The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
Didn't expect too much out of the Mavs since they had so many roster changes. On that, why did they have so many roster changes??

Lakers losing was sad, especially since they had a healthy lead minutes before the end of the 4th. Kobe missing the last shot wasn't too surprising considering the amount of attention he got on that. Hard to know if it was bad decision making on Kobe's part or the play drawn up wasn't allowing for a plan B. Still he played well considering. I get the feeling LA are making space for an expensive player. We shall see.

OKC v Magic game. Eh.

Scanned the Warriors v Clippers. How many point guards does LAC have? lol Seems a pretty good bench though. Why the hell did Warriors continuously foul Jordan in the 3rd Quarter?? It was going to get very boring if they continued that. Also what's that saying to the team, we can't win this with your defense so we are going to rely on his shitty free throws. I get the tactic when it's the dying moments but 3rd Quarter? It was getting annoying hearing the commentary on that game just for all the ass kissing of Mark Jackson.


Well-Known Member
Seriously. League Pass broadband is only $20 cheaper for fewer games, cramped tighter together so you likely can't watch as many, and decreased quality of play? Fuck thot (c) KL

Didn't expect too much out of the Mavs since they had so many roster changes. On that, why did they have so many roster changes??
Shedding weight to make a run at Dwight or Deron next year.


Staff member
What pisses me off about League Pass is that they give you a free preview til' January 8th if you have cable but no free preview for broadband. The NBA app on Android says you can have the free preview on it but all I hear is sound and no video. I'd be willing to swallow the $169 charge if I could preview first to make sure there's no lag. I have fast Internet but sometimes those highlight videos on tend to lag.


Well-Known Member
Oh my GOD! How.. Just.. Oh wow. I didn't watch that with sound but I can only assumed boo's and hisses were heard after that. lol
I sure hope the crowd stuck it to him even though it was pre-season.

But really, he called this roster right now "championship caliber". I know that he has a responsibility to the team but that's just an outright lie.
I ranted and raved about Jim Buss when it was clear he was getting rid of the 'Phil Jackson era'. He's getting more hate than Kupchak got back in the day before Paul Gasol showed up.

Why the hell did Warriors continuously foul Jordan in the 3rd Quarter??
They call him "Air" Jordan.



Well-Known Member
Haven't watched that game yet. Saw the OKC v Memphis game. God that was boring. So many free throws, thank the Lord for fast forward! Yay for not watching LIVE!! haha

Saw the highlights for LA v NY .. Kobe's 3 - WOW. And that little move/fade away on the baseline - OMG. Love it.


Well-Known Member
I was laughing, every time Noah took his free throws the commentators were talking about how messed up it is and how they have to close their eyes when he shoots and one of them said they cover their 4 year olds eyes too saying thats not how you do it. He's pretty accurate with that messed up spin shit though.

Alot of times Griffin was getting the ball quite a ways out, and his fanciness with the dribble was face palm worthy majority of the time.


Well-Known Member
After missing his first five shots and committing two offensive fouls in the first quarter, I knew Manihopethisguydoesntturnintothefantasybasketballversionofchrisjohnson would put on a show in the second half, and boy, was I right! Kommander Klutch in the Fourth Kuarter today: 2PT: 2/6, 3PT: 0/4, FT: 0/0, AST: 1, TO: 2, REB: 0. For the night, he was 1/8 from behind the arc and 5 of 20 inside. (The rest of his team went 29/60.) It's understandable that he would take as many shots as both of his bigs put together, including twice as many as the defensive anchor who probably doesn't need touches to get acquainted with the new offense in his second game back from a suspension considering that he crushed the exact same opponent on... umyesterday, however, considering the Nuggets are renown for their imposing interior defense.

In news that doesn't directly affect my tepid bank account, John Wall finally had a decent game, flirting with a triple double. He appears to be starting to get how to change speeds, and his body language was much better. I was getting serious Steve Francis vibes the first couple of games. I hate the rest of this team besides Javale McGee and Chris Singleton. I think I'd like Trevor Booker and Shelvin Mack if they actually played. Jan Vesely is probably doomed to have a terrible year, unless his girlfriend gets lots of courtside seats. SI says that Demarcus Cousins is demanding a trade. Cousins for Blatche, straight up. The Kings still owe us for Chris Webber.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy it while it lasts. Nothing can stop the march of time. We on the come up, son. You're on your way out.
I'm enjoying it all, you already know my thoughts on the Lakers this season. As bad they are & will continue to be, they still got your team :D

Meanwhile in Charlotte...



Well-Known Member
Kommander Klutch in the Fourth Kuarter today: 2PT: 2/6, 3PT: 0/4, FT: 0/0, AST: 1, TO: 2, REB: 0. For the night, he was 1/8 from behind the arc and 5 of 20 inside.
I believe mentally he wasn't ready to play that game. Denver, location of his infamous accusation and a current divorce stemming from that event, he likely was thinking about all that. All Bryant fans who saw him talking about that game later, knew something is and was off with him. He doesn't talk to the media that way when such things happen, he's demeanor was like I've never seen it before. Throw in the usual xyz wrist injury, and his ego as other generic factors.

6/28 FG, 1/8 3PT, 4 assists, 6 turnovers.

Oh, look, it's the Kobe I know.

To quote my fav Lakers Blog

Kobe’s had games similar to this before and unless he plans on retiring tomorrow, he’ll have games like this in the future. Kobe, after all, is a scorer at his core and he’ll shoot his way in and out of slumps. Such is his nature and going into his 16th season if you expect this to change, you’ll be in for a rude awakening.
Cue in stats for the next game and you'll see its true.

14-29 FG, 2-7 3PT 6 assists, 2 Turnovers 37PTS

Stats are what you make em.

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