The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

rubio will do good in a up tempo team like the knicks or warriors.

only problem i see him havin is defensive and long range shootin, which all can be worked on

he wont phased from other nba players, dudes been a pro since 14 or 15 i think and he held his own against team usa


New York's Ambassador
Rubio is what, 18? The scouts seem to think he's a pretty sure thing, and for them to think that when he's this young must count for something. I've heard comparisons to Pistol Pete. I don't know either, but I'm guessing he'll be a little better than Chris Duhon.
Rubio's gonna be sick.

Yao will be out all next season after foot surgery.

Miami Heat president Pat Riley told the team's season-ticket holders that he'd like to sign Lamar Odom(notes) this summer, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported.

Riley, however, also said he hopes to preserve much of team's salary-cap space for 2010, so the Heat can try to add another prime free agent to play with Dwyane Wade(notes).

The Heat would like to sign Wade to an extension this summer, but the All-Star guard wants to see the team's roster upgraded before he commits to the franchise for the long term.

Source: South Florida Sun Sentinel
Noooooo. Shoulda just taken the Lakers contract. The east is too competitive and the heat are out of it unless they re-sign wade, get boozer, and odom. Even then they still wont be a contender. Just win another ring with the Lakers.


New York's Ambassador
What D-Wade needs to do is win 15 games again this year with Miami, then play his games at 33rd and 7th in Manhattan for the rest of his career. :)


Well-Known Member
* ai makes teams better and is more of a team player than kobe
* the pistons as currently constructed will win < 30 games

The east is no longer "weak" except after the 4th seed. So, i take that back, they're still weak.
the west isn't that great after #4 either. the difference is the east has gotten better over the off-season while the west has gotten worse.
Only teams that made big moves are Orlando & Boston. Shaq in Cleveland wasn't that GREAT of a move imo. All other teams are out of the picture, besides maybe Detroit, but they have a new coach and we don't know how they'll play with the new coach and players.

How did the West get worse? Most of the teams in the West didn't make big moves. Only teams that made moves are the Lakers and San Antonio, 'cause they're the only two contenders in the West. Had Yao been healthy, Houston would be a contender too. Every other team either stayed the same, or aren't worth talking about.


Well-Known Member
* ai makes teams better and is more of a team player than kobe
BWHAHAHA :laugh:

Memphis, Clippers, Miami are the only ones interested in him. those 3 teams will not get any better.

better than KOBE??? wheres Allen's rings at?? compared to Kobe.

i want a hit of what your smoking bro. its sounds like some good shit.


Well-Known Member
Only teams that made big moves are Orlando & Boston. Shaq in Cleveland wasn't that GREAT of a move imo. All other teams are out of the picture, besides maybe Detroit, but they have a new coach and we don't know how they'll play with the new coach and players.
Cleveland, Boston, Orlando, Toronto, and Washington upgraded their rosters.

Chicago's going to be better, and the Bobcats will, too.
Miami as a team will be better than they were last year, even if they don't land Odom.
If the Knicks reup the white wonder, they'll be better next year.
Indiana and Milwaukee drafted well.

Philly, Atlanta, NJ and Detroit are for sure going to be worse.

How did the West get worse? Most of the teams in the West didn't make big moves. Only teams that made moves are the Lakers and San Antonio, 'cause they're the only two contenders in the West. Had Yao been healthy, Houston would be a contender too. Every other team either stayed the same, or aren't worth talking about.
san antonio, denver, okc and sota are the only teams that will be better in any meaningful way. dallas will be worse, new orleans is on the verge of something truly painful, phoenix is dead, golden state is lord of the flies, and houston will be a lovable sack of mediocrity.


Well-Known Member
Memphis, Clippers, Miami are the only ones interested in him. those 3 teams will not get any better.
whether or not they sign ai, memphis and la will post better records than they did last year.

better than KOBE??? wheres Allen's rings at?? compared to Kobe.
learn to read. i said he was more of a team player than kobe (though, imo...).

(as for the rings, swap their teammates and tell me what would happen. fuck outta here.)

* look up their career assist percentages, minutes played, steals
* AI took a team to the finals when he was the lone star
* kobe couldn't take a team out of the first round when he was the only top dog
* when AI had enough, he had himself traded
* when Kobe had enough, he made his team get rid of a hall of famer. the second time he had enough, he publicly demanded they get rid of their hot young prospect.

these are actual factuals.
whether or not they sign ai, memphis and la will post better records than they did last year.

learn to read. i said he was more of a team player than kobe (though, imo...).

(as for the rings, swap their teammates and tell me what would happen. fuck outta here.)

* look up their career assist percentages, minutes played, steals
* AI took a team to the finals when he was the lone star
* kobe couldn't take a team out of the first round when he was the only top dog
* when AI had enough, he had himself traded
* when Kobe had enough, he made his team get rid of a hall of famer, the second time he had enough, he publicly demanded they get rid of their hot young prospect.

these are actual factuals.
AI played his ass off on the Sixers, i'll give you that, but he was on the Eastern conference which at the time was weaker than shit. Put Kobe in the Eastern Conference at the time and Kobe could have done the same with his team.

When Sixer's owner knew AI wasn't a franchise player, he traded AI.

Kobe never had enough. He always said he would be a Laker for life. Jerry Buss was the REAL reason Shaq left the Lakers. He said he would much rather invest in a young rising star in Kobe, rather than an old Shaq who had 2-3 more good years in him. Kobe had nothing to do with Shaq leaving. It was all the owner's responsibility. He said it himself.

Lets look at it this way. Kobe has been talked about as being the "next Michael Jordan" for so long, and after 4 championships, he's damn well in those talks. I don't think anyone ever talked about AI being a Michael Jordan-like player. Kobe has evolved his game into what we have seen these last 3 years. He's a team player. His assists went up, his shots went down, he trusts his teammates, otherwise they wouldn't have won a championship.

Trust that if AI was on the Lakers Squad being coached by the best coach in NBA history, Phil Jackson, Phil would have got into his head and made him a team player just like he got into Kobe's head. Phil would have made AI run a damn play the right way. He would have said something similar to what he said about Kobe at one point "The guy is uncoachable." I bet George Karl was dying to say that to the media, but never did 'cause he didn't want to start some drama with AI.

Lamar Odom(notes) called Los Angeles Lakers owner Jerry Buss in a effort to restart negotiations with the team, KCAL-TV's Jim Hill reported.

Buss reportedly had withdrawn the Lakers' offers to Odom after Odom's agent, Jim Schwartz, didn't respond quickly enough and began negotiating with the Miami Heat and Dallas Mavericks.

KCAL-TV reported that Odom was attempting to rebuild any bridges burned by Schwartz.

Source: Los Angeles Times
Muahahaha, he don't wanna go anywhere else but LA :)


Well-Known Member
Kobe never had enough. He always said he would be a Laker for life. Jerry Buss was the REAL reason Shaq left the Lakers. He said he would much rather invest in a young rising star in Kobe, rather than an old Shaq who had 2-3 more good years in him. Kobe had nothing to do with Shaq leaving. It was all the owner's responsibility. He said it himself.
You're buying that revisionist history?

You're also pretending that Kobe wasn't on the radio crying for a trade and telling ppl the Lakers should trade Bynum for Jason Kidd or whatever?

When Sixer's owner knew AI wasn't a franchise player, he traded AI.
AI demanded a trade. If the Sixers didn't think AI was a franchise player, they wouldn't have kept him for a decade.

Kobe has been talked about as being the "next Michael Jordan" for so long, and after 4 championships, he's damn well in those talks. I don't think anyone ever talked about AI being a Michael Jordan-like player.
No fucking shit. Kobe fans are delusional and AI fans, while also delusional, recognize that their hero is a one of a kind player who doesn't fit the mold of yesteryear.

The Kobe and MJ comparisons also make sense because they're both sociopathic shooting guards who play under Phil Jackson.

Trust that if AI was on the Lakers Squad being coached by the best coach in NBA history, Phil Jackson, Phil would have got into his head and made him a team player just like he got into Kobe's head. Phil would have made AI run a damn play the right way. He would have said something similar to what he said about Kobe at one point "The guy is uncoachable." I bet George Karl was dying to say that to the media, but never did 'cause he didn't want to start some drama with AI.
I don't get what you're trying to say here. Phil Jackson is a good coach and he would've learned how to coach a great player like he has others? No shit.

But that didn't happen, and AI was still more involved with his teammates than Kobe!

ps -

Everyone knows George Karl is a shitty coach and he WAS taking passive-aggressive shots at AI as soon as the trade was made.
You're buying that revisionist history?

You're also pretending that Kobe wasn't on the radio crying for a trade and telling ppl the Lakers should trade Bynum for Jason Kidd or whatever?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't that AFTER Shaq was long gone? I'm not pretending anything. The fact that Kobe was "crying" for a trade happened after Shaq was gone. Kobe said he was a Laker for life when he re-signed with the Lakers, not when he demanded a trade. So obviously his "laker for life" motto was gone when he was demanding a trade.

AI demanded a trade. If the Sixers didn't think AI was a franchise player, they wouldn't have kept him for a decade.
lol, the same thing happened with Gary Payton and Seattle. When GP got traded, I remember him saying that the Seattle owner obviously didn't think he was a franchise player, and so he traded him. We all know GP was a franchise player in Seattle, and yet, he got traded just like AI did. Why? 'Cause the Seattle organization didn't think GP was a franchise player. Same goes for AI in Philly.

The Kobe and MJ comparisons also make sense because they're both sociopathic shooting guards who play under Phil Jackson.
lol, you forgot to mention that they both have a killer instinct that compares to no other NBA player. They both leave it all on the floor. They can both come through in the cluth. They can both be relied upon to take the last shot of a game. etc. etc. etc. etc.

The shooting guard comparison is not just the only similarity they share. There's dozens, including how they made their teammates better.

But that didn't happen, and AI was still more involved with his teammates than Kobe!

ps -

Everyone knows George Karl is a shitty coach and he WAS taking passive-aggressive shots at AI as soon as the trade was made.
AI was more involved with his teammates? Yet, he single-handedly took the Sixers to the finals, all by himself? I don't think he involved his teammates very much if he single-handedly took his team to the finals.

What coach hasn't taken shots at AI? Even the great Larry Brown took shots at AI when he was in Philly. They have good reasons to take shots at him, 'cause he just doesn't know how to run an NBA play. He goes dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble... turnover. That's why EVERYONE, not just George Karl, said the trade for Chauncey was a steal. Detroit got shit, and Denver got an elite, team player.
dont get fooled by AI assist numbers. youre bound to get assists if youre being double teamed. both kobe and ai have been/are selfish because of their deep desire to win(lack of trust in othres ). kobe is a better play maker than iverson. kobe can get his teammates involved, weve seen that in games in the past when kobe only takes like 4 shots in a half.


Well-Known Member
* AI has a career assist percentage of 28.95% (i.e., when he was on the floor, he assisted in 28.95% of his teammates' field goals).
* Big Shot Chauncey Billups also has a career assist percentage of 28.95%.
* Kobe Bryant has a career assist percentage of 23.3%

Over their careers, who would you say has had the better teammates?

the amazing story of the denver nuggets:
* they traded allen iverson for chauncey billups
* nene back came back and had a career year
* they gave birdman a chance and he also had a career year

* they won an entire FOUR more games than the year before, in a weaker west
* in the playoffs, as in the previous two years prior, they were eliminated by the conference champs (and, besides 07-08, finals champs)
* george karl's inability to draw up an appropriate inbounds play was displayed for all the world to see

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