The Top 5 Most Overrated rappers in the industry

PaulyPac said:
well whoever says it are most def pac fans, everyone knows big was amazing even pac fans but they dont want to admit it because of their dickriding
Not really, I know many people who don't rate B.I.G., you don't have to be a Pac fan to think Biggie is overrated.
I think BIG is overrated because, even though he was a good rapper, he only reached legendary status because he died. If he had lived he might have reached that status, but since he only had one full album before he died (2 if you count Life After Death) I think peeps give him way more credit than he deserves.
Devious187 said:
Finally I read through all 12 pages of this thread, and I've only got one thing to say" cm_millionaire, I have never seen a more arrogant person in my life. :
1.) You've never seen me, just read my threads.
2.) If I'm the most arrogant person you've 'seen' you obviously haven't seen many people. I'm not arrogant because I back up everything I say; if I was arrogant I would just post something like "fuck you, I'm the don, you don't know shit".
Devious187 said:
You keep saying that you are more enlightened than most about rap music because you listen to it a lot downloading 40 tracks a day, blah blah blah. And you keep assuming that people on this board, or 90% of them anyway, have never heard of MF Doom and these other groups.
1. I've never used the word "enlightened" in my life.
2. It's not assumption, it's fact. The majority of rappers I speak about as being better than NaS people don't acknowledge, they just reply "shut up bitch, NaS is god". When was the last time you read an in depth comparitive piece with someone arguing why NaS is superior to MF Doom or NaS? you don't- go figure why.
Devious187 said:
You know who you remind me of? When I was in grade 10, there was this kid who had an IQ of 163, and he used to walk around and act like he was smarter than everyone. The thing is, he was smarter than most but because he held it over people's heads, he was hated for it. He wasn't smart enough to avoid getting his ass kicked almost daily though. Stop acting as though your opinions are so superior to the rest of us and let people have their own opinions, whether they are educated ones or not. :thumb:
1. I have an IQ above 163.
2. I was popular at school.
3. It was uneducated opinions that got people like Hitler into power.

I'm doing hip hop a favour.
link187 said:
#1 Nastradamus Is Better Then Any Other Commercial Pop Record
#2 Nas Has 2 Officially Classic Albums (Illmatic, Stillmatic)
#3 Nas A Catalog As Big As Pacs (More Than 200 Songs)
#4 Most Creative (Fetus, Book Of Rhymes, Money Is My Bitch, The Makings Of A Perfect Bitch, Rewind, Last Words, New World, Blaze A 50
#5 Have U Heard Star Wars (Pure Hip Hop Heart)
#6 Ether
#7 No Word Play Who Said That Listen 2
(Ghetto Prisoners, Every Ghetto)The Most Untalked About Nas Song Probably His Best
1. It's awful and was a commercial flop.
2. Official by who's standsards?
3. Pac has a catalogue (learn to spell) still twice as large as Nas' and he aint even alive anymore.
4. The concept of every track you mentioned wasn't original - therefore isn't creative - just bitten.
5. Have u heard Star Wars? (Pure Hip Hop garbage)
6. I agree
7. If you think that is wordplay you shouldn't have the right to listen to hip hop period.
Silleone said:
Knowledge :thumb: also i stopped readin cms post after he said "nas aint hip hop"
Uh huh. Numerous spelling mistakes. Grammar misuse and lack of structure. Pure knowledge.
Oh and I'm sorry I forgot that one man who's made one classic album and a bunch of average ones after he fell off is bigger than a whole music genre he didn't create and didn't pioneer. Stupid me.
Zero Cool said:
While I agree it was awful, going Platinum hardly constitutes a flop.
It is when you went three times platinum three years before it. Ja Rule doesn't put up bad numbers but his records are still considered a flop compared to the shit he used to drop.
Wow, and I thought you were arrogant before! You're doing hip-hop a favor? How? By putting people who don't like your choice of rappers down? Thanks, but I don't think hip-hop needs your "favors". Really, why do you care if someone thinks Nas is better than MF Doom? And if you really had that high an IQ you wouldn't feel the need to hold it over everyone's heads. Does it make you feel superior to believe you know more about something than anyone else? That my friend is arrogance. An opinion is just that, an opinion. Let people have theirs, you have yours, and don't trip on what they say. Oh and where's the spelling mistakes in my last post, teacher, since you say I made numerous mistakes. Please point them out for me, because I checked it and didn't see any.
cm_millionaire said:
It is when you went three times platinum three years before it. Ja Rule doesn't put up bad numbers but his records are still considered a flop compared to the shit he used to drop.
Well that could be argued, but does Streets Disciple also constitute a flop as it hasn't even reached Platinum status yet?
Devious187 said:
Wow, and I thought you were arrogant before! You're doing hip-hop a favor? How? By putting people who don't like your choice of rappers down? Thanks, but I don't think hip-hop needs your "favors". Really, why do you care if someone thinks Nas is better than MF Doom? And if you really had that high an IQ you wouldn't feel the need to hold it over everyone's heads. Does it make you feel superior to believe you know more about something than anyone else? That my friend is arrogance. An opinion is just that, an opinion. Let people have theirs, you have yours, and don't trip on what they say. Oh and where's the spelling mistakes in my last post, teacher, since you say I made numerous mistakes. Please point them out for me, because I checked it and didn't see any.
1.) I don't care- it bothers me that they think they are correct. If someone grows up only seeing black, white and gray - they are going to think they are the best colours. I want to introduce the yellow, reds and blues to them then let them decide. Trouble is, most people tend to argue black, white or gray are the best colours without seeing the others. If you see the others and then argue the point for the other three I'll respect you.
2.) I don't hold it over people's heads. When was the last time you saw a hip hop related question on an IQ Test?
3.) I have better things to do than look over that tedious drivel that composed of your post.

From now on, unless you stay relevant to the topic I'm not wasting my time to reply to you.
Zero Cool said:
Well that could be argued, but does Streets Disciple also constitute a flop as it hasn't even reached Platinum status yet?
No. The difference between Nastradamus and Streets Disciple is NaS has realised how much he can realistically expect to sell. SD was never meant to do 50 numbers.
cm_millionaire said:
No. The difference between Nastradamus and Streets Disciple is NaS has realised how much he can realistically expect to sell. SD was never meant to do 50 numbers.
And Nastradamus was? After being a project only a few months in the making, I think Platinum was a highly credible return for such a below par album.
^^It was never intended to be released in such proximity as 'I Am'. The aforementioned album was supposed to be a double album and NaS himself has said he never planned to release 'Nastradamus' otherwise. It was made to do big numbers, everything NaS dropped after Illmatic up until Stillmatic was intended to do big numbers.
But why does it bother you? it's their opinion, they are entitled to it, so let them have it. And the fact that in your earlier posts you made it clear that you think you know more about hip-hop than most of this board shows that you are trying to hold it over our heads, otherwise you would've made your point without mentioning it at all. And I believe this is relevant to the topic, I'm just asking you why your opinion is right and others who don't agree with you don't know hip-hop and "should go listen to Britney" And you don't have to insult my writing for no reason, that's pretty childish for someone with an IQ over 160, isn't it?

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