Houston Attempt's Suicide

Have a nice life half blind retard, if you waned to kill yourself do it like a man, not some pocking your eye out. Maybe with his last eye he can find the nearest 12 gauge and do it properly, otherwise just another attention whore.
poor guy man i like him a shitload and i seriously feel bad ,depressed and shit is serios and its not a few days sad here its manic that fucking sad i know everone laughs and shit in a stupid way it can be, but in general the poor guy coudnt even jump. that sux security was all up there but whats worse they shoulda known he couldnt be locked up in the bathroom theres all type of shit he would do in there there 70% alcohol and scissors and shit and hes lucky thats all that happened but if he wanted 2 do it shoulda done something else in a ways it was good he was on pcp after being hauled out cause chances are he woulda succeded and thats really bad.and that would burn like a bitch.
I know everyone says his carreer is ova and shit and its true most likely cause if he releases somethin its defineltly on this experience and i think it blows that everyone lost repect 4 him cause damn 35% of the ppl u meet in ur life have one time or another attempted it and a larger number considered it so damn, I feel for him and my prayers are with him.
Hes in the crazy house 4 awhile.....:(
i believe this kid was on some kind of fuckdup drugs man, in your real self mind it´s impossible you could do that to yoself so i believed ... or maybe some1 got the story twisted ...

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