The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

lol, of course i dont think Kobe's elbow was okay, but he sent a message to Artest. Now watch if artest doesnt watch out for those elbows next game. He's gonna keep his guard up.

lol, I'm not that far from LA. If you were from SoCal you would understand Homie. LA runs throughout california. No matter where you're at, you're from LA. Even ATL fans are LA fans, Miami fans, Sacramento fans... all these fans around the country are LA fans. I'm not shitting on them cause they're not from LA. lol.

lol, Rondo should have got a T and should have been suspended for what he did cause it was so clear. He clearly got the arm of hinrich and threw him on to the stands. I'm not gonna say shit about the foul on brad miller. 'Cause if Brad miller did that to Rondo... brad miller would have got 4 games suspended.

Stop bitching art.
Put your money where your mouth is.
lol then why was artest ejected
talking face to face = ejection?
players talk face to face

put money on it
its like dallas vs warriors
rockets playing without 23 million contract
if kobe get suspended for 1 game
we will bet on game 3
it will be fair
and lol u want me bet after the shit that went down last game?
artest get ejected for talking to kobe?

n they r not la fans
they r kobe fans
kobe got whole organization on his nuts
if he said
yo niggas fuck yellow we r going pink
lakers would of have pink uniforms

oo n before u say some like rockets r better without tmac
shittt healthy tmac havent played with this houston rockets team.
n lol kid
ownign ur self hard
'Cause if Brad miller did that to Rondo... brad miller would have got 4 games suspended.

cause if Ron artest did that to kobe...ron artest would have got 4 games suspended
? no ?
crowfer is ur shinning armer

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
props for the gifs. fuck i missed the good part of the game LOL i fell asleep, shit. thanks for the gifs. my laptop battery bout to die. hopefully my chargers comes in 2morrow. ill try to find sum gifs that were posted here.
n lol kid
ownign ur self hard
'Cause if Brad miller did that to Rondo... brad miller would have got 4 games suspended.

cause if Ron artest did that to kobe...ron artest would have got 4 games suspended
? no ?
crowfer is ur shinning armer
lol ron artest has a history of being a dumb ass player. So of course he would have got suspended. He's lucky he didnt push kobe or swing at kobe or else bye bye season for him. lol.

Kobe might even get suspended for throwing that elbow. Stu jackson was gonna look at the tape and determine whether Kobe is gonna get suspended. But i doubt kobe will get suspended cause kobe has NO history of being a dirty player.

Rondo is a dirty player. EVERYONE says it.
Brad miller is not. He's puss. But if he woulda
hit rondo like that... he woulda got suspended cause its a BIG dude against a small dude. and rondo would have got knocked out and helped out by paramedics.

Fisher shouldn't even get suspended... scola did it wayy too hard with the flop. Fisher should just get fined and he shoulda just got ejected. But cause scola flopped worse than vlade divac... fisher is gonna get suspended. OH yea it was a hard hit, but not THAT HARD as scola made it seem. Scola deserved it for pulling lamar odoms jersey, and for holding him and pushing him... that's being dirty lol.
Fisher shouldn't even get suspended
he should
I agree that scola flopped
but if u look at replay
when scola was going for a pick
fisher looked where scola was and when he saw scola running he put him down
thats a suspension
Phil jackson was right when he said refs should define when its T/ejection and when it is just a foul.
Rando almost got in the fight with henrick = they both got T
artest talked to kobe = ron got ejected
lakers would of won that game no matter what
but cowferd made it dirty

and scola grabbing odom and pulling his jersey...
look at sasha he be fucking with wafer worst
talking shit right next to refs/pulling his jersey..
and odom ....did u watched the whole game?
odom was talking shit to scola since the 1st q

and u saying scola deserves it> ?
well shit then in the 1st game when sasha made shane bleed rockets should of fucked him up? and if they did u wouldnt of said shit? u be like yea sasha deserves it? and after rockets fuck sasha up they shouldnt get suspended?

and ron being a dirty player...? so him being a dirty player means that he cant talk to other players face to face?
come on now how come he dint got ejected during the season when kobe and artest were talking mad shit to each other
its just that fagget cowferd
if ron wanted to fuck kobe up
he would of done it
kobe cant fight
ron would of fuck him up big time
and u saying tat ron is lucky that he dint push kobe?
no kid u got it wrong kobe is lucky that ron dint fuck him up
trust me kid
if ron decides to fight vs kobe he will make sure kobe will not play in the next game due to health problems

hey kid
i was wondering
what will happend if say player get ejected from the game but he refuses leave the court.
will they call security to kick him out?

and kobe not being a dirty player?
? good shit starts at 30 sec
good song too ahahah
elbow nikka elbow ahahah
Nah, that Sasha hitting Battier on the face was accidental. Sasha didnt mean to do that and you know it art. That was a loose ball, they were going after the rebound. Battier wasn't complaining was he??? So don't complain about it. lol

btw, i never said Artest was a dirty player. I just said he has A HISTORY OF BEING A DIRTY PLAYER.

lol, idk about that last question. Probably the teammates and coaches will try to come and get him, and tell him to leave. The refs will be like "coach we cant continue the game until this nigga leaves..."

hahaha, who knows. I never seen it happen before.
game 3 will be good
this serie feels like finals n shit
and i got to admit kid lol
I cant belive rockets r hanging in there with lakers
somehow every team started playing good
I mean even Tnt - charles - picking denver to win west
wafer got upset because he was taken out of the game and kicked and threw a water bottle
fucking adelman
every time wafer is playing good adelman takes him out
all play more then wafer
even hayes


Well-Known Member
Artest started out with his arms all over Kobe's neck/head, they shouldn't have been there. And if you view the play without those rose-coloured glasses on you would see he didn't elbow Artest in the NECK but the CHEST. lol Your trying to make it sound worse than it looked.
Artest got ejected because he first went up to the ref screaming/crying then went over to Kobe. He was already pissing off the ref's then it looks like the game is gonna fall apart so they had to do something. Kobe even said he shouldn't have been ejected, but as a professional player Artest should know how far to push things. On top of all that you have no idea what he was actually saying to Kobe.

Anyway welcome to Playoff Basketball.
kobe always cryes
and never get ejected....

Anyway welcome to Playoff Basketball.?

lol this is coming from a person who said rockets would of lost by 10 if those 2 playes i was talking about would of counted
u can tell that u havent been watching basketball in 10 years could of gone differently Einstien.......
anyways welcome to usa

here moron watch it
from a different angle
know it all n shit
Where is the baseline video of the Kobe elbow?
suspension might be lil to harsh but
tell me kobe hopper/dick rider
was this a foul or no foul on kobe? kobe should of been ejected
but no call? mannn u kanguru need to
get of koby's dick
hop hop

Artest started out with his arms all over Kobe's neck/head, they shouldn't have been there

shane shouldnt of bleed either
but he did - no blood no foul..
welcome to the nba
o wait they didnt call foul on sasha. They should of ejected shane for bleeding all over the court..kobe could of slipped

kid im not talking to u
so dont try to be a hero lol
We already have convo. about this
and conclusion was
game 3 tommorow
be readyy like tracy mcgradyyy
game 3
Im a do some of my photoshoping soon
damn im to lazy to waste time on this shit
but im a do it for kid

Lakers players seen at 4 seasons downtown valet

thats where kobe n fisher fucked up
im coming for that ass


Well-Known Member
kobe always cryes
and never get ejected....
No but the games I've seen he does get tech fouled for it.

Anyway welcome to Playoff Basketball.?
lol this is coming from a person who said rockets would of lost by 10 if those 2 playes i was talking about would of counted
u can tell that u havent been watching basketball in 10 years could of gone differently Einstien.......
anyways welcome to usa
Ok 9 Points my bad. All I was saying is Playoff basketball is a bit more intense, THAT 10 years 20 years will never change about NBA playoff's.
here moron watch it
from a different angle
know it all n shit
Where is the baseline video of the Kobe elbow?
suspension might be lil to harsh but
tell me kobe hopper/dick rider
was this a foul or no foul on kobe? kobe should of been ejected
but no call? mannn u kanguru need to
get of koby's dick
hop hop
I saw that angle and seriously without being able to stop each frame and zoom in I can't see where his elbow CLEARLY hits his throat. What I DO see is Artest ALL OVER Kobe's back/neck/head and I think when the Ref was looking at it thats what he saw and he called THAT. If we need to pause each frame to see it on replay imagine what the ref's actually saw. Artest then run's around like a little girl, and you notice he actually gets ejected when he's in the ref's face. I don't need to see 10 years of NBA basketball to see he was gonna get ejected if he kept going.

shane shouldnt of bleed either
but he did - no blood no foul..
welcome to the nba
o wait they didnt call foul on sasha. They should of ejected shane for bleeding all over the court..kobe could of slipped
That was a loose ball, completely different. They were going after a loose ball, scrapping. If I remember correctly the initial call got overturned anyway to favor the Rockets so what is the problem?

And just a spelling lesson for you son.

Kanguru is actually spelt Kangaroo
Bleed (in the context you put it) is actually Bled
NEW YORK (AP)—The Los Angeles Lakers won’t have Derek Fisher(notes) for Game 3 of their Western Conference semifinal series, but Kobe Bryant(notes) will be in the lineup because the elbow he threw at Ron Artest(notes) landed just low enough.

Fisher and Orlando’s Rafer Alston(notes) were both suspended one game by the NBA on Thursday for separate incidents in playoff games the previous night. The league also assessed Bryant a flagrant foul one penalty for elbowing Artest during the second half of the Lakers’ testy victory over the Houston Rockets.

However, Bryant was not suspended because the league ruled he elbowed Artest in the chest area. Had it been above the shoulders - and Artest said it was his neck - the Lakers All-Star likely would have been banned from the arena Friday.
Ha, we don't need fisher, but you guys might need alton.. shoulda never traded him. Who cares, Kobe's gonna dominate.
And just a spelling lesson for you son
and where did spelling got u ?
drawings? artist?
that shit is nothing
wtf u think u r
that shit get u no where
stop wasting time
these days everybody can draw
I saw paintings that r way better then urs and only coast 1$ ahahah doller store
not even that good
i can draw better then u and I dont even draw
crocodile dundee

and while u want to go back to europe again
i have 2 houses there -daughter- and I can go there anytime i want to
so here
me go hard so far me like 1 number
BAm BAM aright children iight chahahahah chakcakac bleeed bleed kungorys kungyrous
i guess spelling dont mean shit
I just love how 36 years old retail manager and sucky artist is talking about my spelling lol
that spelling b shit got u no where so both of u need to stfuppp


Well-Known Member
HAHA you're 36?!?! You sound 12. Wow retail manager?? I am so in awe of your employment status!! I've known about 5 or so KIDS that has had that same title, and yeah sure you have 2 houses in Europe... I bet your job pays you BUCKET LOADS, you must be on Trump's level!

Anyway I'm studying Art at the moment and there are plenty of job choices for me but I don't even need to be concerned about that until the 3 years is up. I'm willing to work for what I want and I'm not gonna settle for something I don't love. Those dollar store paintings/drawings are PRINTS by the way so of course they can sell them for a dollar. I've sold paintings for over $500 so you don't know what you’re talking about.

Sorry other people that post here, this convo got off track.
HAHA you're 36?!?! You sound 12. Wow retail manager?? I am so in awe of your employment status!! I've known about 5 or so KIDS that has had that same title, and yeah sure you have 2 houses in Europe... I bet your job pays you BUCKET LOADS, you must be on Trump's level!

read my post again idiot
u not the only one who talked shit about my spelling
or SicC
was talking about my spelling and he is retail manager and he is 36
thats why i said
"I just love how 36 years old retail manager and sucky artist is talking about my spelling lol
that spelling b shit got u no where so both of u need to stfuppp


so in other words u r making fun of sicC
way to go girl
and im not 36
im 20
dont belive my stats
i put that shit to fuck with simple minded people like u

and the reason why i have 2 houses in europe
because i was born in europe
but u moron dint even tought of that dint u?
no wonder why u taking art...

and what people who post here?
people who post here r my niggas
if it wasent for me
there wouldnt be no NBA Thread on streethop with 11k views
do ur research before u talk shit
so stfuuuuppp

and study ART?
that shit
like 2+2

ART wtf is ART
nikkas be drawing squares and calling it ART
and 500$ hahahahahaaha
person who bought that shit was ur mom

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