Somebody throws bottle in snoops face!!

Saw snoop & game last night. Game's set was pretty short but he did all of my favourite songs. Snoop totally rocked it and Quik & Game were on the stage for about 90% of Snoiops set. They all rocked the show. Not really a big Snoop fan but he was really good last night. Snoop & Soopafly both had Scotland football tops on with their names on the back. Snoops number was 5.

He saw me up in the gallery and pointed to me while I was rappin Kurupts bit off Aint No Fun. I was going off my head. We were up in the balcony standing beside the support act Flipsyde. We missed their set but they were real cool and gave me a promo cd. Its really good. Can't wait to hear music from them in the future! Was anybody else at Glasgow last night.

Fuck the ra. 1690
madilinger said:
what time did he come on cus i had 2 go wen game was on
At what concert? The Glasgow or the one he got hit by the bottle at?

At the Glasgow one I was at he came on at 00:20 and left at 01:55 (It was the late show as he played 2 concerts back to back yesterday)
Name me a rapper who has never contradicted himself, in both words & actions?
Name me a rapper who has GONE ON RECORD saying "I'm a family man now, I don't do drugs anymore" and a week later you release a diss song to Suge Knight where you're talking about "crippin".

What does he claim to be that he ain't? A pimp? A gangster? Enlighten me.
Are you serious? Do you really need me to do this? I thought this topic had been discussed 100s of times.

Use the "search" button first.

Yeah, he's fucked people over - everyone has.
And everyone that does deserves the karma they get.

Yep, karama sure is a bitch. Snoop's rich as fuck, respected by many (obviously not by you), got himself some kids, can have his choice of women, can work when he wants - making music for a living, has fans worldwide, has appeared in successful movies etc.
Just because you think it's all roses just by looking in from the outside, doesn't mean you're right.

Pac seemed to have all of life's royalties but it turned out, he wasn't as happy as everyone though, huh?

Did I mention he is a legendary figure in rap?
A legend who fell off long time ago.

And if karma is just running late, it's got it's work cut out to ruin Snoop's life.
Like I said, you're judging the man from outside the box. You ain't got a fucking clue as to what's really happening in his life. And besides, dude is only 33, do you know much more life he has to get through?


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jason_g_718 said:
Like I said, you're judging the man from outside the box. You ain't got a fucking clue as to what's really happening in his life. And besides, dude is only 33, do you know much more life he has to get through?
and how do you know him so personally ??
jason g 718 said:
Just because you think it's all roses just by looking in from the outside, doesn't mean you're right.
Do me a favour - say that to yourself in the mirror so I don't have to type it.

jason g 718 said:
Like I said, you're judging the man from outside the box. You ain't got a fucking clue as to what's really happening in his life. And besides, dude is only 33, do you know much more life he has to get through?
You're judging the man fron outside the box. You ain't got a fucking clue as to what's really happening in his life. And besides, dude is only 33, do you know how much time he's got to enjoy his success?
ppl..Jason dedicated a piece of webspace to snoop on his hate em section on his website LMAO..@ first i thought it was bullshit when he pm'd me about his gallery of christina A on his website. I thought he was kiddin me lmao but today lmao i looked at it and it was there LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Snoop is on there n so is |s|u|g|e| haha

You need to check his 2Pac 'facts'.

39. The reason that Tupac attacked Biggie for "biting his style", is because prior to going to prison, Tupac had pretty much finished all of Me Against the World, using beats that his producer had made. However, upon being imprisoned, Pac's producer gave Biggie all the beats instead, despite Pac having paid for them.


What he says about Snoop ain't too clever neither....

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