Lost Season 3 Discussion
i think that by the end of the season we'll have a lot of answers. it's pretty hard to say why they did all the things they did. i do believe they are a little sinister however. it's obvious that the writers of the show have been trying to show you the others from a different perspective with the book club, the laughing and all the good stuff. tom has gone from being a scary tribe leader to what seems like a regular family man. i believe they are throwing us around and by the end of the season, you'll see that while there are answers to why they did a lot of the things they did, we just might not agree. btw this has nothing to with anything what so ever, i'm just high
so about locke, ya, totally agree with you. cannabis and forming opinions are two activites that should not be mixed together.
what i find moreso intriguing is that mikhail said that kate, sayid and locke couldn't comprehend how he came to be on the island, because they are simply not capable of understanding. so if they're so flawed and not on the great list, why take them despite that. and i still wonder why they took their blood. let me rephrase, i'm still wondering why they need/want blood from flawed people. obviously they can't be flawed themselves.
whichever the case, i also don't think he was conjured by the island. i believe it's locke's real dad and that he came to be on the island somehow, but not magically.
i think it was more of a code to let alpert know that a) he wants him to bring the "foreign guy" (which is more like the vibe i get from "the man from tallahasse" from ben), and b) that locke is somewhere around, but can't yet know that they have his dad. or something. i dunno, i don't disagree with you, i just want it to be more mysterious and your way is too easy or well no it isn't, but it's hostile and you're ugly.
no... no, it's not that either. i uh.. just die.
me too :thumb:
yeah, let's all talk about why locke was wet if he was inside the submarine. or to rephrase, why did locke need to go into the water to blow up the submarine, when obviously it would be way more effective to blow it up from the inside? maybe he is one step ahead of ben. locke has his own personal cruiser.
lol. i think the idea is to render her insecure. she's dealing with some inner demons that she needs to sort out before being ready for this. beyond that fact, she's been living alone for 16 years and she's clearly come out of it with a slight dementia. i'm hoping they do a flashback episode for her some time next season.
Illuminattile said:
Firstly, if The Others need Locke (and brought his father onto the island), then surely they would have asked Michael to bring them Locke as well as Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley.
so about locke, ya, totally agree with you. cannabis and forming opinions are two activites that should not be mixed together.
Illuminattile said:
While we're on the subject, we don't know why they asked for Kate and Sawyer do we? If it was to blackmail Jack into doing the surgery, then why choose Sawyer? Not exactly the best of friends.
Illuminattile said:
Anyway, my first thought was that Cooper had tried to flee, after pushing Locke out of the window, and had somehow found his way to The Island, where he was captured.
Illuminattile said:
Calling him "The Man from Tallahassee" kind of implies that Ben doesn't know his name, maybe that he'd interrogated him and asked him who he was, where he was from etc.
no... no, it's not that either. i uh.. just die.
Illuminattile said:
Maybe I'm naive, but I like to think Ben has some sense of honour.
Illuminattile said:
...until Locke blew up the submarine (or so it would seem).
Illuminattile said:
Where was Rousseau during all this, anyway? She disappeared, then cropped up to spy on Alex.