Quote dumb lyrics

SkitZo_King said:
Jadakiss - "Why?" ... in the lyrics he says "Why is the industry designed to keep the artist in debt?" .. They already made fun of this on VH1, but they had a good point; they stopped payin you?

Infact, a lot of that song just annoys me with the shit he says.

"why they gon give you life for a murder
Turn around only give you eight months for a burner"

Murdering somebody is a much bigger offense than being caught with a deadly weapon. Or am i just not understanding him?

This was a cool idea for a thread, i read some funny lines in here, the Chingy 1 made me laugh for real haha.
"Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers" The song sounds good but the guy is a tool. Don't get me wrong, i don't care what he has against bush, but that line might need some explanation because last time I heard they were knocked down by hijacked planes.

That's like saying "Why Did Clinton knock down the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

He should think twice before saying random dumb shyt like that because as a listener I immediatly get annoyed and putt off and ultimately don't respect them (the artist, in this case jadakiss) as much. What intelligence has Jadakiss gathered regarding the bush administration, probably not much. I'm not even defending these guys, I'm not a fan of bush admin. but if your going to say stuff that millions of people are going 2 hear, it better make sense because otherwise, people will just write you off as another bandwagon ABB (anyboddy But Bush) idiot.


Well-Known Member
"Why did Bush knock down the towers", man there has been a bunch of evidene concerning Bush and his ties with the Bin Laden family and blah go watch Farenheit 9/11. Kiss wasn't out of place to say anything, he was just speaking his opinion, and in no way was it random.

"Why is the industry designed to keep the artist in debt", how does this not make sense, "cus they quit paying you" exactly, the artist isn't getting anything, that is why he asks why is it designed to keep the artist in debt, label takin all the money and you get shit from YOUR album sales and thats besides the fact you owe money to your label for everything they do for you.

"why they gon give you life for a murder, Turn around only give you eight months for a burn", if you don't get this go away, obviously sayin that 8 months just isnt enough, and this can also tie into a lot of people saying that they throw you in and let you out right away just so you can go back in, when you live in poor conditions no way to eat, man that conversation can go on for a while but Kiss is just saying, 8 months is idiotic.


Well-Known Member
this one has got me (i don't know who else has noticed this). from the "Diamonds" remix:

"when i speak of diamonds in this song
I ain't talkin' 'bout the ones that be glowin'
I'm talkin' 'bout Roc-a-Fella, my home"

this bugs me because, obviously, throughout that whole verse he is talking about actual diamonds, but he throws those lines in there, probably just to have a nice rhyme. you can make an argument for the Roc being a "conflict diamond" (a metaphor) because of all the recent happenings, but it still doesn't fit in with at least that verse.
Aristotle said:
"Why did Bush knock down the towers", man there has been a bunch of evidene concerning Bush and his ties with the Bin Laden family and blah go watch Farenheit 9/11. Kiss wasn't out of place to say anything, he was just speaking his opinion, and in no way was it random.
Do you think for yourself? Even the democrats in office aren't crazy enough 2 make accusations like this? I know Michael Moore is entertaining but his farenheit 9/11 was str8 propaganda. Jadakiss needs to think for himself. and plz tell me ONE THING aristotle since you claim its out there, one FACT that proves that Bush somehow orchestrated 9/11 or in essence "knocked down the towers." It doesn't exist. If it did, the democrats would have been all over it for the last 4 years. Read the lines abover the bush line and below, and then please tell me that "in no way was it random". I'm sayin im just relaxing kinda enjoying the song, then jadakiss takes a shot that doesn't make any sense, and i just want 2 slap him and say don't jump on the fukking bandwagon, if you got legitimate beef state it, but to spit this crap to millions of people, why even plant that seed in peoples head, like bush had any part in 9/11. Don't you have a clue what it did to the world economy? What it did to our airlines. That shit put us back 10 years, were still going 2 be feeling the repercussions in the years coming.

Kiss WAS out of place because he has no information. He's dancing in Michael moores hand like a little school girl. He should think for himself. Nuff said.

On a side note, i love it, i didn't know people actually watched farenheit 9/11 and ate up everything it said hehehe, i wonder if anyone ate up the Swift Vote Veterans Documentary that aired b4 the election. I hope not. Think for yourself.


Well-Known Member
How am I not thinking for myself? I've seen that movie once, it is other shit that i read that is a lot more relevant, google something, read up, or better yet, watch the news..... But on a side note why wouldn't you "eat up" that documentary, after all it was a documentary, not fiction. Funny how you say just because someone opposes and see' things different means they arent thinking for themselves. And you know damn well he wasn't saying Bush knocked down the towers literally, but had something to do with it. Either from ties with some organization, some motive, or from repercussions of his actions, or his fathers.
But this is kiss, so your enjoying the song and a line comes on that song doesn't make any sense? But wait, he is asking questions, regarding politics, life, the rap industry, etc. And everyone knows damn well there aint no structure to that song regarding the questions, so how was it random? How can it be random when he never put structure to it? Maybe cus it was dissing the president? Cus it might be bad? Cus he is standing up for something he believes? I think your just pissed at him for saying it because it goes against what you believe. But what is wrong with that. How about you let him think for himself instead of trying to say what he should think.
Advocate said:
Originally Posted by HellRazor05
"Bitch fuck with D, I'll have a leg hangin' out the trunk like the Marshall Mathers LP."
(Redman from Obie Trice's "The Set Up Remix")

thats dope..
Actually, it's quite stupid. The Eminem album cover that had the one leg hanging out of the trunk was actually "The Slim Shady LP", not MMLP.
I'm sad for you Aristotle. I don't even like Bush, but i dislike him for valid reasons. The fact that you think Bush has anything with "knockin down the towers" shows me how gullible americans are and just makes me depressed. Like i said that's like someone agreeing with Clinton being behind oklahoma city bombing or Tony blair being behind the london bombings. I don't want 2 make an invalid ad hominum abusive argument by just calling you names, but you are an IDIOT if you believe that Bush knocked down the towers. and like i said, tell me one FACT that implicates that Bush had anything to do with knocking down the towers. I didn't ask if you read the news, i don't care if you do. Tell me one fact, otherwise jadakiss's belief and apparently yours are way off base. You keep talking about the connection 2 the bin ladin "family" and all the stuff ole' michael moore had 2 say about it. Diid you know the 9/11 commission reports actually refueted michael moores claims that the bin ladin family was flown to safety without being questioned? The fact is that they were questioned, those that were allowed to fly. Lets also note that the bin ladin family is very rich and there are something like 20 some kids. THEY ARE NOT TERRORISTS, Osama bin ladin is a terrorist. I don't know why i argue these points with you aristotle, i have many more but i will save them because i don't think you even read my last posts without looking for something you can jump on me for. I'll end with this..

There are 100 things you can tell me bush did wrong and it'll be true, and you can prove it. Bush "knocking down the towers" is not one of them, and anyone who believes that is an idiot. Anyone who believes Farenheith 9/11 is 100% non-fiction is an idiot. Anyone who thinks swift vets propoganda is an idiot. You can't just buy everything you see because if you did bush would be hitler and john kerry betrayed his country in vietnam and cheated to earn his medals. Politics is a competition so you have 2 expect the smear tactics and see them for what they are. Jadakiss coulda landed 300 diff slams on bush but this one just showed how ignorant and stupid he is, which is why it fell into "Quote dumb lyrics" section of streethop! Don't question whether i read newspapers or pay attention, i have views but even though i think bush is a fukkin tool i still recognize that he didn't "knock down the towers" and it's stupid to even suggest he did. Opinion or not, its stupid.

Aristotle, since you love farenheit so much do you remember the scene of bush after he got told the towers were hit, remember that look in the eye? if that wasn't pure disbelief i don't know what is. WE can agree bush is a complete tool when it comes 2 some things, but you can't truly believe what your arguing..
MakaveliPrime01 said:
"Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers" The song sounds good but the guy is a tool. Don't get me wrong, i don't care what he has against bush, but that line might need some explanation because last time I heard they were knocked down by hijacked planes.

That's like saying "Why Did Clinton knock down the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

He should think twice before saying random dumb shyt like that because as a listener I immediatly get annoyed and putt off and ultimately don't respect them (the artist, in this case jadakiss) as much. What intelligence has Jadakiss gathered regarding the bush administration, probably not much. I'm not even defending these guys, I'm not a fan of bush admin. but if your going to say stuff that millions of people are going 2 hear, it better make sense because otherwise, people will just write you off as another bandwagon ABB (anyboddy But Bush) idiot.
OMG! some people


Well-Known Member
I never said he knocked them down, i said it was "Either from ties with some organization, some motive, or from repercussions of his actions, or his fathers." So since Kiss and I believe that Bush is lying about shit I am stupid? No big deal. Quit bringing up 9/11 shit, i said i watched it once, it is other things i read, you said bring facts, i said i dont have time for that go google something or "watch the news"(sorry you didn't notice sarcasm). And you can't compare this to Clinton being behind Oklahoma City bombing because Clinton never did anything to Timothy McVeigh, Bush Sr. and Jr. have been killing lives over there for over a decade, repercussions from their actions. So stop actin like im saying he was flying the plane.
but Kisses line wasn't stupid, wasn't random, wasn't anything but hiis opinion of a current situation, sorry that he is trying to think for himself and be so gullable to.....one movie?
Quit acting like i'm calling the bin laden family a bunch of terrorists, no one said that but you. No one said they aren't rich no one said anything aobut them except Bush has ties with the family. Which in case isn't a bad thing, but then it could be.
Anyways it only fell into "Quote dumb lyrics" because someone like you who gets upset at people voicing their opinion couldn't allow this heracy. Seriously why you so mad at kiss, because he dropped some of his mind on a track that was big. Get over it, just cus you disagree with something, which noone can prove or disprove doesnt mean kiss is wrong. He is an artist being an artist, no one gives a fuck how many people hear it or how many people buy into it. See us humans have this thing called a brain which allows people to think, to think for themselves, influence is something but only stupid ass parents and so forth actaully think music games and movies play this HUGE part in someones actions. For real, why you so mad at him, after all your the one who pressed play.
I love Pac. But in "Why U Turn On Me" when he said "Revenge is a payback, bitch." I was just thinking "What.. the fuck.."

Guess all rappers slip up now and then.
You guys have seriously depressed me. I hope the hip hop community and fans are more intelligent than aristotle and those who buy into any notion that Bush 'knocked down the towers' i won't write anything else because i'm speaking to a deaf crowd. I'm fine with the idea of artists sharing their views, that's great, they just have 2 have a .01 % chance of being valid. I respect jadakiss for making it big, i like his flow and i think he has talent. What he said was just stuipid. I'm sad that no one here can acknowledge that.


Well-Known Member
MakaveliPrime01 said:
You guys have seriously depressed me. I hope the hip hop community and fans are more intelligent than aristotle and those who buy into any notion that Bush 'knocked down the towers' i won't write anything else because i'm speaking to a deaf crowd. I'm fine with the idea of artists sharing their views, that's great, they just have 2 have a .01 % chance of being valid. I respect jadakiss for making it big, i like his flow and i think he has talent. What he said was just stuipid. I'm sad that no one here can acknowledge that.
Thank you.
Thank you for not considering a single thing I said, and citing no evidence for your points. Take a logic class bud. Don't waste your time responding when all the evidence to your argument is "uhh just go check google or something". That is not evidence. I was done, but the thank you just showed me that you didn't give a my view a single second and your hatred for bush blinded you to the point where you would defend anyone's argument against him no matter how ridiculous it was.

If i were jadakiss and i felt like slamming bush, i might bring up the fact that he ran for election with a religious agenda which as we know is wrong because the constitution says religion and government are supposed 2 be seperate. I would question the bush administration's strategy regarding their work in Afghanistan. They had Osama cornered and screwed that up, they also failed to keep the borders under control so Osama could have simply wandered into another country along with other dangerous terrorists. I would also bring up his iraq campaign which has suffered painfully poor planning and strategy. I might bring up the fact that he's creating bad blood with other countries by over-ruling the U.N. on the Iraq issue, essential rendering them useless.

But i wouldn't be so fukking ignorant and stupid to say that he "knocked down the towers" or had even close 2 a significant influence on what went down on that day. The U.S. trained osama way before bush was even in the picture. It is an absolute joke to even suggest that he had anything to do with the events of 9/11.

You are a sad person Aristotle. Give my thoughts one fucking second. And those other 2 of you who took shots, if you disagree with some, pose a valid opposing argument or don't waste your time typing "omg" like i'm some clown. I spent forever studying this stuff on my own time 2 make sure 2 make the right decision and plz bless me with your guys eternal wisdom if i'm way off base. Aristotle has yet to give any proof whatsoever that what i'm saying is offbase so plz do or atleast consider what i'm saying. It's like yall see i'm defending bush on one thing and your want to cut my face.

Aristotle, be hilarious and quote my "now i'm done" from last post, everyone will love it and it will make your argument a lot stronger, or actually, no it won't, but it will be hilarious! "omg ! some people" omg! omg!


Well-Known Member
Seriously, it is so amazing how pissed off you can make some people. Man usually i don't tell them but i am seriously sitting here laughing at you. It was so easy to lure you in and make you get all emotional about it, for real calm down. I dont even know where i came up with some of the shit i said, it was all too piss you off. The only time i was serious was talking about myself or whatever. Don't worry though some people on here do it all the time. So go write an essay and spend your hours studying up on something that helps you out a lot. Cus on the real, i was bullshitting the whole time, so yes, i know i'm laughing at you, although it should be with you since you will see that im fucking with you and you went off for no reason, good day.

Edit: Also, i didn't really read anything you said cus it was pointless for me too. But yeah.

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