Is Rukas really that sad?

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Zero Cool said:
He's not seeking attention, he's simply trying to find out if it's true that Rukas has been sending the aforementioned PM's and if so why? While it would be immature to start judging Rukas before he has a chance to defend himself it's equally immature of you to start fucking this thread simply because you don't like it's content. Grow up.

could agree more...........this is what the boards come to people like Ken have been allowed 2 b made mod's??? mod's shouldnt b posting stupid ass pictures adding more fuel to the a mod if he felt the need to reply he should of posted something more contstructive than insults that could of been thought up of by a 6 year old
ThaHeartless said:
ken you're a complete idiot. you got some sort of obsession with 221? u posted good 4 of your nerd pictures trying to be funny before he even replied, thats beyond pathetic. YOU'RE the one that needs a life mate, especially if u think posting pictures over the internet is somehow supposed to diss someone or try and be "cool" you god damn dweeb.
Well, do you fail to see the irony. YOu diss me for posting nerd pics and calling me a dweeb for trying to 'diss' over the net. And then you do the same thing. YOu emphasise that I need a life, like I am telling others that they need a life! Have I even spoken to or about you. Why do you feel the need to 'defend' 221. What concern is it of yours. THe sole intention of this thread is to make 221 seem like some kind of net terrorist. So im fucking it up. Who cares who you lot are?
ThaHeartless said:
these are the heroes who had nothing better to do than spam the hacked board, therefore getting into the admins goodbooks henceforth receiving those titles. these are super duper cool people we're dealing with :rolleyes:

aahh i see..
ThaHeartless said:
these are the heroes who had nothing better to do than spam the hacked board, therefore getting into the admins goodbooks henceforth receiving those titles. these are super duper cool people we're dealing with :rolleyes:
Nah! 'VIP' mebers who PAID for the 'privelege' are cooler :rolleyes:
ThaHeartless said:
these are the heroes who had nothing better to do than spam the hacked board, therefore getting into the admins goodbooks henceforth receiving those titles. these are super duper cool people we're dealing with :rolleyes:
for real they are great sheeple! so silly to reward spaming!
you say that as if being a mod is something I should thank God everyday for .reality check
u saying this thread is a waste of ur time, but u wanna take time to fuck it up anyway?
what does this thread have to do with u really?
lawz is trying to find out wassup with the accusations, nothing more nothing less
ken said:
Well, do you fail to see the irony. YOu diss me for posting nerd pics and calling me a dweeb for trying to 'diss' over the net. And then you do the same thing. YOu emphasise that I need a life, like I am telling others that they need a life! Have I even spoken to or about you. Why do you feel the need to 'defend' 221. What concern is it of yours. THe sole intention of this thread is to make 221 seem like some kind of net terrorist. So im fucking it up. Who cares who you lot are?
right back at you. why do you feel the need to spam the hell out of a thread. so what if 221 is getting attention? jealous are we? if the thread don't concern u or u dont like it, stay the hell out, thats what a normal person would do. But you being a childish twat, post your gay pictures and try to come across as being smart with that post.

And what does that last sentence mean? :confused: Net fame is not a concern of mine, son if thats what u mean.


New Member
Wow ken really is sad. What concern am I to you? that you feel the need to judge me before even knowing shit?

I think you are modding the wrong forum lol, some one create a ja rule forum for ken!
ken said:
Nah! 'VIP' mebers who PAID for the 'privelege' are cooler :rolleyes:
I only bought a years subscription to help the board back in july, kid. Since I been here a lnog time and this is the best site for pac info, I donated, kinda like buying a pac albu, - supporting the artist. Shame mummy didn't lend you her card, maybe you could have contributed? Or does KFC not pay well enough?

I'll take fries and hot sauce with the next picture you post you WACK FUCK.
because i dont use smiley's it must mean im really angry. Yeah im just going all red and stomping my feet on the ground!! I'm laughing hard at you right now dude.
ThaHeartless said:
right back at you. why do you feel the need to spam the hell out of a thread. so what if 221 is getting attention? jealous are we? if the thread don't concern u or u dont like it, stay the hell out, thats what a normal person would do. But you being a childish twat, post your gay pictures and try to come across as being smart with that post.

And what does that last sentence mean? :confused: Net fame is not a concern of mine, son if thats what u mean.
How could you even think of a notion of being 'jealous' over the net:p . fucks up with you man. And why dont you also stay the fuck out. Do as you say mate!

Smart with that post? hmm, so I got you thinking that maybe I was smart? Ok thats enough for my ego.

Im also laughing at you, cos your beefing over a non-starter. Where did I ever accuse of 221 being the hacker in this thread? YOu act like im here to dirty up someones name (which I couldn't do even if I wanted to).
Why did you in the first place feel the need of coming in here and going crazy with you witty remarks. AndI still think your a smart guy in WoW, I just think you got the wrong end of the stick in here.
ken said:
How could you even think of a notion of being 'jealous' over the net:p . fucks up with you man. And why dont you also stay the fuck out. Do as you say mate!
Because I'm not the one:
1. spamming
2. dissing the thread starter (words or nerd pics whatever)
3. having other complain about how immature I'm acting in the thread.

Simple really, no?


New Member
Oh yeah, as everyone knows I was posting under the name Thug militant when I thought the name 221 was still banned after asking chronic to ban it for me, look here, heres a sign of a true hacker>>

I supposedly hacked the forum and then wanting to donate 50 bucks to it, hmmmmmmm who can we really trust, yes thats right folks i really hacked the board like im accused of doing and then I wanted to donate money to a site I just hacked, get the fuck outta here. If Rukas wants to talk to me like a man he can hit me up with a pm or msn, meanwhile, rukas, if you want to do good for the board begin by getting rid of this moron Ken. As I said if you wanna talk man to man, you have my pms or msn details.

Remember though folks I hacked the site and looks like I wanted to donate too lol clowns.
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