Somebody throws bottle in snoops face!!

You're judging the man fron outside the box. You ain't got a fucking clue as to what's really happening in his life. And besides, dude is only 33, do you know how much time he's got to enjoy his success?
I'm judging him by his actions.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Whatever man, I found it really funny.

Maybe it's just me...
I don't mind it at all, I just think you're encouraging Hurts and that isn't a good thing.

Hurts is an idiot, encouraging him is the equivalent of throwing kerosene on a fire.

He posts a picture of me and my cousin, who is like my son and is laughing about it. What's funny about me spending time with loved ones?
nothin, hurts is just an idiot.

But anyway, Please does someone know if Snoop always plays a tribute at his concerts?
And which guest appearences can I expect for the concert Im gonna visit on next week in Germany?

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member

I bet ur the typical english scumbag that i fuckin hate.

A lotta english people are sound people,but fuck i hate some of them.I guess dats the same wit every nation.Ill stop wit my pro IRA Comments for now.
Tupac Tha Great said:

I bet ur the typical english scumbag that i fuckin hate.

A lotta english people are sound people,but fuck i hate some of them.I guess dats the same wit every nation.Ill stop wit my pro IRA Comments for now.
I hate the English overall as well. I have met quite a few in life and most have been utter assholes.

I used to be a carpet salesman near University of Michigan and I met a lot of English people coming in to buy carpet for their dorm.
aban said:
Whenever I need to laugh I just come here, please Jason dont leave these forums, LOL
As long as you realize I'm laughing at you.

I laught a lot at Hurts, but not because of what he responds with, but because he doesn't realize how stupid he is.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
I hate the English overall as well. I have met quite a few in life and most have been utter assholes.

I used to be a carpet salesman near University of Michigan and I met a lot of English people coming in to buy carpet for their dorm.
Yea i totally agree.They always have too much to say.They think they rule the fuckin world.Wherever country they go to they act like as if its there own.I have had a fair few fights wit english people on holiday in places like Majorca and Spain.Most of them are so full of shit.They r liked by very few other nations.

The fact that i am irish gives me good reason to dislike them.If u consider how the english treated my ancestors.but i will admit that they r not all bad.Some english peolpe are very nice.

I also post on another forum where alot of other english people post.I have known them 4 about 3 years and they r sound people.


Well-Known Member
To say english people are assholes is dumb, there is good an bad in all nations, just cuz some mindless fool throws a bottle at snoop dont mean they are all like that! the concert was jumpin all night, i do think the other guy is right tho, whenever you see groups of english people on holiday they do act like they own the place.
my name is supposed to be one MC |one| DJ

jason_g_718 said:
Oh now...look, me chilling with my cousin at a family gathering.

I'm 6ft and 230lbs, hardly skinny enough to be an "AIDS patient", hurts is just a moron.
I don't mind it at all, I just think you're encouraging Hurts and that isn't a good thing.

Hurts is an idiot, encouraging him is the equivalent of throwing kerosene on a fire.

He posts a picture of me and my cousin, who is like my son and is laughing about it. What's funny about me spending time with loved ones
nothin, hurts is just an idiot. me, I know this. He didn't get banned a couple weeks ago for no reason.

Hurts is a huge idiot.
As long as you realize I'm laughing at you.

I laught a lot at Hurts, but not because of what he responds with, but because he doesn't realize how stupid he is.
OK I got banned again for a thread I made days ago and I have explained why I made it.I didn't diss the latins with the intention to make it look as a racial comment ya know it was a reply to the other thread but I made a dumbass comment in my thread so it's all good. I deserved to get banned I guess haha.

So why did I make another thread ? Because I wanna say sumthin and as you can see I have already quoted alot but aight here we go.

First off jason clearly does not like me. That is ok with me what I don't like is that he doesn't treat me as another boardmember I can't say anything right no that is a lie we only agree on stuff he knows like bizarre and D12 :rolleyes:. I have tried several times to talk to this guy proof is in other threads and Pm's but he does not want to read what I have to say right...He only sees the comments that I make about him which on my Dondi username were only replies to his posts about me. ( the aids comment excluded<<will explain this one later and 1 in thugz mansion) Tonio was all on me too but ya know Tonio is a bit too how should I say this hm...a bit too stupid all he says Hurts fuck you, you are stupid, you are dumb<<<very clever and original I must say. Yeah I wish I wasn't kidding (too).
Now where was I?*reads back* replies.. replies..Like I said I only replied to his posts and he does not want to see my posts about the thing we obviously both love and that is hip hop. I wouldn't have made this post if I did not care ya know I like to be taken serious when im talking to someone and I take you serious even tho your comments make me laugh sometimes and your website too.

About your website it made me laugh and I offcourse that is where I got the picture of you and your cousin from. The only reason why I posted it was because you look so damn pale on it and it reminded me of an aids patient that is all! I don't diss peoplez families ya know.( only mama jokes haha but they are corny as hell) Please save the hate or your heartbreaking comments about your little cousin you love so much because 1. I really don't care and I don't think ne 1 else does either and 2. My comment was about you and not your cousin he has nothing to do with it.

I quoted Jason just a couple of times in this thread and I believe I quoted Tonio once. ( he sure is my favourite anton) Neway I pointed out how many times he cared to call me an idiot this is pretty funny because if you look at his comments about English people you sure know he is joking or mistaking me for the dumbass he is himself. When im posting in these forums I like to joke I cannot be serious all the time that is me that is how I live how I am in real life. Jason mistakes my jokes for serious comments and calls me stupid that is also pretty funny because ppl laugh at his serious comments and not his jokes so again he must be joking or mistakes me for the dumbass he really is himself.

Jason is also obviously informed about my banning a while ago but hm..Im pretty sure he does not know what I got banned for. Well for all those who are curious I got banned for posting up a Sam Cassell pic in a thread about aliens in Words Of Wisdom. ( That was a joke, thanks Rukas and Amara * I think * )

So now what was I saying agian * scrolls back up *...Oh yeah I remember! I am far from stupid I know I make stupid comments but don't believe everything you see!! Jason would know Im not that much of an idiot if he actually read my serious posts but he didn't and neither did Tonio because if they did they would say otherwise.

I really only made this thread because I cannot stand it when people don't take me serious even tho it is the net, this a virtual world where we come together and talk with eachother about things we all find interesting and even than we like to be taken serious!! So take eachother serious man have a decent discussion without dissing eachother in every post! This is exactly why I fuckin hate streethop but at the same time I kinda love it PEACE!

So with all this said I am done here and this account is open some either use it or mods or admins ban it.

Login name: one mc on dj
Password: Pete


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jason_g_718 said:
As long as you realize I'm laughing at you.

I laught a lot at Hurts, but not because of what he responds with, but because he doesn't realize how stupid he is.

when are you going to realise that no one cares about your comments :thumb:

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