Technology Android

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
How long has it been swirling? Sometimes it takes as long as 10-15 minutes to boot up after a freshly flashed ROM.

If waiting doesn't work, clear your Dalvik cache and all. Maybe even a factory reset. That usually fixes it. Do this in your recovery manager.
Yeah i went into recovery, wiped everything, reinstalled the rom and googgle apps. all ok now

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
what i didnt have time to mention previous is installing a custom rom was waaaay more difficult than it need to be because my G1 was DRC92, which means Id had to have goldcarded it and that process is long and annoying. So I had to use Androot to get Root and went from there.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, there are some one-click root methods out there. I think the G1 is capable of usng Z4Root or something like that.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Yeah, there are some one-click root methods out there. I think the G1 is capable of usng Z4Root or something like that.
z4 mod rooted my phone but the copy of superuser it installed was faulty, so i unrooted with androot and then rerooted it and everything was ok.

one thing i have noticed is that even though everything appears to be running faster and smoother, ive lost a fair chunk of ram, on 1.6 i on average had about 30mb or free ram, now its down to 20, but i guess thats to be expected when putting software for higher spec phones on the original android device.

Is it possible to get flash now i have 2.2? ive seen it run fine on a G1 running a 2.1 rom.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
z4 mod rooted my phone but the copy of superuser it installed was faulty, so i unrooted with androot and then rerooted it and everything was ok.

one thing i have noticed is that even though everything appears to be running faster and smoother, ive lost a fair chunk of ram, on 1.6 i on average had about 30mb or free ram, now its down to 20, but i guess thats to be expected when putting software for higher spec phones on the original android device.

Is it possible to get flash now i have 2.2? ive seen it run fine on a G1 running a 2.1 rom.

I dunno anything about freeing up internal RAM. A cache clear might fix that but with factory reset, that's probably already done. Even then, it should be like 10 MB at the most, with the browser being the biggest culprit.

Download Applanet and look for a SU update. I know I got one the instant I installed Applanet so even mine was outdated.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have ~90mb. I never got close to 0, even with shitloads of apps open. The least I had was probably about 30-40mb. With a stock rom I'd have half of it.

A friend of mine offered me a Motorola Milestone but after reading a few reviews I see that people aren't satisfied with the keyboard and you have to charge it every day. I charge my phone every 3 or 4 days and seeing my battery getting drained fast would probably annoy me. Especially since back in the feature phone days I used to charge my phone once a week or so.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
My iphone 3G regularly was operating on 15mb. I don't miss that piece of shit.

Anyways.... One of my friends lost his phone. Work had a HTC HD7 (or whatever it is called.) It had a broken screen. They said he could have it. They had a spare screen. He replaced the screen and stuck android on it. He is now a convert. He's a windows guy, has loads of microsoft qualifications. And he didn't bother with windows on his phone... lol.

Another one of my friends has just ordered the Nexus One...!

But the majority of them are still on iphones. Most have the 4.


Well-Known Member
cell phone question: If someone blocks ur number will they still receive text messages from u? Does it depend on the carrier? And is there anyway to tell if ur num is blocked?

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