This is my thread


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Twitter/X might be banned in Brazil soon.

I feel like I'm one of the last few people that still likes Twitter. I lamented Elon taking it over a year or two ago, worrying it was going to go down the shitter. It's still hanging in there but it's definitely spinning like a turd.
Twitter/X might be banned in Brazil soon.

I feel like I'm one of the last few people that still likes Twitter. I lamented Elon taking it over a year or two ago, worrying it was going to go down the shitter. It's still hanging in there but it's definitely spinning like a turd.
Everyone wants Starlink but wtf is it? Can I eat it?
Why Trump regime insists on using music by "people who hate America"?
Where's Kid Rock and Ted Nugent?
We got a first "internet-savy" administration in the white house about 16 years ago and look at how much progress we've gained.
This digitizing of humanity think sure has lots of kinks so far.
What the hell did Adidas do with the design of the Ultraboosts? I remember the first two versions were iconic. They were the ones Kanye had on when they were unveiled. Or maybe even before they were unveiled? And the the 2019s made them look like shoes retards wear. And every iteration after that looked like something geriatrics wear. Ruined the OG design so bad.

It's pretty hard to find shoes that I think look good these days. I was never a true sneakerhead that liked the looks of Jordans in 9 billion different colorways. Nike in general has kind of fallen off for me. I do like the looks of the Vapor Maxs, though
I don't know much about shoes but black dudes check out my New Balance often so I know I've made it!!
It's amazing how Nike is still an obsession amongst the young people. As far as Kanye's stuff goes, they look like old faded Crocs run over by an asphalt compactor.

A I U E O, Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko. Wa Nn

Don't clap out of pride.

A new kinda nigga. A tangerlina nigga. He's funny. (I'm not, I know)
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The spread

Mossad orchestrated islamophobia psyop - 1:0.05
Kamala wins - 1:0.7
Trigger happy mkultra migrant in US - 1:0.8
Stabby migrant in EU - 1:0.9
Boeing crash - 1:3
Power plant explosion in historic Russia - 1:5
Major volcanic eruption in Iceland or Pacific - 1:10
Another assassination attempt - 1:20
Nukes used in Ukraine - 1:50
M10 Nankai earthquake - 1:1000


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Xfinity gave users a free year of Perplexity AI services. I started using it for random things and now I'm kind of addicted. I just ask it random, day to day stuff to see where the best prices are or best ways to do stuff, like dicing onions for a recipe lol

The suggestion of Funk to look up recipes using ChatGPT rings in my head now, so I'll see what this suggests. Prior, I was using CoPilot from Bing and it was OK but I was also new to it all. I think this "Pro" service from Perplexity uses more advanced services, but I don't know for sure. It just works well for me.
Thanks for this. Master.

Then I read this in the comments,
"He sliced that garlic thinner than Paulie did with the razor blade in Goodfellas"

Exactly what I wanted to post!

Thanks A.I. !

These guys are cute! I agree, lobster is an abomination! A freaking water cockroach! lol I prefer water spiders known as crab with my rice! :p
Not that it matters but the immigrant problem in Springfield, OH is being whitewashed thanks to the republican dumbasses. Are they in on it? Here is an idea! Let's start a lucrative sugar cane business in the caribu islands. It doesn't take a rocket science to figure out what happens when you fill 15,000 refugees into a town of 50,000. I think it should be a requirement for city leaders to play hours and hours of Sim City or Cities XL. Do they not have A.I. to figure this shit out for crying out loud? I, for one, am prepared to catch geese and eat it when the shelves are empty. I guess people who are complaining in Springfield OH think groceries are a god given right and government is going to make sure they get the food they need! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL



Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I am still not sure if Harris did well or Trump just imploded the other night.

The polls should not be as close as they are right now, which is near 50/50. If that didn't move the needle any, I don't think anything will.


Well-Known Member
I am still not sure if Harris did well or Trump just imploded the other night.

The polls should not be as close as they are right now, which is near 50/50. If that didn't move the needle any, I don't think anything will.
I don't know what poll you saw but according to a Reuters poll today, she has the lead with 47%-42%.

Of course she did well. I've never seen a candidate do better at one of these, and Trump did...what he always does, lies and rambles on about nonsense. "They're eating your dogs and cats." She put the bait out there and he fell for it every time. It was like Road Runner drawing a tunnel on the side of a mountain and then changing the sign. Trump ran straight for it every time. Not that it matters to those who are either in the cult (37%) or to those who all they know is they were doing better financially under Trump, or those who just hate Democrat Marxist trans woke feminist critical race theorists, etc. I don't like some of those too. But my disagreements with her or her shortcomings will be much less damaging to the country than Trump's consistent contempt for constitutional norms. He's the greater threat to America than the progressive mush that Harris might bring.

Then Taylor :cool: publicly supporting her means at least 10 million+ typically non-voting young people will probably be voting (Harris) who otherwise might not have.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I don't know what poll you saw but according to a Reuters poll today, she has the lead with 47%-42%.

Of course she did well. I've never seen a candidate do better at one of these, and Trump did...what he always does, lies and rambles on about nonsense. "They're eating your dogs and cats." She put the bait out there and he fell for it every time. It was like Road Runner drawing a tunnel on the side of a mountain and then changing the sign. Trump ran straight for it every time. Not that it matters to those who are either in the cult (37%) or to those who all they know is they were doing better financially under Trump, or those who just hate Democrat Marxist trans woke feminist critical race theorists, etc. I don't like some of those too. But my disagreements with her or her shortcomings will be much less damaging to the country than Trump's consistent contempt for constitutional norms. He's the greater threat to America than the progressive mush that Harris might bring.

Then Taylor :cool: publicly supporting her means at least 10 million+ typically non-voting young people will probably be voting (Harris) who otherwise might not have.
I was getting at it being a lot closer than one would think after the last debate. Within 4-5%.

I'm sure there are other polls out there but this was the site that always stuck out to me since 2016. I'm not statistician so I literally look at the numbers and that's it. No analysis going on in my head lol

But seeing Harris get a net gain of about 4-5% and how hard that was and how I felt she should have gained more support than that, I guess 4-5% is a lot. For her.

The cats and dogs story arc is just weird. I genuinely think it was put out there to pull at the heart strings of white people, especially white women, who seem to value dogs more than their husbands and children, it seems.

It was also a racist dog whistle, one old as time, based around "those people eat *insert animal here*, which we would never do." Like the thing about Chinese eating bats and Koreans eating dog meat. Not even sure if the latter is true or not, but it's all along the same line of thought.

We're less than two months away from election night. I'm not sure what the Republicans have cooking for a last ditch effort. Trump has to feel so salty and blue-balled after his ear-tampon moment and thinking he had it in the bag and then the Dems just switch candidates like a relief pitcher or a Pokemon and the battle continues.
The cats and dogs story arc is just weird. I genuinely think it was put out there to pull at the heart strings of white people, especially white women, who seem to value dogs more than their husbands and children, it seems.
The whole "Childless cat ladies" thing with Vance and cat loving Swifties mobilizing for combat? Are these politicians really that stupid? Or is it just a big giant joke?

Really though, where is the demented guy? I heard pets in Gaza are long gone. :(:mad:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Of course she did well. I've never seen a candidate do better at one of these, and Trump did...what he always does, lies and rambles on about nonsense. "They're eating your dogs and cats." She put the bait out there and he fell for it every time. It was like Road Runner drawing a tunnel on the side of a mountain and then changing the sign. Trump ran straight for it every time. Not that it matters to those who are either in the cult (37%) or to those who all they know is they were doing better financially under Trump, or those who just hate Democrat Marxist trans woke feminist critical race theorists, etc. I don't like some of those too. But my disagreements with her or her shortcomings will be much less damaging to the country than Trump's consistent contempt for constitutional norms. He's the greater threat to America than the progressive mush that Harris might bring.

Then Taylor :cool: publicly supporting her means at least 10 million+ typically non-voting young people will probably be voting (Harris) who otherwise might not have.
Never seen a candidate do better at a debate? Are you high? There was no substance to anything that she said. All she did was play the good vs. bad card the entire time. She dodged questions, including the very first one when they asked her if Americans were better 4 years ago than they are now. She lied herself several times. She took things that Trump said out of context in the past and spun them to fit her narrative like they always do (ex. the bloodbath comment). It's sad that they actually make people believe that Trump is this huge threat to everyone. Was he a huge threat when he was a democrat? I'm not the biggest Trump fan by any means, but he will 100% do a better job with the economy, the border, inflation, etc. You know, things that everyday people actually care about. But y'all just care that she's running on good vibes and tHrEaT tO dEmoCrAcy!1

Celebrities encouraging people to vote is great. People voting for a candidate because their favorite celebrity did is fucking stupid.
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If America is a corporation, presidents are spokespersons, CEOs. Some people just want the glossed over versions of the bankrupt company.

When asked about Microsoft's monopoly by Mac developers.

"Federal government is a monopoly" - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs on the Government K-12 Governance Monopoly

Joe Kent:

But Jobs blamed teachers unions for getting in the way of good teachers getting better pay. “It’s not a meritocracy,” said Jobs. “It turns into a bureaucracy, which is exactly what’s happened. And teachers can’t teach, and administrators run the place, and nobody can be fired. It’s terrible.”​
He noted that one solution is school choice: “I’ve been a very strong believer that what we need to do in education is go to the full voucher system.” Jobs explained that education in America had been taken over by a government monopoly, which was providing a poor quality education for children.​
He referenced the government-created phone monopoly, broken up in 1982: “I remember seeing a bumper sticker with the Bell logo on it and it said, ‘We don’t care, we don’t have to.’ That’s certainly what the public school system is. They don’t have to care.”​
It was also a racist dog whistle
The media is all over it so... yeah... it smells bad. The media has already discovered the "deeply rooted Nazi ideology" in the pet eating conspiracy theories. lol You gotta see through it - they've been doing this for a decade.

I heard about the crazy bitch in Canton OH eating a cat but I don't think she's an immigrant. I also heard about people carrying geese in Springfield and those rumors are by-products of a real immigration problem but by the time the debate had ended the whole thing was a giant meme.

Americans are being displaced. I'm not voting, that would make me a fool and I got nowhere to run to (that I want). :(

There was no substance to anything that she said.
There's hardly ever any substance to anything any candidate says at these debates. That's not the point of them. The point is for candidates to display their charisma, their confidence, and their ability to convince voters that they're the type of leader the country needs. It's not what the candidates say as how they say it. And her performance was first rate. Yes, good vs. bad card is effective for many. That's all I'm saying. She won it, hands down. And the same lying, crazy Trump won it last time against Biden because of Biden's performance, not because of issues. Trump will always be one of the worst candidate to vote for IMO, but he might still win debates. I don't pick candidates based on debates (just on who Taylor tells me to:oops:), but a lot of people sure do and that's why they're important.

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