Hip-Hop heads opinion on ICP?

if hes really hurt by it why didnt he beat his ass later on in life. And trust me bitch at 10 yrs of age you and your friends could beat his ass. Oh shit im a moron cuz i forgot eminem didnt have friends hahahaha the fact is ask me if i give a fuck about eminems life??
jason_g_718 said:
I refuse to EVER listen to the SSLP again. Fuckin' horrible.

MMLP is when he started getting real good.
You see that is why u will for ever be ignorant...

You will forever ride and eternally elevate eminem.....but deny the one album that wasnt copied or whatever...the original of the original eminem albums...cant believe im now in da stan role oh my bad stans dont like the slim shady lp either...HAHA
Bank Robber said:
ICP are much better entertainers than they are rappers

i like alot of their old music although they haven't put out anything good in 4 or 5 years. the thing that makes me cringe when I hear about icp is the fact that they've developed a cult-following of some of the most idoitic, retarded white trash that I've ever seen (and im white so i can still use that term)

90% of the "juggalos" are dick-riding dropouts who drink faygo and drive around in pickup trucks with 10 ICP bumperstickers and a license plate that says "ICP4LYFE" or "SKTZOJOKA" and still refer to Eminem as "Feminem" and D12 as "She12"

the other 10% of icp fans I'm fine with, the non-inbred ones.
LOL, best post in here.
haha ok hellraisin nothin i dont like eminem lyrically cuz ur right i dont feel the idiot. I have problems understanding lame ass lyrics u like like just loose it whaahhaa whaaahaa whut the fuck is dat or im sorry momma im cleaning out my closet. Dont get mad yall cuz i dont feel that idiot cuz me i dont have a problem with my moms. but now since em does i bet yall have problems with ur mommy. And seriously ur lame Magic stick hhahaha how old r u??
Makaveli2917 said:
Ok jason let me just suggest ur white ok... of course ur gonna think he lyrically talented cuz hes one of the only white ones in the game yo check this just dont compare em to pac cuz lyrically the outlawz could of taken his ass out.
And to all that suffering hes done aint shit. Like i said his life dont mean shit to me. He got beat up by bullies cuz his stupid ass let them. That aint suffering.
i didnt finish reading ur post because it was too racist for me after i saw the white thing and thinkin icp is the greatest, im white and i dont think icp is great nor eminem so i think your steriotypical thoughts about " white " people are wrong
This thread got gay quick.

Jason you have a problem with people who have a different opinion to you. Someone said Esham is better than Em and you cry. Shush.

ICP = Crap. Take those masks off you fags.
MC mufasa said:
This thread got gay quick.

Jason you have a problem with people who have a different opinion to you. Someone said Esham is better than Em and you cry. Shush.

ICP = Crap. Take those masks off you fags.
Actually, I'm finding it's MOST people around her NOT ME that have a problem with a different opinion.

All I see in this fucking forum is people going around and slinging names: "fuck that shady white supremacizt, em sucks a cock, burn in hell".

*eye roll* We all have different tastes in here, correct? So how is anyone else's opinion that Esham is better than Eminem "more correct" than my opinion of the opposite.

My bottom question is, who's sold more records? We all know who the real winner is here.

Eminem is white in a black mans world. Scoffed at for years, clowned because "white guys can't rap", yet he was able to catch a deal before and over people like Royce and Esham? What? You gonna tell me Dre is with the whiteman now? Dre has given in to the "man" and is helping him run the world?

So, I ask you, if Esham and Royce, both of whom are black and therefore automatically more accepted into rap music, are so fucking great, why didn't they catch commercial success before a white kid?
jason_g_718 said:
Actually, I'm finding it's MOST people around her NOT ME that have a problem with a different opinion.

All I see in this fucking forum is people going around and slinging names: "fuck that shady white supremacizt, em sucks a cock, burn in hell".

*eye roll* We all have different tastes in here, correct? So how is anyone else's opinion that Esham is better than Eminem "more correct" than my opinion of the opposite.

My bottom question is, who's sold more records? We all know who the real winner is here.

Eminem is white in a black mans world. Scoffed at for years, clowned because "white guys can't rap", yet he was able to catch a deal before and over people like Royce and Esham? What? You gonna tell me Dre is with the whiteman now? Dre has given in to the "man" and is helping him run the world?

So, I ask you, if Esham and Royce, both of whom are black and therefore automatically more accepted into rap music, are so fucking great, why didn't they catch commercial success before a white kid?
I dunno if u know but we are still living in a white manz world..labels are being controlled by white men..arent they...isnt interscope being controlled by a white man?
Hurts said:
I dunno if u know but we are still living in a white manz world..labels are being controlled by white men..arent they...isnt interscope being controlled by a white man?
You're right dude. *eye roll*

We're in the 60's all over again. Where is MLK at? Has he been brought back to life?

Can a black person ride on the same bus as a white person?

Do we still have segregated drinking fountains? Different sections of restaraunts? If you are black, are you refused the right to vote?

Use your fucking head dude. Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Eminem caught a break because the white man runs rap music? If that is the case jackass, how come the ONLY WHITE ACTS to ever be successfull in rap are the Beastie Boys and Eminem?
jason_g_718 said:
So, I ask you, if Esham and Royce, both of whom are black and therefore automatically more accepted into rap music, are so fucking great, why didn't they catch commercial success before a white kid?
It's quite simple - Eminem is white therefore white kids appear to identify with him more and mainstream TV and radio embrace him moreso than they would a black rapper. Even (white) parents accept Eminem talking shit more than they would Esham or Royce simply because people are comfortable around their 'own'.

Personally, I think Eminem has got serious skills and I think he's easily better than Esham and slightly better than Royce.
jason_g_718 said:
how come the ONLY WHITE ACTS to ever be successfull in rap are the Beastie Boys and Eminem?

Although I recognize this wasn't directed at me, I just thought I'd say that the Beastie Boys weren't taken that seriously at first anyway but did have the backing of Def Jam (1st album) and it's roster (Run DMC etc) and the endorsement Eminem got from Dre is what birthed his initial acceptance and success
jason_g_718 said:
You're right dude. *eye roll*

We're in the 60's all over again. Where is MLK at? Has he been brought back to life?

Can a black person ride on the same bus as a white person?

Do we still have segregated drinking fountains? Different sections of restaraunts? If you are black, are you refused the right to vote?

Use your fucking head dude. Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Eminem caught a break because the white man runs rap music? If that is the case jackass, how come the ONLY WHITE ACTS to ever be successfull in rap are the Beastie Boys and Eminem?
i just tried saying ... saying eminem is in a world <<< controlled by black people is too much...thats not true...and wtf is MLK?

Damn ur stupid but hey i already knew that...in the other thread ur pointing out my age...and now ur askin me if being refused the right to vote...COURSE I AM DUMBASS...im 17....
2pac: Biological father abanonded him early in life
Eminem: Biological father abandoned him early in life.
Thats about 75% of black people in the ghetto, good try though
2pac: Raised by a single mother addicted to crack
Eminem: Raised by a single mother addicted to pills.
also very common in the hood
2pac: moved around a lot as a kid.
Eminem: Moved around a lot as a kid.
pretty fucking common in the ghetto
2pac: Admitted that he was bullied a lot in his childhood years for being "light skinned" and a "pretty boy"
Eminem: Admitted that he was bullied a lot in his childhood years for being much smaller than the other kids.
ill give you that one
2pac: Used his fame to put his "lil homies" up in the rap game (first Thug Life, then Outlawz)
Eminem: Used his fame to put D12 on.
a lot of rappers do that, and most of their lil homies suck
2pac: Became the best selling rap artist of all time and was the top rapper in the country, probably the world from 94-96/97
Emime: Has become the THIRD best selling rap artist of all time and is at the top rapper in the country AND the world right now, and has been for the past 2 years.
the only differences, eminem is selling his records while he is alive
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
It's quite simple - Eminem is white therefore white kids appear to identify with him more and mainstream TV and radio embrace him moreso than they would a black rapper. Even (white) parents accept Eminem talking shit more than they would Esham or Royce simply because people are comfortable around their 'own'.

Personally, I think Eminem has got serious skills and I think he's easily better than Esham and slightly better than Royce.
I don't buy that for a second. If that was the case, then why did he have such a hard time getting signed? Why aren't there 20 white famous rappers just like Eminem if Em was signed cuz he's white? Especially after the Vanilla Ice fiasco.

Eminem was picked up MOSTLY because of his talent. I won't say being white had nothing to do with it, because obviously it did, but not to the degree that a lot of people in here like to pretend.

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