Cassidy Wanted For Murder

man all i hear iz hypocrisy cominn from you all. u guys talk shit bout 50 cause he talks all this tough talk and hides behind hiz army of body guards.......yet u say how dumb cas iz cause he supposedly shot some one up...make up your minds do u want your rappers to be real or not??? fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!! :D
sergio castro said:
man all i hear iz hypocrisy cominn from you all. u guys talk shit bout 50 cause he talks all this tough talk and hides behind hiz army of body guards.......yet u say how dumb cas iz cause he supposedly shot some one up...make up your minds do u want your rappers to be real or not??? fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!! :D

rapping bout killin and not actually killing and making money of it = smart

actually killin and then facing jail when your a rich rapper = dumb
Silleone said:
rapping bout killin and not actually killing and making money of it = smart

actually killin and then facing jail when your a rich rapper = dumb
well then fuckers shouldent be talking shit bout 50 being fake right...(btw im not a 50 fan, dont own any of hiz albums) just a lot of hypocrysy iz all im sayin..
Can't believe this shit yall already talkin gossip don't even know the mans reason maybe they killed one of his best friend, raped one of his family members or something, you don't go out like that if the man didn't do something serious but if he did do this to prove he hard well yall know that answer but we can't say shit until he speak up


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sergio castro said:
man all i hear iz hypocrisy cominn from you all. u guys talk shit bout 50 cause he talks all this tough talk and hides behind hiz army of body guards.......yet u say how dumb cas iz cause he supposedly shot some one up...make up your minds do u want your rappers to be real or not??? fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Never liked Cass, so I could care less. Secondly, being somewhat succesful then going to your hood and blowing someone away with your heater is not smart. You started rapping to get out of that kind of life, to move on and lose the poverty. Cassidy did that, but decided to be a fool and go back to what he was, supposedly.

if he did do it, though.
FlipMo said:
Never liked Cass, so I could care less. Secondly, being somewhat succesful then going to your hood and blowing someone away with your heater is not smart. You started rapping to get out of that kind of life, to move on and lose the poverty. Cassidy did that, but decided to be a fool and go back to what he was, supposedly.

if he did do it, though.
i agree :thumb:
sergio castro said:
man all i hear iz hypocrisy cominn from you all. u guys talk shit bout 50 cause he talks all this tough talk and hides behind hiz army of body guards.......yet u say how dumb cas iz cause he supposedly shot some one up...make up your minds do u want your rappers to be real or not??? fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I agree with you 10000000%....and I was about to post the same thing.

I'm not at all a fan of the point where I won't even download his album because I really don't like his flow. But that's beside the point....there is nothing you can say that will defend Cassidy's actions. IF THIS IS TRUE, he fucked up his career, several peoples lifes, as well as his. I hope for his sake that this isn't true and I hope that all of you hold off to make your judgement before you start hating on a man. The second he confesses though, then fuck him....he deserves whatever he gets.
shit, there were 2 guys with him, who even knows who fired the shot that killed dude...this could be a snoop thing where he goes on trial for a murder he didn't even commit
Hostile Apostle said:
I agree with you 10000000%....and I was about to post the same thing.

I'm not at all a fan of the point where I won't even download his album because I really don't like his flow. But that's beside the point....there is nothing you can say that will defend Cassidy's actions. IF THIS IS TRUE, he fucked up his career, several peoples lifes, as well as his. I hope for his sake that this isn't true and I hope that all of you hold off to make your judgement before you start hating on a man. The second he confesses though, then fuck him....he deserves whatever he gets.
So if someone kills your lifelong friend or rapes your mom or sister and the police is not around to help, you say fuck him?
PuffnScruff said:
he was has some alright skillz. i bet his record sales go up big time after this news gets out. dude is dumb in my opinion. if your young and one of 3 hot rappers your age selling major units why the fuck would you put yourself in those types of situations? i would be chillin, laid back, drunk & high everday, throwing parties with friends, traveling, and investing my money. what the fuck did he have too prove? most people dont believe half the shit rappers talk about anyways.

now that i see his album comes out this month, i bet this sells a million units it's first week.

his first album isnt even platinum yet, after more than a year on the shelves

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