This is my thread

So he was British?
He is yes. But due to the fake news people thought he was a Muslin illegal immigrant (this isn't me justifying what they did btw) which has resulted in all of the riots as the EDL (English Defence League) have used this as an excuse to run riot


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I randomly got an email that the Master of Malt website I mentioned a few weeks ago. They will begin shipping to the states again soon. They have tasting sets. I saw a spooky one with Blood orange gin and pumpkin spice rum. The basic bitch in me is excited.

Ohio also started recreational marijuana sales this week.

My vice is caffeine but happy to have the option of other substances to abuse if the world starts burning


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I randomly got an email that the Master of Malt website I mentioned a few weeks ago. They will begin shipping to the states again soon. They have tasting sets. I saw a spooky one with Blood orange gin and pumpkin spice rum. The basic bitch in me is excited.

Ohio also started recreational marijuana sales this week.

My vice is caffeine but happy to have the option of other substances to abuse if the world starts burning
Master of Malt sounds so good lol. I’m more of a vodka man myself though. Actually starting to make my own.

And yes, massive coffee addiction.
Funny how a 4.4 quake is breaking news in L.A.

That's barely a mild aftershock.


I heard some joos were upset that they weren't invited to a "a-bomb ceremony" in Nagasaki --- what kind of a language is that anyway? Ceremony of bombs? No. It's anti-war ceremony if anything and it's within Nagasaki's damn right to not invite genocidal motherfuckers.


Seems like it's a record rainfall everywhere I look. Don't drive in flood waters, your fancy truck is not immune to damage. Records are meant to be broken.


What good is an insurance if you don't get insured when risks are too high?


My mom had surgery and they had this weird suction machine hooked up to her area of incision. The fucking machine is only good for 14 days and they throw the shit in the trash when done. Big Pharma Welfare. Fuck em.


Just remember, when you get bit by a shark at the beach, you deserve it for trespassing.


I've been watching YouTube videos of ladies in bikinis fishing and honestly my eyes are glued to the fish. Soy sauce and fresh wasabi please. Irasshaimase!


One time I climbed a 800m mountain... more like a hill but it felt like 8000m in the hot humid summer. People who go climb Everest and k2 and that shit, hike next to frozen dead bodies and leave trash behind are fucking idiots and they need vending machines with free adrenaline shots.

They give me shit for staying in my basement and beating my penis to death? Lets be real about this.
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Also, medal count is so 20th century. Nobody give a fuck and anybody who gets close to USA "totals" get accused of cheating. Is it any surprise that there are more talented people out of China with their billions? If anything Japan with its extinction level birthrate and those young Japanese people winning medals speaks on how rich Japan still is. Now they bitching because tiny little Asian skateboarders are at an advantage. Always bitching when white people don't win. Time to change rules!!



Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Do any of you guys do meal prepping for the week? Been looking to do it and I've seen some people do different things (brown rice, beef, greens) but I was trying to stay away from red meat. But at the same time, reheated chicken gets real gamey.

I guess I could prep the meat with marinade and just cook one piece at a time but I'm mainly looking for it to bring in for lunch. Can't really do that.

So anyone do it and got suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Do any of you guys do meal prepping for the week? Been looking to do it and I've seen some people do different things (brown rice, beef, greens) but I was trying to stay away from red meat. But at the same time, reheated chicken gets real gamey.

I guess I could prep the meat with marinade and just cook one piece at a time but I'm mainly looking for it to bring in for lunch. Can't really do that.

So anyone do it and got suggestions?
Every week. ChatGPT and a slow cooker are your friends.

Sorry this isn't the most helpful response, but seriously chatgpt is super helpful for this.
ChatGPT and a slow cooker are your friends.
Never used either. I have enough artificial friends. :D

I suggest liquid. Soup, curry, pasta sauce, get creative. They store well and taste better after the flavor has settled. Easy to reheat. Just need a spoon. Use a gallon ziploc for bulk storage.

Broccoli cheese soup, beef stew, chili, egg drop, tomato basil, Italian wedding soup. Get creative. Make sure you bring a big soup spoon.


have these in your kitchen - according to Bell

salt, sugar, garlic powder, ginger powder, nutmeg, black pepper, white pepper, smoked paprika powder, chili powder, cinnamon, dried oregano, dried basil, cumin, curry powder, canned tomato paste, soy sauce, cooking wine/sake/mirin, flour, starch, virgin olive oil, OIL!, butter, onions, onions, onions, sesame oil, honey, oyster sauce, worcestershire sauce, apple cidaarrr vinegaaarr, canned diced tomatos,,,, I can go on but I won't.


shit I forgot. Have jars of beef, chicken, veggie broth paste. life blood of taste. Doubanjiang, miso, chili oil, jars of baby food pear or apple is a great way to jazz up your sauce if you don't have time to use whole fruit.

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Well-Known Member
Meal prepping. I make extra serving amounts when I cook, so I usually have something leftover from the day before or so. Stews, chilis, grains with beans or veggies, that sort of thing. Indian food is great as leftovers. Mattar Paneer, Aloo Gobi, my favs. Fruits, nuts. Sometimes, just a protein shake for breakfast.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Every week. ChatGPT and a slow cooker are your friends.

Sorry this isn't the most helpful response, but seriously chatgpt is super helpful for this.
I gave it a shot using some random ingredients like rice, meat, and broccoli. Surprisingly gave me some interesting recipes. I'll give it a shot.

Meal prepping. I make extra serving amounts when I cook, so I usually have something leftover from the day before or so. Stews, chilis, grains with beans or veggies, that sort of thing. Indian food is great as leftovers. Mattar Paneer, Aloo Gobi, my favs. Fruits, nuts. Sometimes, just a protein shake for breakfast.
I'm a simp for paneer. If I had to give up meat, paneer dishes would be what I lived off of.

I'll look in to a slow cooker recipe for something with paneer.


Well-Known Member
I gave it a shot using some random ingredients like rice, meat, and broccoli. Surprisingly gave me some interesting recipes. I'll give it a shot.

I'm a simp for paneer. If I had to give up meat, paneer dishes would be what I lived off of.

I'll look in to a slow cooker recipe for something with paneer.
If you search something like, create a detailed meal prep plan for five days where each meal can be made in less than 30 mins and then refine from there it'll be easier.

But yeah, brown rice + a meat + frozen veg is easy and quick.

Wraps are easy

Spag-bol is easy

Slow cooked anything

Dahl's (utilise lentils, chickpeas etc)

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