Technology Android

I still don't know what it is. A handheld A.I. device? It tells you Biden is the best president ever?

All your responses belong to us?

Whatever. Sounds tedious. Give me my Commander Data.

I'm actually feeling good that the fireworks will be rained out today. Ha haaaa!

Technology won't save you.... Maybe vintage technology, like guns and axe.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
It only just recently occurred to me how much the number of phone OEMs in the US has shrunk since Android's beginnings. If you go to a carrier store in the US, you've got Samsung, Moto, Google, and, maybe, OnePlus? LG and HTC left the game completely, I think. Sony still makes phones for EU and Asia but they're really unheard of in the US. ASUS, apparently, still makes phones for "gamers?"

There were so many more OEMs in 2011 or 2013, I feel. Maybe they're all still doing well in Asia but in the US the pickings are slim. I don't think anyone made as many Android models as HTC did between 2010 and 2014 or so.
I'm using a Sony Xperia Z3 and my backup is a Nokia. Might get a Blackberry Passport next. :D Yeah, those were the days. Apple & Samsung blew everyone else away. HTC was making Google's Pixel and just sold most of their phone business to them in 2017. HTC now focusing on their VR headset. I'm surprised Motorola and OnePlus are still out there. Google's wealthy so they can keep product out there as long as they want. I think Apple is going get more and more of Samsung's share in the next few years.

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