The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

yak i know. WTF PHIL. every fucking time kobe scores a lot he put him on the bench..... little bitch. I remeber that one game vs dalla. Kobe had 63 in the 3rd and phil... that puss bench him.
OOO shit kobe have 50 good shit
i got msg, he gettin 60+ LOL

yak u lil bit late --page 140 --i already said kobe will be getting 60. I told u --- I KNOW ALLL

oo and fuck ur ESSAY. This was the best game n shit and u doing essays lol Im a get cod5 just because kobe scored 60

tat boi tmac HAHAHAHAH
notice his reaction after the dunk aahahaha for a sec I tought he going to fight so I got up n shit and start looking for my cheap ass VCR recorder ahahahahahahaha


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I have the most trouble understanding your posts arthur...

the reason is-Im not really trying to type proper english here so here some more u kno wat im saying them puss fools be hattin mayneeeeeeeeeeeee.
oo and im also having a big trouble understanding your posts ooo wait
u dont even post here
puss shit

u type of puss who think that all cops are basterds but when some Happened to u WHO U GONNA CALL? CALL criminal COPSTERS puss shit.
Fruit looking MOTOF.. this thread has 139 pages and ur first comment is about my spelling? mannnnn I wonder what would Riley Freeman from boondocks would have said? hmmm something like "them denmark nikkas r gay"
what the fuck are you talking about you fucking idiot, i've been posting in this thread before you started posting idiotic ass coments about the Rockets being the greatest team ever and T-Mac killing the NBA then changing your mind 10 minutes later after he choked for the 1235449th time in his career.

I know a lot about basketball, played it for 8-9 years, have been following the NBA and the Euroleague for 14 years. I read a lot of stuff you guys post, it's just that most of the time it makes no sense and there's nothing really to answer... You press Enter like it will save your life.

What the fuck are you talking about with your cops... You are fucked in your head.
Shut the fuck up mind you?

Also, I was on a semester long exchange in Denmark, I'm back home now. Thanks for reminding me that I didn't notice.

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