Shot 21 said:
People dont hate because he has this amount of money. People hate because he sold out to earn that money. He used beefs to sell records, sung all his fucking songs despite dissing Ja Rule for doing something not twice as bad as what hes doing now. And fuck it you know the rest I aint gotta go through it. Congratulations on anyone who can make that money. Im happy that his son and the rest of his family never have to worry about money again. But fuck the way he did it.
I'm not going to defend 50. But can you look at both sides of the coin. 50 didn't do worse than Ja Rule. And who cares if rappers sing... All rappers do it, 2pac done it what's the big deal.
50 Vs Ja Rule is a personal thing. I can see why he done it. I can see why he's hypocrtical. When 2pac is a hypocrite he's a Gemini, when 50 is he's a sell out. we all are at times.
I try not to get involved in the bullshit behind the music. Neither 50 nor Ja Rule make music that touches me. So I have little interest in their lives. However a lot could be learnt from 50's hustle.
I made this thread to see how many "I don't give a fuck aboiut money. If it aint mine who cares" and "Look how he got the money though. Music is more important" replies it would get. I also wanted to see who would needlessly hate. And if anyone would love him and defend his recent music. But no-one did. Interesting? No. It played out exactly as I thought. Still all discussion is good? No?