"G Unit Can Suck My Dick" Game (Video)

well 50 used to talk about that feeling of how dissapointing it is for ur label to not be by urside, i'd be screaming fuck everyone too if i were game
I'm glad Game isn't backing down from G-Unit. After watching that MTV special where 50 talks bad about Jada and Fat Joe and says nobody can touch him I hope somebody just shuts his ass up! I like how he thinks he'll destroy Jada and Fat Joe, but hmmm I didn't hear him say anything bad bout Nas.
lol didn't he do the same shit with Jay-Z and all them a couple concerts back? not very orginal... but at least hes stickin up for himself, i just really wish none of this shit woulda happened, i thought he was a damn good addition to the whole G-Unit clique
2urkPac said:
fuck frank grimes
lmao at this dork.....why the hate on frank grimes? sum dude got banned for beefin with him, he was a worthless piece of shit as well :p wonder if he got a new account?

p.s game will get sliced and diced by young buck..... :thumb:
mpass12 said:
I'm glad Game isn't backing down from G-Unit. After watching that MTV special where 50 talks bad about Jada and Fat Joe and says nobody can touch him I hope somebody just shuts his ass up! I like how he thinks he'll destroy Jada and Fat Joe, but hmmm I didn't hear him say anything bad bout Nas.

If wishing 50 Cent get's either A. killed or B. has his career ended by Nas, Eminem, Jada or whoever does it is wrong...I don't want to be right.

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