Ay Hurts...Illmatic

Hurts said:
I don't fucking know. You go to a battle and buy a CD from someone. You ask them for all their personal info too?

Get a fucking life and a clue dude, seriously.

You think I buy stuff thinking "hmmm..wonder if I can share this with my buddies at 2pacboard.com who constantly tell me I don't know shit".

jason_g_718 said:
I don't fucking know. You go to a battle and buy a CD from someone. You ask them for all their personal info too?

Get a fucking life and a clue dude, seriously.

You think I buy stuff thinking "hmmm..wonder if I can share this with my buddies at 2pacboard.com who constantly tell me I don't know shit".

No offcourse not...but i was talking about the underground artists you check...lmao not about all the battle rappers you have seen..

Jason damn..ur buying shit? With the money u got from? Ur mother? cuz i thought u had no job? ( good memory huh ?!^) U spent ur sister's money on Illmatic and was so dissapointing u had to share it with everybody? even made a thread about it ...LMAo...funny shit rite here...

The thing is ur a lil monkey following its own tail with other words ur fuckin STUPID..so how the fuck can a stupid person call sum 1 else stupid? now thats stupid...my stupid friend..Yo i actually enjoy typing bullshit like this...but newayz what i wanted to say was...

Why are being such an asshole man..Im asking you if u have ne music to up...cuz im always interested...and ur pissin on me like im the tree u always piss on...wtf is wrong with you man? You only believe what Pittsey robber hostile ( i think) and chronic say to you...I wonder wtf ur doin here...why dont u PM them for their adds and get at em on messenger so u can talk to em about hiphop whenever u want to..let em skool u ..cuz i think its pretty obvious ur not wanted here...and I think its sad that im the one who is saying this..lmao
Hurts said:
No offcourse not...but i was talking about the underground artists you check...lmao not about all the battle rappers you have seen..

Jason damn..ur buying shit? With the money u got from? Ur mother? cuz i thought u had no job? ( good memory huh ?!^) U spent ur sister's money on Illmatic and was so dissapointing u had to share it with everybody? even made a thread about it ...LMAo...funny shit rite here...

The thing is ur a lil monkey following its own tail with other words ur fuckin STUPID..so how the fuck can a stupid person call sum 1 else stupid? now thats stupid...my stupid friend..Yo i actually enjoy typing bullshit like this...but newayz what i wanted to say was...

Why are being such an asshole man..Im asking you if u have ne music to up...cuz im always interested...and ur pissin on me like im the tree u always piss on...wtf is wrong with you man? You only believe what Pittsey robber hostile ( i think) and chronic say to you...I wonder wtf ur doin here...why dont u PM them for their adds and get at em on messenger so u can talk to em about hiphop whenever u want to..let em skool u ..cuz i think its pretty obvious ur not wanted here...and I think its sad that im the one who is saying this..lmao
OK...that's it, I'm taking this response post to make the statement that I'm done responding to Hurts. This guy is such a fuckin' child it's amazing mommy and daddy don't sit with him on the family PC.

I'm done with you dude.
jason_g_718 said:
OK...that's it, I'm taking this response post to make the statement that I'm done responding to Hurts. This guy is such a fuckin' it's amazing mommy and daddy don't sit with him on the family PC.

I'm done with you dude.
LOL jason just shut the fuck up...HE'S DONE WITH ME...im no fuckin toilet paper...I want you to e-respect me as a human being like I e-respect u as a human...Yes i do respect u even tho u cant rap but neither can I, even tho u dont know shit about hiphop but neither do I..even tho u love to suck dick but no i dont love to suck dick...omg what an immature post hurts!!! yeah ur rite....I wonder when ur gonna get banned...so do I..

No but now serious...Jason I have noticed i can't have a fuckin discussion with you without talking about how good you know ur hiphop and about how great eminem is..and that annoys me...ppl like dr.phil always say u need to talk things out.since we can't fight i suggest we talk it out man..lol^ But cmon man even when i agree with you ya give me a shit reply....In my eyes..you always talk shit...you say everyone on this board claims to know everything..when u said that..did u include urself..cuz ur always tryna have the last word...but obviously ur not gettin it when im around cuz im always replying lol....Why can't we just get along? :(:(


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jason_g_718 said:
This guy is such a fuckin' child it's amazing mommy and daddy don't sit with him on the family PC.
Speakin from personal experience dude? ;)

Lol. nah and on the real, I do think Hurts has a valid point when he says that you're always trying to have the last word.

Chill out with that. Sometimes you should just leave that alone..
Aristotle said:
You missed the whole point of that, DONT JUDGE RAP WHEN YOU HAVN'T HEARD EVEN HALF OF IT. Why do you think so many mother fuckers laugh when Rolling Stone Magazine calls Eminem the greatest rapper ever, cus they dont know shit about RAP. And all that shit just proved that my original comment "Pop fans get no respect" is true. Cus your a pop fan who gets no respect from no one on this board cus, as we can see, you dont know shit. And yes any rapper wants fame and glory, but most wont sell out, and yes, their are the few who get the fame off of their real music, like Tupac for example.......
Maybe, lets say, 80% of the rappers we see on MTV or in the limelight "dumb down" their music to sell. So would you consider yourself and avid rap lover, a knowledgable fan of rap if all you have listened to in 20 years of listening is the "stupid" rap, NO. Sorry to take it all out on you, but your like at the forefront of it. We got all these kids on this board who dont know shit. "Eminem is the best behind Tupac, Cus tupac is the greatest, and fuck mobb deep and fuck biggie. Tupac is the best in everything about rap." And then you ask them who Kool G Rap or Rakim is and they're like who? See what im sayin. I mean i repsect opinions but stupid people shouldnt have an opinion in my opinion. heh. Anyways study up before you try to disregard anything as being great, or try to say something is great. And be quiet about all theses artists out there, You've been lsitening to rap for 20 years, im pretty damn sure that number narrows down year after year. Or is it cus you only choose what is cool at the time? who knows, but yes, pop fans will never ever get respect. and why? Cus their opinions are looked at like a joke, thats why we have "heads" in rap, knowledgable people in the art who can say they have heard all or most of it and their opinions get respected.

this is just 1 of them, but you find and thread jason occupies and he gets set straight compltely possibly about 20 times, BUT he just has to respond, and it makes him look more and more stupid. Usualy when people get owned they either 1) dont respond (thats sensible) 2)say something like (i have a life fuck of, im not gonna respond, i have a life) lol thats the funniest one. or just come to the agreement that maybe there right.
like his argueing with people that obviously know ALOT more than him and he knows it. i dont know why he just dont stop posting, he knows no one respects his opinion but he just keeps postin it.

he keeps quoting bank robbers' post "half of these board are idiots" like wtf, he was obviously reading jason's posts while making that observation. lol, even bank robber gives him shit
Militant said:
Speakin from personal experience dude? ;)

Lol. nah and on the real, I do think Hurts has a valid point when he says that you're always trying to have the last word.

Chill out with that. Sometimes you should just leave that alone..
*shrugs* Whatever, don't matter to me. Odd thing is, that's how a lot of you come off to me. Not so much you, as Hurts, Aban, Frank Grimes and some others.

Matter of fact, I was loving 2 or 3 days ago seeing how bad Hurts has been getting hated on in the Life section. It's gruesome.

I ain't worried about "having the last word". My thing is, I just come here, open and read posts in which the thread title interests me, and if someone says something I feel an urge to respond to, then I do. If they respond to my comments, then I keep responding back as long as I have something to say to their most recent comment. It's just that when it comes to music, rap especially, I ALMOST ALWAYS have something to say. But yeah, I'm just here to see what other people have to say about rap music and the artists in the game, and share my opinion with them if I feel like doing so.

Most people on this forum I don't have a problem with. The small list consists of like: Hurts, Aban, Frank Grimes, and maybe 2 more or so that I can't think of their names right now.

I used to have a problem with you Militant, you seemed to have gotten a little more....I don't know...something. Can't find the right word. But...you're ok for the most part. Sometimes I find you to be kinda cool, others I think you're an asshole. You can say "I think you're an asshole too", but that would be giving me a compliment, so... :p :thumb:
lol, man thats what "life" is. you go in there it seems like there a bunch of 10 year olds, you cant say nothing against pac, you say something positive bout Biggie you get people screamin "fuk badboy, WESSSSIDE, ouTLAW" etc, if you have any respect for 2pac shakur you wont go in there, lol.
Hurts just likes goin in there stiring them up, pushin button's and shit. its kinda funny
Frank Grimes said:
lol, man thats what "life" is. you go in there it seems like there a bunch of 10 year olds, you cant say nothing against pac, you say something positive bout Biggie you get people screamin "fuk badboy, WESSSSIDE, ouTLAW" etc, if you have any respect for 2pac shakur you wont go in there, lol.
Hurts just likes goin in there stiring them up, pushin button's and shit. its kinda funny
Odd you say that, because I think you and Hurts act like 10 year olds.

And seriously, what do you think you're going to get when you go there?

You don't go to a Biggie board and start talking about how great 2pac was.
jason_g_718 said:
Odd you say that, because I think you and Hurts act like 10 year olds.

And seriously, what do you think you're going to get when you go there?

You don't go to a Biggie board and start talking about how great 2pac was.

no but if u really wanna know i go 2 westcoast rap chatrooms and yell FUCK THA WESTSIDE EAST MUTHAFUCKAZ!! and leave again..then i go 2 eastcoast chatrooms and i yelll WESTSIIIIIIIIDE MUTHAFUCKAZ and when they ask me why im trashin their room with that bullshit i say: Hey im a pacgroupie ok?
and than i leave the room...

no but seriously...Life is for the seriously retarded people who have acces to the world wide web..talk about a bunch of idiots who are dying to meet eachother damn yo...and u actually respect em lmfao...CUZ THEY HATE HURTS AND YOU KNOW HURTS LMAO....

BTW i also go 2 shadyboards to talk about how great ja's music is...and theres always ppl who agree with me...
When i go 2 canibusboards i help the members find Bis...

tHuG $TyLe

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The life section is horrible, i go in there i see a million threads closed, the same questions being asked over and over and over again, newbies gettin pissed when someone criticizes 2pac...jeez..
jason g 718 said:
Odd you say that, because I think you and Hurts act like 10 year olds.

And seriously, what do you think you're going to get when you go there?

You don't go to a Biggie board and start talking about how great 2pac was.
This is Street Hop though. Hip Hop is what's this forum is supposed to be about, not how good it feels to bounce up & down on a dead man's dick.....

We can't like Biggie, why? Because he made good music? Because he was fat? Becase he was cock eyed? Because he was too dark?

Oh, I get it because Tupac 'didn't like him'?

That's some playground '10 year old' bullshit right there
jason_g_718 said:
You don't go to a Biggie board and start talking about how great 2pac was.
but the thing is, You could go to a biggie board and talk about how great pac was, they'd probaly wouldnt care, BIG fans are alot more mature that pac fans.
theres alot of fans that are WAY to influenced of the wrong side of 2pac


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jason_g_718 said:
My thing is, I just come here, open and read posts in which the thread title interests me, and if someone says something I feel an urge to respond to, then I do. If they respond to my comments, then I keep responding back as long as I have something to say to their most recent comment.
That's exactly the point they're trying to make. They're trying to say that you ALWAYS have something to say to their most recent comment. Which to be fair, is how you're coming across.

You don't have to respond to everyone, and sometimes if a topic is getting heated, the wiser thing to do sometimes is just to ignore it. That way, it gets killed quicker. Sometimes if people are cussing you out, just leave it. The more you stay stubborn and keep arguing, the more they do, and the whole topic just turns into random dissing.

Sometimes just pass off disagreements as just difference of opinion, the shit don't really matter..

Well I'm not trying to turn this into Message Board Sociology 101. LOL.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
This is Street Hop though. Hip Hop is what's this forum is supposed to be about, not how good it feels to bounce up & down on a dead man's dick.....

We can't like Biggie, why? Because he made good music? Because he was fat? Becase he was cock eyed? Because he was too dark?

Oh, I get it because Tupac 'didn't like him'?

That's some playground '10 year old' bullshit right there
This may be the "street hop" section, but what website do you type in to get here? 2PACBOARD.COM

Wake the fuck up.
Frank Grimes said:
but the thing is, You could go to a biggie board and talk about how great pac was, they'd probaly wouldnt care, BIG fans are alot more mature that pac fans.
theres alot of fans that are WAY to influenced of the wrong side of 2pac
I agree with that shit.

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