Which artist was biggest at their peak?

Biggest Artist in their Limelight?

  • Notorious B.I.G.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2pac

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eminem

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dr. Dre

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snoop Dogg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jay-Z

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50 Cent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
And Roy Keane is old since when?
Roy Keane has nothing to do with it, as I said I merely posted that as an "interesting aside".

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
And you know I cannot refute your statement as you are obviously more knowledgeable about the people of your nation, but I would still have reservations.

I know old people here don't really have a clue.
Many know who Tupac is, many do not. The point I'm trying to get across is, because of the largescale media exposure surrounding his music, influence and untimely death, Tupac is more well known across the British Isles than you might think.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I already made this point a long time ago. Maybe if you'd actually read the posts instead getting upset so quick, I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself.

What about the posthumous albums?

You are willing to admit them when we are talking about sales, so they must also be admitted when we are discussing the quality of his music.
Nope, because sales and quality are two different things.

His posthumous albums, as im sure you know, have been greatly tampered with and not released how he originally recorded them. He isnt here to control his music anymore, therefore you cant say he ever fell off. 7 Day Theory was the last album put out that he had control over.

Yea, his posthumous albums count towards his total sales, but again, you cant say he fell off because he aint here to regulate his music.
Zero Cool said:
Many know who Tupac is, many do not. The point I'm trying to get across is, because of the largescale media exposure surrounding his music, influence and untimely death, Tupac is more well known across the British Isles than you might think.
But not as well known as Eminem, agreed?

HellRazor1978 said:
Nope, because sales and quality are two different things.

His posthumous albums, as im sure you know, have been greatly tampered with and not released how he originally recorded them. He isnt here to control his music anymore, therefore you cant say he ever fell off. 7 Day Theory was the last album put out that he had control over.

Yea, his posthumous albums count towards his total sales, but again, you cant say he fell off because he aint here to regulate his music.
This is merely a double standard to proliferate your agenda.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
This is merely a double standard to proliferate your agenda.
Double standard my ass. Its the facts.

Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Bob Marley arent measured by their posthumous albums, so why should Pac be?

Hendrix died just after he completed Electric Ladyland, one of his best albums. I suppose he fell off too right?? Yea, sure buddy. :rolleyes:
HellRazor1978 said:
Double standard my ass. Its the facts.

HellRazor1978 said:
Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Bob Marley arent measured by their posthumous albums, so why should Pac be?
Irrelevant to this debate as neither Elvis, Hendrix, Lennon nor Marley are the topic of discussion here.

There is, however, something which can be taken from your posts. That is that, whenever faced with rational reasoning, you revert to bringing foreign topics into the discussion rather than answer my posts with regards to the initial question.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:

Irrelevant to this debate as neither Elvis, Hendrix, Lennon nor Marley are the topic of discussion here.

There is, however, something which can be taken from your posts. That is that, whenever faced with rational reasoning, you revert to bringing foreign topics into the discussion rather than answer my posts with regards to the initial question.
They are relevent, because my point implies that NO artist, whether it be Pac, Eminem, or Jimi Hendrix could possibly fall off if they died at the peak of their career.....no matter how many posthumous albums they put out.

You dont seem to fucking get it. Im not gonna argue with you anymore, because its a complete waste of my time, and no matter how right I may be, you probably aint changing your opinion....and I sure as hell aint changing mine.

You cant hang with me anyway.....everytime you think you bring up a good point, I easily thwart it. Just remember, you're talking to a guy who took a debate class and got an "A+" in it. Next time come to the battle prepared.

Silleone said:
AHAHAHAHHA, sure man :rolleyes: if chino xl can easily rip pac like he did, im sure biggie could, i never knew someone could be so dumb ahaha, but then again u are jason G, the 28 year old idiot :thumb:
*takes a big deep breath of the cold air*

Yep...just as I thought....bullshit is in the air.

Ass usual, you come with such an intelligent thoughtful rebuttal. So consistent you are. I always know exactly what kind of response to expect from you. :thumb:
Hellrazor1978 said:
I hate to say it, but Jason G is on point. Pac had no competition in 96'.
:confused: What'chu mean "I hate to say it"? I thought you and I were always cool with each other?

Last few times you and I traded posts, we were agreeing with each other and I believe we were both trashing aban and hurts.

Matter of fact, I don't ever recall having an argument with you.

My feelings are hurt. :p
Sun_Tzu said:
man did you guys even know who Pac was in 96?? that guy was all over and everybody was bumpin All Eyes on Me. Biggie had videos and shit but he wasnt up with Pac. Big probably just got most of his attention for the beef between em but Pac was all over for his albums and all that shit he was doing to get his ass in trouble.
And people often do forget, in the end, all that negative publicity the media and even the law gave Pac just helped him. It helped him, it helped his image, it helped his career. Funny thing is, nowadays rappers do that on purpose just to get exposure. Rappers will catch a case to make 3 or 4 million and enhance their reputation and image. LOL, Pac wasn't doing it for that at all. It's like he said himself "I'm the last real nigga".
jason_g_718 said:
:confused: What'chu mean "I hate to say it"? I thought you and I were always cool with each other?

Last few times you and I traded posts, we were agreeing with each other and I believe we were both trashing aban and hurts.

Matter of fact, I don't ever recall having an argument with you.

My feelings are hurt. :p
hahahaha, chillout man.
Don't state the obvious, not everything has to be taken so literally. He did a play a character who had deafening similarities to Marshall.
According to your initial reply to me, I felt it me "explaining the obvious" was needed because you seemed to either be forgetting or overlooking the fact.

Have you ever heard Infinite?

I know you don't like the SSLP. Relevance? On both these albums he constantly laments on his situations - often one of these situation being a disgruntled worker fed up of being jerked around.

And he wasn't even that good.

Then again, in you eyes Juice is one of the most famous movies ever.....oh no, you retracted that didn't you? Still....
No, I haven't heard Infinite because I have told you, I do not like Eminem's work from that period in his life. But, I also don't need to hear it to know about his history of being a disgruntled emloyee at his places of work. I have read enough articles on him and read enough interviews from him (including stuff that only people in Detroit would have acces to), I've heard radio interviews of him from Detroit radio stations. I know about his history. HOWEVER, name me one person in life that HASN'T been a disgruntled employee at some point in their working life. In addition to that, before you bring the "yeah, but not all of them come to work with a gun", no, but it's also not like that type of action hasn't been quite prevalent in at least American society in the past probably 15 years. I literally hear a story about once a day, every other day, where for whatever reason, an employee of a business got mad and came to work with a gun. It's not a rare thing and to say that the character he played was basically himself with the only support of him being a disgruntled employee factor, you're doing the equivalent of trying to stop a 50 mph car with a really huge piece of looseleaf paper. Despite our differences in the past, I have alwasy respected you at least because you come with decent real arguments. But this is just ridiculous. This argument is some hurts or aban type shit. As for the comment I recently made about 2pac's movies, you know damn well I retracted that...and "still" nothing. I retracted it. People make statements sometimes and then realize what they said was an idiotic statement. I'm man enough to do just that.

Samuel L Jackson for one. You do know who he is....don't you?
OK, seriously, why be sarcastic or condescending for no reason? You know damn well that I'd know who someone like Sam Jackson is. That's like asking someone if they know who Michael Jordan is. It's insulting.

And where and when did you hear Sam specifically say that 2pac didn't prove himself as an actor? I want a link to where I can read this as well. What I read from Jackson was him saying that he would not do movies with rappers or basically any musician who has not proven themself as a decent actor deserving of being in a movie. Going on to say that just because a musician (though he was referring to rappers mostly) is successful in one area of entertainment doesn't meant they will be in another and that before he works with one, they have to have some some movies under their belt of decent success as well as having earned his respect.

I don't know of and have never heard of Sam downtalking Pac specifically. Do you speak for Mr. Jackson?

And my final question regarding this aspect of your response is...WHO THE FUCK CARES? I mean, really, so what if Sam did say that 2pac didn't prove himself as an actor, that's one persons opinion. I mean, seriously...you say Pac didn't prove himself as an actor to quote, "in a lot of people's opinion". LOL, then when I ask you who you think you're speaking for, you say "Sam Jackson" and that's it. Wow man...what kinda drugs you been doing lately, because you are certainly not making posts that are up to your intelligence level.

It was you who did not appear to get AmerikazMost point, so he reiterated.

For a supposed rapper you reall seem to have a poor grasp of the language English, forever misconstrueing posts.
LOL, you're hilarious. I didn't "misconstrue" anything. And my rap career is going very well for an underground artist, thank you. Matter of fact, I've recently been requested by a member of this board to write a song for someone they're representing. You can read some of my raps at my website. I have the address posted in my sig. :thumb:

Yes, he was.[/QUOTE]

As Razor pointed out, sales number prove otherwise.

You can say what you say, but just because you say so, doesn't mean it's true.

P.S. And don't come back saying "well, that goes for you as well". If you're going to rebutt that, come with something stronger than the weakest rebuttal in existance.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
'5+'??? Are you aware of the numbers The Eminem Show did?
I am not, but I know MMLP went diamond, and it's probably well past 10 mill now.

I also know that Encore is currently at 4.2 mill.

What has ES done Calcuo? I'm genuinely interested.

Also, is there a website you can go to to find out sales numbers, meaning number of units sold, for pretty much any album?

I have no idea where to find information like that.
HellRazor1978 said:
They are relevent, because my point implies that NO artist, whether it be Pac, Eminem, or Jimi Hendrix could possibly fall off if they died at the peak of their career.....no matter how many posthumous albums they put out.

You dont seem to fucking get it. Im not gonna argue with you anymore, because its a complete waste of my time, and no matter how right I may be, you probably aint changing your opinion....and I sure as hell aint changing mine.

You cant hang with me anyway.....everytime you think you bring up a good point, I easily thwart it. Just remember, you're talking to a guy who took a debate class and got an "A+" in it. Next time come to the battle prepared.

yeah, you're the intellect who's debating with me in WoW every now & then.

I think not dummy....
AEOM didnt need death hype to sell, it simply sold on its own.
I believe that's what you call a "artist with talent". Also, while DK7 and MATW will always be duking it out for title of "Pac's Best Album Ever" (unless a future album comes along and takes it, highly doubtful), AEOM is definately his most well known and popular album. Me personally, I argue with myself often about whether AEOM or DK7 is his best album. I just fucking LOVED AEOM, still do.

As for Chino ripping Pac, how many records has Chino sold to date?? LOL.....nuff said.
I was thinking the same thing, but sometimes it's just not even worth taking the time to respond, because some people it won't matter to anyway, and sometimes you just need to let people think what they believe is true.

Also, Chino didn't rip Pac at all. IMO, for an artists to get ripped, the diss your dishing out has to have affected the target in some aspect. Not only do pretty much only hip hop heads know that a rapper named Chino XL exists and dissed Pac, but the diss literally bounced off him. Like throwing a wiffle ball at someone the size of Shaq. And he was so unimportant to Pac that Pac only mentioned his name once, he didnt' even hardly talk about him, just said "fuck you too". And Pac wouldn't even have probably mentioned him period but at that time Pac was pissed at everyone and with good reason.

And Bad Boy didnt really blow up till 97', a good year after Pac was gone. Where was Bad Boy the year before, in 96?? Thats right, Pac was running things, as was the entire west coast. Anyone who says otherwise clearly wasnt listening to hip hop back then.
What's kinda sad and funny, because it's true is that in reality, Biggie was made more famous because of beef with Pac and then Pac's death. Bad Boy only really skyrocketed once Biggie died and they literally got a lot of their fame and recognition as a result of Biggies death.

So, in reality, Biggie and Bad Boy can both thank Pac for makin' 'em famous.
jason g 718 said:
And where and when did you hear Sam specifically say that 2pac didn't prove himself as an actor? I want a link to where I can read this as well. What I read from Jackson was him saying that he would not do movies with rappers or basically any musician who has not proven themself as a decent actor deserving of being in a movie. Going on to say that just because a musician (though he was referring to rappers mostly) is successful in one area of entertainment doesn't meant they will be in another and that before he works with one, they have to have some some movies under their belt of decent success as well as having earned his respect.

I don't know of and have never heard of Sam downtalking Pac specifically. Do you speak for Mr. Jackson?

And my final question regarding this aspect of your response is...WHO THE FUCK CARES? I mean, really, so what if Sam did say that 2pac didn't prove himself as an actor, that's one persons opinion. I mean, seriously...you say Pac didn't prove himself as an actor to quote, "in a lot of people's opinion". LOL, then when I ask you who you think you're speaking for, you say "Sam Jackson" and that's it. Wow man...what kinda drugs you been doing lately, because you are certainly not making posts that are up to your intelligence level
What you need to do is retract ALL of this.

We were talking about Eminem & somehow you have managed to flip it to being 2Pac.

This post is a complete & utter fucking joke!!

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