8.... So maybe thats why im so fucked up now... ;).

Anyway, I'm a juggalo 4 life... oh and, say what u want people, Mr. Snoop Dog did a song with them.... so God bless snoop for bein a juggalo ;)

Oh and about this eminem shit, did you guys know he used to be a huge icp / twiztid fan? =)

THA WILD said:
That has to explain why he's so screwed up.
I doubt that Eminem ever liked ICP. Matter of fact, according to Eminem the whole beef started over the fact that Em was doing a concert long before he blew up, like 96 or 97 at the State Theatre. ICP approached Eminem, who was the "main event" to put a "good word" in for them to the producer and organizer of the concert. Eminem told them he wouldn't give them any lip service because he wasn't familiar with their music and he didn't know anything about them. How their work ethic was, how good they were, he pretty much had no clue. So he refused to do it.

ICP on the other hand claimed that he DID agree to do it and then used the opportunity to bad mouth them.
MC mufasa said:
^ Why dont you respond to my post dumbass? Or have you realised your argument is weak and that you're wrong?
Uh...what post?

And why would I even respond to you anyway?

There is nothing further to discuss here. I'm not going to have a 13 post debate with a guy I don't know about an opinion I have.

I said I didn't believe that Dre couldn't tell by Em's voice that he was white when he first heard him. Bottom line. I might be right, I might be wrong, either way, whether or not Dre was telling the truth is really not provable and is dogmatic because the only person that knows if he was honest or not...is Dre.

So, why continue talking about something that we can't prove indefinately one way or the other? You have your opinion, I have mine, leave it at that. I made this comment how long ago and you're still going on about it? Get a fucking life dude. If you were as mature as you say you are, you'd realize that sometimes people just need to agree to disagree. Why can't you do that?

EDIT: Any my argument btw is hardly weak. You're seriously lying to yourself if you think that 9 times out of 10, you can't tell a person's race by just listening to how they talk. It's not bullshit at all, it's complete truth.
^^ You wouldn't want to, because i totally proved you wrong. And dont come back at me with this "ohh but you're not worth my time.. you're stupid", because that makes you look even more ignorant than you are, and it acts as a sign of defeat.

MC mufasa said:
^^ You wouldn't want to, because i totally proved you wrong. And dont come back at me with this "ohh but you're not worth my time.. you're stupid", because that makes you look even more ignorant than you are, and it acts as a sign of defeat.

Uh...little boy...life isn't always about who's right or wrong.

YOu talk in your posts like I should fear you or something? Are you fucking serious?

Jesus man, you take this shit too seriously man. And you can't prove me wrong on something that nobody knows the answer to but Dre.

Grow up.
^ WTF? Like you should fear me? Stop pullin shit out of your ass man.

I find it funny how a 16 year old like me outsmarted a 27 year old like you. LMAO!

Cry Me A River fuckface. Have you heard that song by JT? No need to be upset.

and lmao @ "hating" Oprah cos she does interviews with celebrities and isnt a "proper talk show host"
lmao @ shaq being "untalented"
lmao @ sayin ja rule is like 2pac cos he wears baggy pants and topless when eminem does the same thing
lmao @ you for thinking hip hop is nelly music
lmao @ you for lookin like a loser by being outsmarted by a 16 yr old


i have the last laugh, as always.
MC mufasa said:
^ WTF? Like you should fear me? Stop pullin shit out of your ass man.

I find it funny how a 16 year old like me outsmarted a 27 year old like you. LMAO!

Cry Me A River fuckface. Have you heard that song by JT? No need to be upset.

and lmao @ "hating" Oprah cos she does interviews with celebrities and isnt a "proper talk show host"
lmao @ shaq being "untalented"
lmao @ sayin ja rule is like 2pac cos he wears baggy pants and topless when eminem does the same thing
lmao @ you for thinking hip hop is nelly music
lmao @ you for lookin like a loser by being outsmarted by a 16 yr old


i have the last laugh, as always.
haha! You really do believe this crap you type, don't you? Man...you really do think you are just King Shit.

OK, man...whatever you say.

OH...and plus... you gonna sit there and blast me for liking some of Christina Aguilera's music but then you gon' start talking about Justin Timberlake?

HAHAHHA! You are entertaining man, I'll give you that.

LMAO at you listening to Justin...LMAO...

Shit is too funny. Wow, thanks man, I needed that laugh. Keep on bringin' your jokes.

LMAO @ "I outsmarted you". LMFAO.
^ LOL. You're weak chump. I dont listen to JT. I only brought up the song because the name of it relates to this situation. You need to "Cry Me A River", cos you know you're a loser.

You know what's entertaining? Seeing you get bagged out by EVERYONE here for being such an idiot with your posts. I wouldnt be saying this if it was just a one off situation, but it's happening constantly. Even RESPECTED members are calling you a dickrider etc.. NOW THATS FUCKING FUNNY!! LOL

Give up man. You should acknowledge when you lose. You got outsmarted by me, the so called "retarded" and "stupid" 16 year old. This is entertaining also.

Im gonna sit back now, and watch more people bagg you out because your complete stupidity. Cya later.

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