Is Rukas really that sad?

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New Member
Ive been informed he is sending the following to people in PM's: -

Just so you guys know, 221 the poster on here was involved in the hacking of the board. He was the one posting under Jon's and my account pretending to be us and blameing Dante for the hacking.

I dont wanna be too harsh on dude and didnt want to make a thread about it, but if you guys spread the word and let everyone know he is a snake and watch him if you can, it would be good.

Thanks. - Rukas

Yeah right, a few questions, why havent I been banned if I am the "hacker" for starters, secondly you dont wanna be too harsh on me? LOL surely you would want to expose the "hacker" and instantly would of banned me....... This some fake shit, faker than Dante.

All the dumb people that believe I hacked the site are dumber than Rukas for spreading this false lie.

I never accused dante of the hacking, I think you all know who it was really and are trying to lay the blame on me, is it because I stood up for myself and had a lil argument with you Rukas?

False accusations like this will lead to shit, I can assure you.

I remember you mentioning that you cant say anything cos its under investigation. The police or whoever are welcome to come and take my computer away and search through it, oh no better not they might also find the death threat's to Dantes family I supposedly did too :rolleyes:

Wow board just hit an all time low. If anything some one is fooling the admins on this board and diverting the attention away from themselves and laying it on me.

Once again, where is the proof? If I am the hacker would I not have been instantly banned from this forum when it was back up?

If you guys must know, I was fast asleep whilst you guys were playing internet games.

Its pretty obvious it was Tewpac that hacked the site, you guys were even spamming the old board with that, oh no dont tell me, I went from being johnny Tanna, german to now being Tewpac.

You guys are really sad. I now look forward to being banned by Rukas or Jon, as they dont have proof it was me and instead make false accusations, so want to quickly get me off the site.

[highlight]Edited By Rukas:
Ill put my reply in here so that you guys dont have to scroll through 6 pages of bullshit:

I never said he was the hacker, I said he was posting under Jon's account. 221 is too stupid to be the hacker.

221, dont flatter yourself, I argue with a bunch of people, you're no more special then anyone else, and certinally not special enough for me to plot against you.

I kept him around for amusment and because I knew people would bitch and moan if I banned him like they did last time. So I chose to keep him around, but at the same time have him watched. I posted the thread in Secrets Of War to spare him the embarasment and this petty crap, because Secrets Of War is turning into the mod forum.

But you're right, I probably should have banned you from the start. Thanks for pointing that out. Error corrected.
a bunch of internet thugs a bunch u are.... 221 thats really gay if it really wasnt u who hacked the board... i never heared anything though
if he's hacked tb, why isn't he banned? Because you're just talking out of your ass with this bullshit because of some personal feud, that's what I think. Where is your proof, Where are your lawyers? No offence to 221 but from his posts I can tell he knows as much about computers as homer fucking simpson (okay a little bit more). First Dante says it's him who threatened his family - nothing has been done because he got nothing on the guy, he didn't do shit. And now this crap...what is the purpose of it? Stop being childish and making shit up about people. These stupid net beefs HAVE to stop man.
if Ruk is really sending out PM's like that I find it fishy.

1) I know 221 fairly well and know his sense of humor, the hacker was not they same kind of funny as the 221 I know.

2) as 221 said why is he not banned if he is the hacker? sounds like either you just trying to dirty up his name with this opertunity, or you have a unfounded suspicion it was him.

3) if it was 221 that hacked he would have attacked Dante more I suspect lol.
ThaHeartless said:
if he's hacked tb, why isn't he banned? Because you're just talking out of your ass with this bullshit because of some personal feud, that's what I think. Where is your proof, Where are your lawyers? No offence to 221 but from his posts I can tell he knows as much about computers as homer fucking simpson (okay a little bit more). First Dante says it's him who threatened his family - nothing has been done because he got nothing on the guy, he didn't do shit. And now this crap...what is the purpose of it? Stop being childish and making shit up about people. These stupid net beefs HAVE to stop man.
exactly man 221 knows how to send and recive MP3's and that is about it lol.

As for Dante saying 221 threated his family, duke don't know shit, his car get's keyed (probably cause he parked like a jack ass) and the first thing that comes to his mind is a 2pac fan from the net found him and decided to key his car. uhhh if they where gonna go that far why not just kick in the door and jack his CD collection?


New Member
lol i feel like micheal kelso..dumb i dont understand what is goin yall saying rukas is sendin out pm's talking about several numbers..cuz several numbers has sumthin to do with the hitemup hiighjackin but he claims he hasnt and yall claim he hasnt that makes me think what if what if...rukas account got hacked again...
221 said:
Ive been informed he is sending the following to people in PM's: -

Just so you guys know, 221 the poster on here was involved in the hacking of the board. He was the one posting under Jon's and my account pretending to be us and blameing Dante for the hacking.

I dont wanna be too harsh on dude and didnt want to make a thread about it, but if you guys spread the word and let everyone know he is a snake and watch him if you can, it would be good.

Thanks. - Rukas

If this is true then there should be hella proof...
the other day i spent 2 hours explaining lawz how to zip/unzip a file..LOL.. that shows his skills on the computer
i think this shit is ridiculous, yet very interesting. Some more developments from the whole drama hype
I thought the other thread already showed who was doing all the lying and making false aliases etc.
Shit gets gayer everyday around here


New Member
I want stephen back as admin! Atleast he was an honest guy and not some phony. I wouldnt be suprised if hes not posting here anymore cos of the false shit coming from peoples asses around here.


New Member
221 said:
Ive been informed he is sending the following to people in PM's: -

Just so you guys know, 221 the poster on here was involved in the hacking of the board. He was the one posting under Jon's and my account pretending to be us and blameing Dante for the hacking.

I dont wanna be too harsh on dude and didnt want to make a thread about it, but if you guys spread the word and let everyone know he is a snake and watch him if you can, it would be good.

Thanks. - Rukas


this neither sounds like something that lawz would of done also the pm dont sound like Rukas would of wrote
Rukas needs 2 clear this up i think its just more people trying 2 cause shit on the board...things like this is y the board has been goin on a downward spiral of late.......i miss the old pacboard days.....cant we all just get along *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Harry_potter said:
if Ruk is really sending out PM's like that I find it fishy.
he didnt send out PM's (at least i dont think he did). the text is taken from a thread which is posted in the Secrets of War forum.


New Member
beReal said:
he didnt send out PM's (at least i dont think he did). the text is taken from a thread which is posted in the Secrets of War forum.
He wrote it and got you gimps to do his work, his "street soldiers" when I was spamming the board and MFT too lol, I would like to be a street soldier :)
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