Diddy has done more for hip hop and people than pac ever did.

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Right this needs sorting out. Lads you both need to squash this childish shit now. Every forum either of you enter together is simultaneously being turned into beef central. Hurts we've squashed our disagreements now it's time for Jason and yourself to do the same. This cannot go on. Let's just agree to respect each other's viewpoints and quit the beef. It's the best option for all :thumb:
Well it is cuz im sick of replying to his crap! He is now acting like he is everything cuz my other name got banned and im not interested in replying to all his posts that is why I ask him to cut the bullshit and start replying as a real hip hop fan. Oh and I know my sig won't help squashin it haha :rolleyes:
DONDI said:
Well it is cuz im sick of replying to his crap! He is now acting like he is everything cuz my other name got banned and im not interested in replying to all his posts that is why I ask him to cut the bullshit and start replying as a real hip hop fan.
Right that's a start Hurts. Jason reply positively and hopefully we can end this now and move on.
i find it funny how people can compare pac to anyone these days specially when he's dead and the other person still alive doing his thing, like my mate says dmx is better than pac, comparin pacs old shit to dmx new shit, if pac was still alive, yeah fair comparison, but ya really cant compare a dead person to some who is alive.. specially when talkin bout success, what he has done bla bla... ya can only talk bout what he did when he was alive.. lets compare pac to puffy back in 89 - 96.. ye SHADDAP..
ItsmeyaC said:
i find it funny how people can compare pac to anyone these days specially when he's dead and the other person still alive doing his thing, like my mate says dmx is better than pac, comparin pacs old shit to dmx new shit, if pac was still alive, yeah fair comparison, but ya really cant compare a dead person to some who is alive.. specially when talkin bout success, what he has done bla bla... ya can only talk bout what he did when he was alive.. lets compare pac to puffy back in 89 - 96.. ye SHADDAP..

hate to break it to u, but have u ever heard of mary j blige,biggie,mase,112, lol,while pac was in the studio rapping, puff was in his office getting money.puff made more money that pac did when he was alive, pac was getting jacked by his own boss.
Hurts you are the biggest idiot on this board!

Hurts, the Idiot: He gives to countless charities, donating books to NY schools, he does a lot to help his commmunity-Fuck Him, keep his people poor.

First of all everybody who is rich and famous donates, cause its a must, a part of the game. You understand? And if you know what earns in a year then you know he donates almost nothing.

Hurts, the idiot: Ok I agree with you on this one :thumb:

I appreciate that you fuckin bastard agree with me.

Hurts, the Idiot: Pac fucked his bitch, Westside, Thug Life, Outlaw, Bad Boy Killer Bitch, OUTLAW, Fuck him.

Yes, but neverless it was a little vengeance for the 94 shooting where PUFFY tried to kill him!

Hurts, the Idiot: Im sorry Zero I know I told you to kinda stop the pacdickryder talk but this is a classic line right there

Pacdickryder? Can you explain with an logical argument why that is false, without saying always: "youre a pacdickryder bla bla bla", cause not everybody and everything is pacdickryding. If pac had problems with puff and somebody hates puffy too, than it has to be pacdickryding? Thats unlogical. Its could say ur an anti-pacdickryder and it would never end.

Hurts, the Idiot:
Tupac didn't like him-I walk in Pacs Shoes Bitch, Fuck Puffy WESTSIDE.

I Also agree, fuck puffy! But I dont walk in pac shoes. I just know he is a rat.

Hurts, the Idiot:
And another one ! What else do you just know about puffy do you know what underwear he wears if he has herpes? Posts no comments like yours are a disgrace to all hip hop fans that is why I am asking you to stop making em you are embarrassing me.

Youre right, I do not know him personally, but what everybody knows is, that he is involved with 94 shooting, it doesnt need more.

Hurts, the Idiot: He makes pop Music- Yeah fuck him, even though it's us people buying the shit that make it pop, so its my fault that it is pop and accepted so more artists "sell out", but still fuck him.

No the most of us on this pac board dont buy his crap, so fuck him again, cause he makes pop music!

Hurts, the Idiot: LOL!! This is very funny Puffy is POP but don't you know Eminem is the new Puffy? They are very different but everyone knows what the fuck I am talking about fuck comparing him to Bis im saying he is the new Puffy ha :)

I hate Eminem and I dont listen to pop crap, except for all eyez on me.

Hurts, the Idiot: He has all kinds of businesses like Sean John, employing a lot of people-Nah fuck that, what the fuck is he thinking, employing people and feeding their family and shit, fucking snake.

Have you big mouthed idiot never heard, that he got problems with the law because of child labour?

Hurts, the Idiot: You seem to know awfully alot about Puffy what magazine did you get that from? It does not matter what magazine you got it from as long as you give it back to your 12 year old sister aight?!

You just cant argue and then you are doin like its ridcilous, but its not.

He had JLo-Who hasn't?
Most of all.

Its just irrelevant to this thread, but neverless nobody attacks him because he fucked j.lo

Hurts, the Idiot: No the people on this board actually attack Puffy because he had problems with Pac. Puffy is one raps biggest stars and you don't wanna admit it. That's wrong yo! Puffy is one 2pac fans biggest victims just like Suge and Jay-z and tell me I am wrong because I would love to quote some of the dumbasses on this board.Oh and I am sure he was joking :rolleyes:

Its a long text for a simple thing. Again, I have no one ever seen attacking puffy because he fucked or fucks j.lo.

Hurts, the Idiot: Jason u can quote others all you want I suggest you keep doing that because as soon as you start typing shit yourself the bullshit comes out man! To finish this off as a classic Hurts post:Jason you do know quitter was a shitty diss right? :rolleyes:

Im not Jason.

All in all, its clear that you are considering everybody as a pacdickryder, if somebody got to agree with pac, or dislike somebody that pac also disliked, that means pac was every time and everywhere false when hatin on others or having a statement. You keep telling things like "open your eyes, you are a pacdickryder", "youre blind", but I got my eyes wide open and im not blind, you should ask yourself if you are clear minded.

PS. Argue in a human way.
Tonio1986 said:
Hurts, the Idiot: He gives to countless charities, donating books to NY schools, he does a lot to help his commmunity-Fuck Him, keep his people poor.

First of all everybody who is rich and famous donates, cause its a must, a part of the game. You understand? And if you know what earns in a year then you know he donates almost nothing.

Hurts, the idiot: Ok I agree with you on this one :thumb:

I appreciate that you fuckin bastard agree with me.

Hurts, the Idiot: Pac fucked his bitch, Westside, Thug Life, Outlaw, Bad Boy Killer Bitch, OUTLAW, Fuck him.

Yes, but neverless it was a little vengeance for the 94 shooting where PUFFY tried to kill him!

Hurts, the Idiot: Im sorry Zero I know I told you to kinda stop the pacdickryder talk but this is a classic line right there

Pacdickryder? Can you explain with an logical argument why that is false, without saying always: "youre a pacdickryder bla bla bla", cause not everybody and everything is pacdickryding. If pac had problems with puff and somebody hates puffy too, than it has to be pacdickryding? Thats unlogical. Its could say ur an anti-pacdickryder and it would never end.

Hurts, the Idiot:
Tupac didn't like him-I walk in Pacs Shoes Bitch, Fuck Puffy WESTSIDE.

I Also agree, fuck puffy! But I dont walk in pac shoes. I just know he is a rat.

Hurts, the Idiot:
And another one ! What else do you just know about puffy do you know what underwear he wears if he has herpes? Posts no comments like yours are a disgrace to all hip hop fans that is why I am asking you to stop making em you are embarrassing me.

Youre right, I do not know him personally, but what everybody knows is, that he is involved with 94 shooting, it doesnt need more.

Hurts, the Idiot: He makes pop Music- Yeah fuck him, even though it's us people buying the shit that make it pop, so its my fault that it is pop and accepted so more artists "sell out", but still fuck him.

No the most of us on this pac board dont buy his crap, so fuck him again, cause he makes pop music!

Hurts, the Idiot: LOL!! This is very funny Puffy is POP but don't you know Eminem is the new Puffy? They are very different but everyone knows what the fuck I am talking about fuck comparing him to Bis im saying he is the new Puffy ha :)

I hate Eminem and I dont listen to pop crap, except for all eyez on me.

Hurts, the Idiot: He has all kinds of businesses like Sean John, employing a lot of people-Nah fuck that, what the fuck is he thinking, employing people and feeding their family and shit, fucking snake.

Have you big mouthed idiot never heard, that he got problems with the law because of child labour?

Hurts, the Idiot: You seem to know awfully alot about Puffy what magazine did you get that from? It does not matter what magazine you got it from as long as you give it back to your 12 year old sister aight?!

You just cant argue and then you are doin like its ridcilous, but its not.

He had JLo-Who hasn't?
Most of all.

Its just irrelevant to this thread, but neverless nobody attacks him because he fucked j.lo

Hurts, the Idiot: No the people on this board actually attack Puffy because he had problems with Pac. Puffy is one raps biggest stars and you don't wanna admit it. That's wrong yo! Puffy is one 2pac fans biggest victims just like Suge and Jay-z and tell me I am wrong because I would love to quote some of the dumbasses on this board.Oh and I am sure he was joking :rolleyes:

Its a long text for a simple thing. Again, I have no one ever seen attacking puffy because he fucked or fucks j.lo.

Hurts, the Idiot: Jason u can quote others all you want I suggest you keep doing that because as soon as you start typing shit yourself the bullshit comes out man! To finish this off as a classic Hurts post:Jason you do know quitter was a shitty diss right? :rolleyes:

Im not Jason.

All in all, its clear that you are considering everybody as a pacdickryder, if somebody got to agree with pac, or dislike somebody that pac also disliked, that means pac was every time and everywhere false when hatin on others or having a statement. You keep telling things like "open your eyes, you are a pacdickryder", "youre blind", but I got my eyes wide open and im not blind, you should ask yourself if you are clear minded.

PS. Argue in a human way.

Yo yo my bad for callin you jason my eyes fuckin up man :D Lemme change it seriously man that was dumb haha

But yo the every thread is fucked up the new posts are on top n shit im not used to that
OK first off: next time you wanna diss me do it right! Same counts 4 me haha..

Second dont put my name in front of shit i didn't write if you choose to call me an idiot thats cool with me but make sure you make intelligent comments yourself :rolleyes: which is exactly what you don't do.

I don't call every pac fan on this board a pacdickryder that would be stupid if I did but you made comments that gave me the feeling you havent grown out of pac's shit yet your time will come!

Can you prove Puffy set up pac ( ?) if you can I suggest you write a book about it! Oh and get me some sources to prove your point man.

You saying Puffy set up Pac makes me think you are on Pac's dick all da way!

BUT! ''If pac had problems with puff and somebody hates puffy too, than it has to be pacdickryding?'' I understand what you are saying. I just don't think you are one of those people who hate Puffy for different reasons some of your comments have made that feeling even stronger plus you're German hehe.

There are way too many pacgroupies who act and talk like you who make dumbass comments that is why I almost automatically say you are hating on Puffy because he had problems with Pac. Well Im sorry I guess I was wrong this time. 9 out of 10 members who make comments like you are pacdickryders wether you like it or not its the truth.
[qoute]I hate Eminem and I dont listen to pop crap, except for all eyez on me.[/quote]

HAHA LMAO ok ok so define pop crap please.

You seem to know awfully alot about Puffy what magazine did you get that from? It does not matter what magazine you got it from as long as you give it back to your 12 year old sister aight?!

You just cant argue and then you are doin like its ridcilous, but its not.
Don't feel too proud I am saying for a Puffy hater you know alot about him and I dissed you for that.Its kinda basic tho.
ImmortalTech said:
yea Puffy made it cool to be an Uncle Tom nigger

"Vote Or Die"<----- nuff said
Fuckin' A.

*round of applause* for Immortal.

Tech, you are so fucking right and you are so dead on that I'm adding your quote to my sig. :thumb:
Zero Cool said:
Right this needs sorting out. Lads you both need to squash this childish shit now. Every forum either of you enter together is simultaneously being turned into beef central. Hurts we've squashed our disagreements now it's time for Jason and yourself to do the same. This cannot go on. Let's just agree to respect each other's viewpoints and quit the beef. It's the best option for all :thumb:
Actually, there is no problem Cool other than Hurts. He has done this constant flaming of the boards since I've seen him pop up. He enters threads and talks shit to people saying crap that has nothing to do with anything.

I have completely stopped responding to him and did so like 2 weeks ago. I ignore him now, it's just him flaming on and on. Notice how he mentions me in every fucking post. I just ignore it.

He was banned once but got back in .
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