Is Rukas really that sad?

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New Member
ken said:
thats all

I have never accused you of hacking this site in this thread.

I didnt say you accused me (and if I did I apoligize) I simply made the topic cos I have been getting pms from people like MASE accusing me and calling me shit like im guilty, hey if its ok for dante to bitch and moan about the pms he gets, its ok for me to do too. I have no personal problem with you surely you can see what you have done in this thread and the other thread hasnt helped matters, my accuser in the other thread hasnt replied either, and yet im still here posting, where is the police?

I have nothing to hide hence why I made this topic. I made the topic to show EVERYONE on TB what goes on behind their backs instead of you "street soldiers" seeing.

Remember though I hacked a site and than offered 50 bucks to go towards their legal fees which looks like its against me.

Atleast I know what it feels like to be accused like 2pac was! lol
LOL thought rukas was smarter than that

i think proof that Lawz skills on PC are not to good is enough to see how low this forum really collapsed

is that again got sth to do with dante ??

and kenneth u such a childish prick
221 said:
I didnt say you accused me (and if I did I apoligize) I simply made the topic cos I have been getting pms from people like MASE accusing me and calling me shit like im guilty, hey if its ok for dante to bitch and moan about the pms he gets, its ok for me to do too. I have no personal problem with you surely you can see what you have done in this thread and the other thread hasnt helped matters, my accuser in the other thread hasnt replied either, and yet im still here posting, where is the police?

I have nothing to hide hence why I made this topic. I made the topic to show EVERYONE on TB what goes on behind their backs instead of you "street soldiers" seeing.

Remember though I hacked a site and than offered 50 bucks to go towards their legal fees which looks like its against me.

Atleast I know what it feels like to be accused like 2pac was! lol
I noticed the thread rukas made,and i never replied to it. I seen the PM that mase sent you and trust me i would have stoped him from sending that to you if i had seen the thread rukas made first. mase (as you know anyway) said he was going to PM you (which i thought was pointless). but i knew that he had already PM'd you. The only reason i pasted them pics was because after the dante saga (in which i wrongly got involved, trust me, i dont know dante or what he's like, you will know that i never post in life and am not interested no more in the pac scene). I just thoguth that maybe you could have contacted rukas directly. To add, i never called you a hacker in this thread or the thread in the secretz of war forum, you can ask dave d or devils advokate on that. At the same time i thought that rukas wouldnt and shouldnt accuse you without basis, but thats between you and him, not me. i just thought this thread was unneccesary. ANd then i had other people dissing me for no reason.
ken said:
I noticed the thread rukas made,and i never replied to it. I seen the PM that mase sent you and trust me i would have stoped him from sending that to you if i had seen the thread rukas made first. mase (as you know anyway) said he was going to PM you (which i thought was pointless). but i knew that he had already PM'd you. The only reason i pasted them pics was because after the dante saga (in which i wrongly got involved, trust me, i dont know dante or what he's like, you will know that i never post in life and am not interested no more in the pac scene). I just thoguth that maybe you could have contacted rukas directly. To add, i never called you a hacker in this thread or the thread in the secretz of war forum, you can ask dave d or devils advokate on that. At the same time i thought that rukas wouldnt and shouldnt accuse you without basis, but thats between you and him, not me. i just thought this thread was unneccesary. ANd then i had other people dissing me for no reason.


New Member
ken said:
I noticed the thread rukas made,and i never replied to it. I seen the PM that mase sent you and trust me i would have stoped him from sending that to you if i had seen the thread rukas made first. mase (as you know anyway) said he was going to PM you (which i thought was pointless). but i knew that he had already PM'd you. The only reason i pasted them pics was because after the dante saga (in which i wrongly got involved, trust me, i dont know dante or what he's like, you will know that i never post in life and am not interested no more in the pac scene). I just thoguth that maybe you could have contacted rukas directly. To add, i never called you a hacker in this thread or the thread in the secretz of war forum, you can ask dave d or devils advokate on that. At the same time i thought that rukas wouldnt and shouldnt accuse you without basis, but thats between you and him, not me. i just thought this thread was unneccesary. ANd then i had other people dissing me for no reason.
Yes I understand now I shouldnt have made the topic but if you knew me as the other people in here supporting me know I'm pissed about this just as I am with the dante topic.

When I feel I have to defend myself I dont think what to do I just do it, hence posting the topic, and I feel its better for everyone to see other than just the street soldiers.

Common sense will tell anyone I know nothing about comps in the sense to hack a site, like people have pointed out, I have trouble unzipping files let alone hacking and theres no way I would harm a site in the name of Pac. Thats probably why this has pissed me off so much.

Like I said though theres no proof and there never will be unless rukas/jon come with fake shit to make it look like I hacked the site.

All people have to do is ask why wasnt I banned if im the hacker and why wasnt I exposed...... and better yet maybe rukas or whoever can also answer that since I am the hacker why did I also want to donate 50 bucks to a site I hacked to go towards their legal fees paying for their lawyers to come against me? lol

Makes no sense, and I think the smartess thing Ive seen you say is he shouldnt have made those accusations cos it causes lil kiddies like mase to pm me like they some commando on a mission.

If I have offended you I apoligize the reason I post the way I do is because I have to defend myself against petty people that make false accusations against me (Dante and Rukas).

To be honest the real people know me know I wouldnt send death threats to anyones family especially dantes no matter how much of a knob I think he is and better yet know I wouldnt hack a site dedicated to someone I listen to day in and day out. This has been a waste of time.

I will catch a ban for defending myself against false accusations but hey this board wasnt what it was and as stated I was only posting on this site for one person, xxsaraxx she will understand when she reads.

As I mentioned if Rukas wants to talk to me man to man he can do so over msn or pms on here, but certaintly not writing bullshit about me in a topic then having gimps like mase pm me with abuse.

Good day to you.


Well-Known Member
ken said:
I just thoguth that maybe you could have contacted rukas directly.
Rukas makes an accusation and he does this (somewhat) publically. Rukas (lying or not) hereby possibly damages 221's reputation. Don't you think it's perfectly normal that 221 (lying or not) wishes to set things straight publically as well?

This thread is directed at Rukas anyway, so I don't see why everyone in here is posting and involving themselves in a matter that's not theirs. Rukas can come in here and set things straight all by himself or he can address 221 in private.


Street Soldier
I cannot understand why Rukus didn't post proof in the first place. He's smart enough to know that a backlash would happen. Is anybody else adding 2 + 2 and coming out with 2,689,977,984? Something isn't right. Where is Ruk?
^^ Rukas accusation was never meant to go public just yet. If you read it in the secretz of war forum you will see that. Mase decided to take things into his own hands and maybe some other people with access to the secretz of war forum thats how word got out to 221 bout the accusations!


New Member
Thommo said:
I cannot understand why Rukus didn't post proof in the first place. He's smart enough to know that a backlash would happen. Is anybody else adding 2 + 2 and coming out with 2,689,977,984? Something isn't right. Where is Ruk?
We have our differences at the moment, but at the time of this going on was I not helping you spam the boards?

Rukas cant come with proof because he doesnt have any, and anything he does bring will be lies.

As I said we have our differences at the moment Thommo but we was cool on a personal level, do you think I hacked the board? Especially what I was going through at the time of the hacking?


New Member
ken said:
^^ Rukas accusation was never meant to go public just yet. If you read it in the secretz of war forum you will see that. Mase decided to take things into his own hands and maybe some other people with access to the secretz of war forum thats how word got out to 221 bout the accusations!
Not me. I just read what was posted in the secretz of war thread. i dont think it was something clever what Mase did. Is that what Rukas wanted us to have done ?
Mase is a fool. Unless rukas gave proof of 221's hacking (which is impossible) there was no reason for the toddler to say shit. Just because they both aussie, im guessing little mase wanted to lick rukas' nuts abit so he went and pm'd 221. Understandable, he's only a child.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I never said he was the hacker, I said he was posting under Jon's account. 221 is too stupid to be the hacker.

I kept him around for amusment.

221, dont flatter yourself, I argue with a bunch of people, you're no more special then anyone else, and certinally not special enough for me to plot against you.

But you're right, I probably should have banned you from the start. Thanks for pointing that out. Error corrected.
^u never said he was the hacker? so the quote going around is fake?

"221 the poster on here was involved in the hacking of the board."

Since street soldiers have confirmed you posted this, you've just contradicted yourself, haven't you? Stop changing your story to suit your lies. Bring the proof. How can he post under Jon's name without some form of hacking? Seriously if you're going to lie, think it through and make it believable.
Rukas said:
I never said he was the hacker, I said he was posting under Jon's account. 221 is too stupid to be the hacker.

I kept him around for amusment.

221, dont flatter yourself, I argue with a bunch of people, you're no more special then anyone else, and certinally not special enough for me to plot against you.
lookin how u say things, I gotta think Lawz221 is much smarter than you :thumb:

not to diss u, but this is some big kind of bullshit goin around here

shall we all think we in the hands of U admins and should be thankful for keeping us here for amusment or any other purpose??

maybe we should all be banned at the beginning, sorry just don`t get ur actions... forum`s seems strange as fuck after it was hijacked - yea by 221 :rolleyes:
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