Is Kanye West The Most Arrogant Person In Hip-Hop?

It is possible that Kanye is arrogant but not more than The Game these past couple of weeks. He's talking so much as if he's the savior of rap. As far as Pac goes, yes he was cocky he was also arrogant with his enemies but not all the time. As a matter of fact he was one the most humble persons if you listen to any interview that his friends or family did about him.

Hey he's sold millions of records either producing or spitting rhymes so obviously theres a reason for that. Plus i'm pretty sure he's well-respected throughout the rap game. I've never sold any records so i'm not gonna hate on the guy he's just doing his thing


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with being arrogant? Whats wrong with believing in yourself, believeing that you can do anything and no one can stop you?
And why is it funny that he was going to cry when he was making his speech?
Man he overcame a horrible obstacle in his life to win probably the most prestigious award a person in his place can. What the fuck is he thinking, to be touched by that, cocky motherfucker huh?
The man is doing something he loves and is very successful at it, you should be proud for him, and if your not proud of him or whatever at least respect that he makes HIS music, not what everyone else tells him. Respect the music.
Thommo said:
Honestly now. In mean to me he really is the most arrogant annyonig little prick ever. You see him at the award show the other night. I kept thinking to myself "I wish that he'd of died in that crash just so I don't have to fucking hear him speak". Whats your opinion's? Peace
I wouldn't go as far as wishing him death, but yea, Kanye is an arrogant asshole. He is a decent producer but as a rapper he's fucking bullshit. He has a few good songs, but that dude got an ego bigger than 50 Cent, and that's saying something.

Kanye needs someone to speak his name in a rap so he can beef and get owned. :thumb:
I love his beats, think he's a decent rapper, but he is a fucking prick!

He's so cocky & believes his own hype.
LOL, what the fuck you talking about? He CREATED his own hype. One sentence spoken by Kanye himself tells it all:

"C'mon man, we're late, I gott get to the airport, I gotta fly to Paree (Paris) today". -Kanye on Punk'd

^^^ Says it all.

One of the things that really annoys me about 'Kanye Chedda' (somebody fucking shoot him) is that on College Dropout & various other verses he's dropped, he completely disregards education.

Yeah, he's done well after dropping out but he disrespects it - as a a lot of rappers do - but without explaining the consequence.

Add to that the fact that he says that shit & then touches on subjects regarding the oppression of black people - stupid fuck is doing it himself.

I think he was reasonably well off as well - 'think', don't know for sure though.
Another thing that irritates me is how he distorts the pronunciation of words to make them rhyme.


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its called wordplay eminem does it alot to u proably dont realize it matter fact eminem has even been known to make his own words/language up


Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
LOL, what the fuck you talking about? He CREATED his own hype. One sentence spoken by Kanye himself tells it all:

"C'mon man, we're late, I gott get to the airport, I gotta fly to Paree (Paris) today". -Kanye on Punk'd

^^^ Says it all.

Another thing that irritates me is how he distorts the pronunciation of words to make them rhyme.
So respecting someones culture and using their same pronunciation is being arrogant?
What rapper doesn't "distort pronunciation of words to make them rhyme"?
The man is doing something he loves, what is wrong with that? Just because you like his music doesn't mean you have to be in here trying to dis him for every little thing. You know what you think of people who try to come at Shady/Aftermath, "haters", go ahead and throw yourself into that category also.
hes a better rapper than 50 - yes its true
Both suck for different reasons.

hes one of the best producers out there - yes its true
Good? Yeah. One of the best? No.

worked hard to get where he is - yes its true
True, but that doesn't means he deserves the ego he has.

went through hours of surgery and survived a near fatal crash then went on to earn millions - yes its true
So what?

doesnt claim to be what hes not - yes its true
He claims to be one of the greatest ever...and that's not true.

hes got alot to brag about, pac was cocky and arrogant as fuck, but u dont see a thread bout that.
Now Pac was nowhere NEAR as close to cocky as Kanye is and the amount of ego Pac did show, he fucking worked his ass off for it.

Also, Pac always said himself "I'm not saying I'm the best rapper". Kanye says he's the best all the fucking time.

Also, Pac was very candid about being a "big mouth" and said himself he was "arrogant". Also, Pac was very honest about his fuck ups too.
jason g 718 said:
LOL, what the fuck you talking about? He CREATED his own hype. One sentence spoken by Kanye himself tells it all:

"C'mon man, we're late, I gott get to the airport, I gotta fly to Paree (Paris) today". -Kanye on Punk'd
Yeah, he did create some of his own hype but he don't need to believe it. Like 2Pac would say certain shit a lot stronger than he probably felt it - for hype.

Yeah, that coffin snatcher Kutcher needn't have come out because Kanye had Punk'd himself.

Yeah & he does mumble & shit. He tries to be 'down to earth' with a lot of his rhymes, but like the poor man's Nas he is, he has to mumble shit to get it to rhyme.

That 'self conscious' line also fucked me up. First? I think there is many would dispute that. For instance, Kane, LL & them never denied the fact that they cared about the way they looked & they said it on wax. If he's talking about self conscious with regards to feelings, Scarface & them had that shit sealed up a long time ago as well.

Little prick....


Well-Known Member
its called wordplay eminem does it alot to u proably dont realize it matter fact eminem has even been known to make his own words/language up
I wouldn't call it language, he just mumbles words.
what the fuck do u mean "2pac isnt arrogant now" its cuz hes dead, when he was alive, he was screaming all this "im the realest shit" similar to kanye saying "im the best", hes a good rapper.
Not similar at all. Saying you're the "realest" just means you're saying that you aren't fake at all. 2pac said on SEVERAL occaisions that he wasn't the best rapper around.

And, also, everyone that did business with Pac also said he was the realest around. Plus, Pac says "I'm not the best rapper out", but his peers say he is.

he flows well
Are you fucking kidding? Kanye overly distorts the pronunciation of words to make them fit the rhyme.

his beats are uniqe and original, so y are u hating, lol, if u can stand 50cent, then u should be able to stand kanye.
Perhaps you missed the part where Thommo said West is a great producer?

hes one of the only artists that reps true hip hop, he brought twista into mainstream eye and hes gonna be doing the same for common soon, stop hating.
Twista is fucking worse than 50 Cent.
its called wordplay eminem does it alot to u proably dont realize it matter fact eminem has even been known to make his own words/language up
Yeah, that's true. That pisses me off as well & he is doing that shit more often now too.

The fact that Kanye does that shit quite often is what pisses me off. If he did it to freshen things up, that'd be cool. When he does it like he's doing it, it's monotonous - and not in a 'keep up the good work' type of way.
its called wordplay eminem does it alot to u proably dont realize it matter fact eminem has even been known to make his own words/language up
I don't even know to what words of my specifically you're responding to.

You know, MOST people in here quote the words they're responding to.

Tell me what you're responding to and I might be able to help you.

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