The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
That's one of the criticism Phil has gotten in his achievements as a coach: he had good players with him + 1 great player, his job is easy. Whatever makes the critics happy I guess. If the Bulls contacted him, are they allowed to do that when a coach is active and under contract?

Just got off the phone with David Stern, Magic will win game 5 :D


Well-Known Member
Mike Brown had a "great" player with him these past couple seasons and he got fired, even though everyone knows its a cop out and an excuse for bronbron to not look so bad.


Well-Known Member

LOL when I saw that I said "thats gonna be a gif" haha.. So strange

Mike Brown had a "great" player with him these past couple seasons and he got fired, even though everyone knows its a cop out and an excuse for bronbron to not look so bad.
Yeah thats the thing, yeah you got great players but then you have the ego's. I'd say Phil has been lucky to coach the players he has but I don't think it means anybody could do it.
^lol he look like a turtle or something

phils a great coach. the players listen to him. phile may be the only coach that can be handed great players with egos and win.

mike brown is a one dimensional coach.


Well-Known Member
That was a frustrating game to watch.. As a Lakers fan. lol I hope their defence comes back. Kobe was going crazy with the 3's.. Also I think they need to get it into Gasol/Bynum more.. C'mon game 5!


Well-Known Member
That Glen Davis gif is disturbing.

Firing Mike Brown was a weird decision, he had an awesome regular season. The Cavs really were favorites to win the title from the level they were playing at. Orlando beat the Cavs, now they are getting rocked by the Celtics. Celtics were not playing anywhere as good as the Cavs were during the regular season, yet they have gone further. I wonder what the Cavs exit meeting came up with. Lebron had the right pieces around him, the Cavs just didn't show up. Firing the coach is just how the game is I guess.

Suns did what they need to do at home and effectively. Getting all cliche with the tie, Lakers have to win the next game. Bryant has been putting up impressive numbers. Weird that LA is back to that cycle of him putting up numbers and still losing. The bench has turned out be the key, not the starters.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's weird they had the best record so really he did his job there. Just the playoff's didn't happen right. I think its a bit harsh and I think they did it because there was pressure to do something, change something so King Douche might stay.


Well-Known Member
Mike Brown only got fired to save face for bronbron, pretty simple idea to grasp. They need to blame someone and you can't have your star player taking the blame especially when you're trying to get him to stay on your team. I think who they get as a new head coach will be the most important factor in deciding where James goes. I'm hearing talks of them trying to get Coach K, would be interesting but who knows who is going to coach there. Off season is going to be exciting for sure
^yea he hasnt been on in a few days. im guessing summer school or vacation lol.

mike browns not the good of a coach. you really get to see what your coach can do the in the playoffs. exposes match ups and shit. mike brown just preaches defense and he sucks at making adjustments.


Well-Known Member
Mike Brown got fired because that's what happens to teams when they hit a wall. No more, no less.

Anyone think the Magic have a shot? One Boston team (the Bruins) already choked a 3-0 lead this year. SVG's smartened up a little by easing his mouth off Vince Carter's sack. If Big Baby and Perkins (doubtful... and I totally think he deserved to get ejected off karma alone, Perkins bitches after a whistle more than anyone) are both out Game 6...

Thank God the playoffs are interesting again.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the calls in the Celtics/Orlando game, you can't beat a team when they are playing at that level. Just pack it up and move on to the next game. Still, the performance doesn't mean anything if the Magic don't win the series.

I think something needs to be done about players getting knocked out. When Melo was on the floor earlier this season, no one called a timeout as he lay there. Glen Davis was literally like Mike Tyson knocked him out and no one calls a time out. Doc Rivers was just looking at him (at least that's what I saw, correct me if I'm wrong). Shots to the head are sensitive, the game needs to stop straight away. They take the ball out of bounds in football (or soccer in your part of the world) matches, or the ref stops the game immediately. Why not do the same in basketball? I've not seen these knockouts happen much in the NBA but I think now its time for real concern.

Doc Rivers said Glen Davis is always delirious anyways :D


Well-Known Member
I hope they do, I missed the game :(

I hope it goes to 7, but I'm torn as to who I want to win. Magic I think will be easier to beat, but Celtics might be more interesting.... hmmm...


Will suck off black men for a dime
the fuck is goin on with boston

who else thinks a suns/celtics series is posible

bsack on the phil jackson reports i think espn and sport illustrated and all these guys need to cut out the breaking news blog rumor report shit


Well-Known Member
No way in hell a Suns Orlando series will go down, maybe a Lakers Orlando but definitely not the Suns. That's foolish talk even before tonights game.

Hell fucking yeah. Way to crash the board Artest, good boxing out J Rich ha

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