Technology Android


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
cell phone question: If someone blocks ur number will they still receive text messages from u? Does it depend on the carrier? And is there anyway to tell if ur num is blocked?
It'll just say the number is unavailable when they call. For texting, I assume something similar will come in the form of a text message. That the message was undeliverable.


Well-Known Member
most likely.

some guy i knew since childhood and had a debate with over the iphone vs android topic, and seriously fell out with after he was so ignorant and abusive just messaged me to ask about which android phone to get since he's now officially fed up with the iphone. LOL. he's thinking of the HTC Desire Z. oh well... never mind - its only one consumer.


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I wasn't really impressed with the Desire Z after all. The new Sense UI is very awesome imo but other than that it's not even cooler than the original Desire. The shitty keyboard mechanism costs HTC a lot of money now since a lot of people are replacing their phones.


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I wasn't really impressed with the Desire Z after all. The new Sense UI is very awesome imo but other than that it's not even cooler than the original Desire. The shitty keyboard mechanism costs HTC a lot of money now since a lot of people are replacing their phones.
I don't have any issue with the hardware other than the keyboard being 4 rows instead of 5 and the lack of a front-facing camera. I prefer the Desire Z to the original Desire. With root, CyanogenMod and overclocking, this thing is the most powerful device on the market right now.

But, I think I'm gonna hold out for a Nexus S.


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Android-themed bar opens in Tokyo | Crave - CNET

Looks like Tokyo's Cafe Ease, which offers an iPad for use on every table, has some competition. Bar Android (Facebook page in Japanese) has just set up shop as what appears to be the first Android-themed watering hole in Tokyo. Located in Shibuya, a few train stops from Cafe Ease, the pub is strangely open only on Mondays from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. But that's Japan for you.
So if you're in that part of town, check it out. You'll find gingerbread cookies, possibly even frozen yogurt, eclairs, and doughnuts on the menu, with drinks and snacks at a reasonable 500 yen ($6) and meals going for 1,000 yen ($12). Though whether little green androids serve up the food, well, let us know.
In addition to hanging with other Android fans, patrons can charge their Android phones and chill out playing Angry Birds on their devices. Fortunately, rumor has it the bar also welcomes non-Android users.
(Source: Crave Asia via Asiajin)


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I have a mutual Brazilian friend that claims to have Gingerbread on his device. We're on break so I can't really verify. But why would he lie?

Claimed it was offered on some Brazilian website for his N1.


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I have a mutual Brazilian friend that claims to have Gingerbread on his device. We're on break so I can't really verify. But why would he lie?

Claimed it was offered on some Brazilian website for his N1.
While there is Gingerbread for N1 it's probably just a mod of some sort that your friend had. It's not been leaked I think.


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If it had leaked on a website, other Android blogs would have reported it by now. The only way you can be sure if he's telling you the truth is with screenshots or detailed explanations of some of the new features. I think he's bullshitting you though.

My cousin who is on the Android team is running Gingerbread on two devices right now - a Nexus 1 and a Nexus S. I haven't asked him about features though, because I know it's all under NDA's until it gets announced. (likely December 6th as Andy Rubin is giving a speech at a tech conference on that day).

A very small pool of some of the most popular Android developers and beta testers outside of the Googleplex are also running Gingerbread already. But as for leaking publicly, I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Not a hating comment, but

Will the Androids ever stop erasing everyone's memory?

It seems like everyone that has an Android has that problem.

I've been saying it over and over, I want to get out of my black berry and get an Android when the contract is up, but my black berry has been so reliable. I don't know anyone with a G2 or anything THAT new yet, so I'm asking.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Not a hating comment, but

Will the Androids ever stop erasing everyone's memory?

It seems like everyone that has an Android has that problem.

I've been saying it over and over, I want to get out of my black berry and get an Android when the contract is up, but my black berry has been so reliable. I don't know anyone with a G2 or anything THAT new yet, so I'm asking.
Im not really understand the purpose of this post, are u asking us to recommend an Android phone to you?

The "Gingerbread leak" for the N1 was just an updated version of Froyo that came only to the N1.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Not a hating comment, but

Will the Androids ever stop erasing everyone's memory?

It seems like everyone that has an Android has that problem.

I've been saying it over and over, I want to get out of my black berry and get an Android when the contract is up, but my black berry has been so reliable. I don't know anyone with a G2 or anything THAT new yet, so I'm asking.
Just because "memory" is used so freely and interchangeably, but also incorrectly, you're gonna have to clarify.

Are you talking about erasing everything completely from the phone, including apps and contacts and texts? Like a factory reset?

Or are you talking about photos and other media, which are generally stored on the microSD card, and that keeps getting erased?

I guess contacts can be stored on SIM cards, but I've never owned a GSM phone, so I know nothing about that.


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Shadows, I have no idea what you are talking about. Over 6 members of my close family, including myself have Android phones, across the whole range, from G1, to HTC Hero, to Samsung Galaxy S, to Sony Xperia X10, to HTC Desire.

Not one of us has EVER had an "erased memory" on any of our devices. So I really don't know what you mean. I used to post on AndroidCommunity and nobody when I was there ever had a problem like that either.

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